Every time.
(((((Horowitz))))) got a solution!
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are they using Harry Potter names now as a cover up for their real Jewish surnames?
>white people
Yeah, what?
What about gang violence?
Horowitz is unfamiliar with crime statistics
>White people
is there a more recent statistics graph to send him?
because we have guns? or because we are white?
either way how you turn it, it's racist
Fake news
Totally believable but it is fake. Stop posting this shit and sliding more important threads, monkey eating nigger faggot
The name is as Jewish as it gets. en.wikipedia.org
use the fixed version
>why we need to take away Jewish people's pulses now more than ever
Fake article..
But that's no reason to not hate Jews.
He was adopted BTW. Haha nice try tho
I don't have it but someone posted the original with link in the last thread. Dude has a Mexican last name.
Link source because I can't find it
>Horowitz is unfamiliar with crime statistics
oh, he's not unfamiliar at all
That's caused he was adopted as a baby and took their name. Cruz is also not necessarily a Mexican name but could be almost anything really, especially in Florida.
White kid with MAGA hat and an abnormal infatuation with hate and guns, kind of like you autists.
Its always a Jew. For being such a small population they seem to have a voice every fucking where.
Kek. Morgan unironically BTFO
god DAMN
fuck that kike got BTFO
I meant the author of the article, you fucking mong.
>"oh no the government is rounding people up and the military are kicking down my door. Better get the gun powder in my musket and we'll have a nice little showdown"
Typical one dimensional thinking from the left.
Nah its totally normal for hundreds of kids to die in school shootings each year. Anyone telling you otherwise is just a (((jew)))
I swear to God, Americans are the dumbest race around
If it wasnt for New York, Boston, LA and SF, you guys would be third world tier
Getting shot is just a part of living in a free society.
Nice poisoning the well with fake news, ((((rabii))))
>White peoples's guns
but how do you know if they're white?
So (((fellow white people))) are at it? really makes you think
>kill white people
You hold up a piece of paper and if they’re even one shade darker you off them.
LOL he's black daddy is going back to Africa ,we can only wish he takes that faggot with him
You can totally see who that is
American is a nationality not a race you fucking shitskin
In all honesty this would be a good idea (watcha doin rabbi?) to make the lugenpresse report whether or not (((hate speech))) against whites is hate speech.
I don't get it? Are they baiting us to annihilate them? Cos if that's what they want... shit. Let's schedule a time and place... unlike libtards I'm hella busy.
fake and gay
allright, time to go through his twitter for the whole "fellowwhites/jews arent white" spiel
Everyone should be carrying a gun so that can just shoot anyone that feels like trying to go on a killing spree
I have a solution...
blatant racial bigotry - imagine the shitstorm if he replaced white with black
How would taking away white people's guns have kept this spic from shooting up a school?
Agreed take evil white peoples boom boom sticks away before the race wars
Is there a way we can mass redpill normies so that they can always recognize the Jew?
No Sholmo Shekelstein?
That is so much bullshit you must be paid by CTR to spread fake info.
come and get em fucker.
what does being adopted have to do with anything? Look at his skin color, curly black hair, tanned skin.