(((DeepState))) We are under a deepstate attack

Anons take a moment to think about what has happened this week.
3 Significant events that have revolved around pol.

>DARPA and NOFORN classified material was on pol Saturday night and was characterized by the appearance of advanced ShillBot.
>Pol exposes SpermGate on Monday
>Wednesday (((CRUZ))) School Shooting and NSA attack. NSA shit is being swept under the rug, while MSM lies about pol and (((CRUZ))) connection are talked about.

Fireworks are coming boys, you ready. The rest of the week is gonna be interesting. (((DEEPSTATE))) is behind this make no mistake.

/POL is a threat to them, make no mistake.

Other urls found in this thread:



Do you by any chance have a link to that thread from Saturday night?

No doubt the DS is up to this. I’m concerned to see what’s coming next

what the fuck happened saturday that i missed?

>link to saturday events pls


The false flag is already exposed

Heres the link to the original thread from which the shillbots went crazy
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/160050634#bottom




fuck off

I should sage you but instead I'll bump you

i just went threw this. i remember seeing this now. i didnt know what to make of it then and i dont know that i really know any better now actually.

So what happened?

I like how Sup Forums is great at putting this stuff together, but completely misses the endgame. You could be here for the next year and Sup Forums still won't catch a whiff of what's going on, because they're happy with what they have.

Yeah, I don't even know where to start with this crap, my focus is on the direct approach to re-establishing a lawful republic- I'd just really rather keep my job and not go to jail while doing it; being alive by the end would be icing on the cake

>tfw you never memed irl or on social media shit from Sup Forums

keep power level down at all cost

fox news has talked a school shooting all day. and nothing else. hmmm...

anywhere where people can communicate is a threat to them. understand that.

Shepard Smith read off every school shooting that has ever happened, ever, and the associated casualties. This was less than an hour into this jew garbage.

What the fuck was going on in that thread?

Dem Deepstate bios don know de wey, dis be why dey so scared.

daily reminder the corrupt deep state and their supporters are fucking losers and cucks, getting more desperate as it becomes more clear that theyre losing, fucking faggots

His boyfriend promised to cum in his mouth if he could do it off script. He knew his boyfriend would do it anyway.


Here is the killer leaving in a bodybag.


(((Cruz))) is just a patsy there to craft a juicy narrative. It will be fun to see what they come up with.


And no, it's not a dog.

I see nothing about shooting inside of nsa!

Wasn't he JROTC too? Thats the connection right there.

Kill all deep state worldwide than there is Peace.

aw dude, shoulda been here bro

What was that thread even about with all the encryptions and leaping bot or whatever?
And what is spermgate?
And the fuck happened with a NSA attack?
When you stop browsing for 2 weeks and all hell breaks loose

SpermGate is the fact that King Nigger's portrait artist painted a sperm on his head straight from a text book diagram.

He may have been, there's a video of a witness mentioning "Cruz in JROTC"

This, is spermgate

Obama probably just wanted us to stop talking about the cum and dicks all over his shitty fucking portraits honestly


Pffft why is this news? That kinda funny though

im not a shill i put this in 2 threads, but the florida shooter was into the elsa gate type videos, the ones that turn kids into deranged psychos

This happened

It's not news, it's just the "talk of the town"

that wierd rambling ai?

What the fuck is going on here? Can someone please explain that thread as if I were a child? I just don't understand...

Kill all deep state worldwide, all military than we have Peace.


Oh okay.
That's crazy. I don't think the news tries to cover up this shooting, but they're a ratings based business, on top of viewers would thing it's insensitive to change topics so soon, but it's important to mention this NSA shooting as well.


Possible shill bot posted like 5-6 threads regarding this image. I was there in the 1st thread. It was debunked though so it might be some schill thread.

Mossad agents tried escaping the NSA with some shit and they failed.

Redpill me on the NSA attack

>in an escape
>dressed as women

Definitely Photoshop

I feel like jews have only 1 playbook for everything.

the exact same thing happned in 2015
>Ford escape
>poor NSA

Flipped thru stations for about 45 minutes and it was 100% coverage of the Highschool shooting, literally not even a mention on the ticker...

Not even a mention, of the NSA shooting that is.

I won't deny the fact the the Florida mass shooting is going to be 99% of the news, so if you flip through channels, it's likely to miss when they talk about anything else, as they cover what gives better views, however I really wish they'd cover things more evenly.

It should be news for the people, not news for the money.

it is, unfortunately, effective on the hoi polloi

>1 post by this id
Die slide thread shill scum

>...Anonymous (ID: mp3nhtPs)
>02/11/18(Sun)17:52:29 No.160051174
>I feel like these kinds of threads ALWAYS get spammed right before false flags. There's always an uptick in alien threads right before something happens. They make you look at hte sky while they sneak behind you



Now THAT is art.

Thanks for the new phrase fren.


Some nignogs on drugs drove at the NSA building accidentally, so they shot them in their dumb nignog faces. It was all a big nigger misunderstanding, a non-story really. The Florida kid was a giant faggot beaner and murdered people because he's a loser fuck. That's basically the jist of it, although it's not as exciting as the deep state glow in the dark cia niggers n sheit. B-but muh mk ultra debbie wasserman schultz district hitman psyop false flag pepperoni tits ayy lmao.

Because the artist has a line of paintings he calls kill whitey that depict black women decapatating white women. He hides sperm in most of his paintings and drew a black cock on Obama's arm. Black supremacist worship the black cock and out reproducing whitey. Its a nod to white genocide. And its the official fucking presidential portrait. Obama pulled the sheet off the canvas himself.

Guess what else happened that day, goys?


C'mon man you can't throw that out and not enlighten us
Is it getting rid of NSA data? Full cover for Israeli aggression? Throw a small bone


I fucking hate boomers

The shill bots started Friday night when an Australian user made a thread.
The space craft was the next day to throw Sup Forums off target.

The extra forward slash is not important, you fucking twat. I prefer baby boomers to leftypol any day.

Does anybody else remember the several PGP threads that preceded the weird bot thread. Anons from Canada Switzerland and US were talking in PGP encoded messages. Then one broke and something about the white house. Does ANYONE else remember this? Does ANYONE else remember the GOP train derailment attempt 2 weeks ago? Syria? Israel? Iran. How many fucking false flags have we had?

It's almost like clockwork. Every time the Deep State and their (((masters))) get injured or have their plans derailed, shit like this happens within a week or so. Didn't something happen right before Vegas?

They lash out in petty uses of their power because it is all they can do.

I notice what I can, but I'm a rather simple man just trying to earn a living. I have noticed that their attacks seem to be becoming increasingly desperate, though. They're shoddy, poorly planned and executed.

They're trying to take their ball and go home, am I correct? If they can't have Power, no one can.

Do yourself a favor and search plebs for PGP. You'll find some weird shit that happened on Friday before the Saturday deal.

that montauk shit.
this guy went from white face mtn in NY to Sacremento and has no idea how


i tought that was trolling but qhat exactly tried to accomplish with the shill bot? was mostly repeating words in nonsensical mode

Soon as he said Straya was involved in israeli arms manufacturing and the US was storing Uranium too.
Those bots exploded. It wasnt spacecraft it was Pine Gap and Israel.

delet this. now.

Why the fuck is my spooky get going unchecked?

>March 31, 2015
>tranny car crash gunfight at NSA
>school shooting

>February 14, 2018
>tranny car crash gunfight at NSA
>school shooting

They better hurry. They only control 51% of it. Once we have over 50% influence it will accelerate in our favor.

Feeling sleepy bros

nope. Im on ephedra.

the school shooting has nothing directly to do with cruz or deepthroat. it's your standard jew cancer caused by trying to mainstream fuckups instead of allowing the students who want to learn to attend school in peace. want less of this? make public education unions illegal, and fire all the SJW professors and their thoughtkin.

JIDF has been in crisis mode for a month now.
How will Americans love Israel when its proved they shot a missile at Hawaii?

the thumbnail looks froggy


We need to start mass saging "gun control" threads

haven't you seen the news? FBI director wants to remove the eternal chink from our universities. perhaps it could be a chink in the armor of the eternal zio as well.

>using a left hand as a right hand
fuck off

>"SpermGate" is big news
who gives a flying fuck
it's mildly funny at best
I'm more concerned about, you know, Obama's actual fucking crimes than whether some dipshit nog painted a shitty picture of him.


But what about gun control?

Mass shooting can happen anything in America and your friends and family will be affected.

Think about the children.

>DARPA and NOFORN classified material was on pol Saturday night and was characterized by the appearance of advanced ShillBot.
>Pol exposes SpermGate on Monday
>Wednesday (((CRUZ))) School Shooting and NSA attack. NSA shit is being swept under the rug, while MSM lies about pol and (((CRUZ))) connection are talked about.



Come to bed user

Yeah literally nothing was. Someone said that the UI for the picture was from some guy 10 years ago, but I fail to see how a UI designed by some guy who could have easily have had his work implemented by other people for their projects, disprove anything. In addition literally no one was making any claims about the picture other then it's some weird ass shit. It's hard to "debunk" something when no one even knows what it is.

your trying to get people to fap and get sleepy. go die agent of slanesh!

So fake a school shooting and send out spam bots on Sup Forums for shit normies would never care about anyways?


The Friday thread was about Uranium info being dropped, not a Chinese hypersonic Space vehicle.
Oz anaon said he would get hunted for dropping the info.
Thread was killed. The bots attacked that thread first, and the PGE codes appeared then too.
Pine Gap was the real story.
