>20-somethingth school shooting of the year
>long history of mass shootings across America starting with the University of Texas massacre in the 50's
Why are you always like this? I thought Trump wouldn't employ crisis actors like (you say) they did when Obama was in charge. So this should be real, right? What do (((they))) win? Keep in mind that 40% of the school were jews.
I'm fucking done with your bullshit.
20-somethingth school shooting of the year
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dude these people listen to InfoWars. the batshit insane Alex Jones has created an army of sub 50 IQ morons who think their own asshole is some jewish conspiracy
also this:
>Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses
They elect morons who do this, then shootings happen, then they say everything is fake. Do you see how fucking stupid alt righters are? Do you people see how REPUBLICANS ARE DOOMING our country?
tell me more, oh wise one
Nah its not fake, though some are suspicious. The bigger issue is that the youth of america is in school totally incapable of dealing with real world stresses and snap. If it wasnt guns they would bring bombs to school, or use arson, or knives.
The problem is treating every child as a special snowflake while feeding them the ability to be outraged at anything possible...
People are always going to be shit on, with or without reason, we use to teach people to deal with it "man up" or change...or provide a better outlet for their stresses. This doesnt happen because academia wants perma outraged protesters fighting for communism...and people are snapping along the way.
America es un pais vacio y sin morales, este pais poco a poco va decayendo. De quien es la culpa? La CIA? Los judíos? La mentalidad fría y nihilista de los americanos? No lo sé...pero ya no queda nada de aquel sueño americano. Roma va a caer y no hay forma de detener esto.
Oh América...
Mind your own business. You have much bigger problems to deal with.
I see it now my friend, I see it now. I give up... I give up.
Sandy hook was fake as fuck.
Eres tu La creatura...?
Nobody's talking about Sandy Hook here, dog-fucking leaf. We're talking about what happened today. People browsing this board insist it was all a false flag operation. Suddenly all the fucking massacres in the godforsaken country called America are false flags. For fuck's sake, it's a miracle that there isn't a daily massacre there, with all the guns and imbeciles they have.
No, simplemente soy un patriota. Ya no queda nada macaco, ya no queda nada...perdimos la guerra hace décadas. Pronto me mudare a Sudamérica...espero encontrar una kuruminha y ser feliz
When something terrible happens in U.S. rigth wing is like:
>Murder was black? no...
>He was arab? No...
>He was hispanic? No...
Burger start getting nervous...
>He was asian? nOU...
It was a woman? NIET
>Please tell me he is not white! He is...
Burgies starting to get triggered
>He is not that white? is very white
>Must be a slavic or something look at he's name... No, very american
Then burger try to find something else...
>Did he suffer a mental deseace or he was is trouble? Nope, very normal life.
>He was a lefty-homo? Nope no politics involved also no gay
>Regious issues? He didn't give a shit...
MK Ultra! Didn't know stupid faggots? >clockworkorange.jpg
Is a jewish plot!
Is a deep state projet to take our freedom away... Did he really even born? He look fake.
The funny thing is that the fucker involved here is most probably Cubano. Is name is Nick Cruz ffs.
Yep... but the thing is that mass murder mostly what they have in common is:
>they are americans.
Gun ownership has fallen 20% since the 50's. But mass shootings have massively risen in the past few decades.
It's not guns that's the problem. It's something else.
Lol we don't think it's fake you stupid indian, we think it's an acceptable price to pay.
shitskins are not america
Fuck off. You're one of those dumbasses that thinks false flag automatically means no one died and you treat Sup Forums like it's one person. One of the biggest false flags in history, the Gulf of Tonkin USS Liberty incident, involved people dying.
All for an express purpose. A motive.
I'm getting really fucking sick of you faggots trying to throw your weight around when it's your own damn fault for not understanding what false flag is and oversimplifying what it means to you, retardedly.
They are... More than 56% of the country. A few years more they would be only creaturas.
Where else is a guy suppose to get a water filter from in today's world?
Roll for big jew titties