>first he gives a $400b tax cut to the wealthiest 0.1%
>now he introduces a 25c tax hike on gasoline
First he gives a $400b tax cut to the wealthiest 0.1%
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If you are still a trump supporter in 2018 you're a zog porky shill
>now he introduces a 25c tax hike on gasoline
Don't liberals want this?
>CA wine industry biggest tax cuts in history
>-$1 per gallon
>Expires in 2 years
CA Red 2020
lol @ having to rebrand politico as you lost credibility
Reminder that this is what actual MAGApedes look like.
>now he introduces a 25c tax hike on gasoline
how to lose your next election in one easy step
when it doesnt suck trumps dick, just attack the source.
you guys are so fucking predictable.
Yes but liberals are also against $400b in tax cuts to people who will mostly just invest it overseas anyway
Who the fuck ever said that?
drill baby drill another hole in my head
Says the leafnigger that his pm is desesperately trying to bury the peoplekindgate
(((Fox News)))
>criticism of trump is a defense of trudeau
why do you mutts lack reading comprehension?
>lots of debt has been made, Jewnald
>axes meals on wheels; introduces government Lunchables and kills food stamps and brings back government cheese and taxes gas lots
Mutts are raised on Hollywood narratives and reality tv. They only can comprehend dualist nature's to anything. If you're against trump you must be with antifa and trudeuauoau however you spell his name
>wearing MAGA hat
Woah, don't shoot me, bro.
u still don't get it?
we dont care what he does or does not do so long as he gets u to act crazy enough for me to kill you in self defense...come on commies revolution time dudes get yer red terror on so we can put you down now...
mazel tov. throw the jew down the pussy
why do you have sex with bagels? because they already have the required two holes cut into them like the bed sheets thing?
you're thinking of the green loving hippies who tend to be leftist idiots that would never bother learning about such things and just say gotta be green man save space ship earth. Gasoline is still the best way to move a car unless you don't have very far to go. Hybrids are moving up in power though none of them will ever be as good as the first insight, 71 mpg. electric systems engaged 100% of the time. But fuck that shit nigga I want to go fast.
cry more faggot, democrats will lose the 2020 for putting a trans muslim women as his candidate.
your lunchables and killing corn and solar taxes while making a fake natural barriers solar wall and this huge tax. are all commie and leftist. nationalist globalism
the red commie party has already lost something like 36-50 seats since the jew college inserted Dolan. enjoy AMLO
not corn. coal
Why shouldnt people who drive more have to pay more for road construction?
because interstate commerce n sheit. common law is an ungovernable system. are toll booths unconstitutional? it's not that nobody knows. nobody cares
>trans muslim women as his candidate.
Please be true.
Need that tax bc oil prices are dropping. That tax helps boost production as it declines
Hey goys look at this shill. He’s cutting into (((my))) profi- I mean undermining our dear leader. Sick him my dogs
roads and excise taxes are actual powers laid out in the constitution you dumb faggot
It's the truvada fag again.
jew college? i wonder why they pushed so desesperately the popular vote.
Good thing Obama ordered car manufactures to use less gas.
Thanks Obama
fuck blomald glumpf and FUCK whypipo
>TFW Drumpf supporter
>tax cuts to the rich
>higher fuel prices
>wreck healthcare for many
>remove food stamps
It's like they don't even understand the basics of statecraft.
Dont worry he cut the cost of private jet ownership.
what did he mean by this?
is the gas 1 dolla or is wine on dolla
didn't your country riot for like an entire month because gas went up by 2 cents?
oil prices are increasing...idiot.
if this happens republicans will lose all their congressmen in california. gas is already $3.50 after having been $2.70 for the past year and add this...
He's a double crosser, why the fuck would he care unless he gets to stay rich, out of trouble, and can stay with people like him?
He's a salesman not a friend.
Difference is he's more evident about it instead of a politician while practically being a living middle finger. And he only motivates others to be the same.
fuck donald trump, but fuck the democrats too
we need paul nehlen
people cant be this retarded, must be a shill
The past year? yes, but nice to see that the govt is literally shooting itself doing that.