What exactly is changing in society?
What exactly is changing in society?
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Diversity is our greatest strength
alt righters are on the rise, thats what.
Ignorant statement. What race are all these shooters I wonder?
Lowered social trust through mass migration.
Lowered social cohesion through media addiction.
Overstimulation through 24/7 propaganda machinery.
There was an Arab one at a gay bar a while back
You take people's religion, community, ethnic identity, morality, sense of belonging, and cram them into urban/suburban areas with little to no breathing room and then expect them to smile and nod about their future working as a wageslave for 40-60 hours a week to maintain this "lifestyle".
Gee I wonder why - fuck off.
If I had to guess something something the break down of classic structure of society that held people in place is leading to a group of people without a sense of place
Something something many places to find people to talk with who will encourage extreme acts on the internet
Something something easy access to lots of easy people killing tools.
as Aryan as they come
Non-whites still have family and racial identity so they don't experience the same sense of anomie. When they get violent they do "drive-bys" or targeted killings rather than "mass shootings'.
Radicalism from the left doing PsyOps on average citizens in an attempt to shift the overton window.
single moms and permissive parenting in general
>What exactly is changing in society?
anti-white rhetoric
the media has lost its fucking mind
Exactly my thought, I just want to see if anyone else has more to add.
Is your argument genuinely there was less propaganda before because goddamn
Isn't 2009 when Obama got elected?
do americans have any specific stats on their gun violence?
the anti gun argument i always see is 6 GORILLION DEATHS BY GUNS PER YEAR but how many of those deaths are suicides?how many are people who were killed in self defence? how many are nogs killing nogs? how many deaths from legal vs illegal?
is this info available anywhere? without the specifics you're just throwing around meaningless stats that dont tell you anything
The internet to be honest.
They socially isolate themselves then start going down internet rabbitholes that effect their psyche further
>What exactly is changing in society?
the number of people on happy pills
My argument is that propaganda reaches us more effectively through modern technology. Is your argument that propaganda wasn't less invasive in our daily lives before because goddamn
neo-nazi incels can access guns
the only solution is to ban imageboards
Yeah get rid of niggers and then there will be about 1 every year or so
>lots of shootings before election
>fuckload of shootings after trump is elected
deep state or ass blasted liberals?
Population and population density of areas.
The left's war on the family unit both directly and indirectly are the cause of society's moral decay
>What exactly is changing in society?
anti-white anti-male rhetoric started to become commonplace.
I know how to fix this
Weaken unions and undermine worker's rights, u put the population at the mercy of multinational corporations, then eliminate minimum wages and social safety nets so we can afford tax cuts, subsidies and incentives for these same companies
satan frogs. and nothing changes by the way. go back far enough and youll find the same stats you show now
Diversity is our greatest strength
Day 600
Mouse utopia experiment
while I find the corporate/jewish conspiracy, hatred of our societal cores, etc, to be quite large issues, I find that the increasingly worse mental health of the world to be thanks to the acceptance of toxic beliefs like Nihilism, in which people refuse to see the good of the world, and slowly spiral down a cycle of self hate and suicide, or striking out at the world for being """evil""" through school shootings, rape, etc.
People no longer believe in the inherent purity and good will of human beings, and slowly drift towards beliefs that we are inherently evil animals that must be extinguished for the world to """prosper""", despite how fundamentally destructive that would be.
Ultimately until we go back on the pendulum to a state more similar to the world before the 1960's, I think we're going to continually spiral downwards to extinction, and may be the cause of our own extinction, if we do nothing to stop this machine in our culture which produces remorseless self hating, nihilistic killers intent on ruining the world because they are too pathetic and weak to take life by the reigns, realize how ultimately evil their beliefs are, and make a footprint which doesn't rely on suicidal hatred of everything around them.
>of men and mice
Holy shit Obama, why?
thanks for the haavara and balfour
Self explanatory
To be fair. Those cops looked really god damn strong. I wouldn't want to fight them.
How long has Sup Forums been online for?
Agreed, this is an example unfolding in real time that painting people as antagonists turns them into shit disturbers.
So if you wanna solve three issues pol has with non-whites it's time to stop spewing rhetoric and accept them with open arms
The internet is taking over
There was absolutely much less propaganda, at some point there was some semblance of decorum and it appeared that the media tried to tell the truth.
Now the media markets are drying up because of the internet and desperate to survive, they turn to yellow journalism.
Just like we did in the 30's, the only solution is to tune it out, go outside and live your lives instead of giving these crooks your attention. You paying attention to this nonsense puts food in their mouths, stop it. Wake up.
but dont pornos stop serial killers?
>there's no nudity on Sup Forums...
Probably tracks with population and anti-depressant prescription pretty closely.
To state my own opinion, I really think it comes down to the way society is structured nowadays. We're meant to live in small, sparse communities centered around morality, family, and culture, and instead we're forced to live and work with hundreds of thousands of people we have nothing in common with. Everyone becomes competition. There's no motivation to feel empathy for the people you're shooting. Plus, as others have stated, this same structure often results in mental illness.
population growth. also city density.
Come again?
What are the stats compared to other forms of violence?
What about vehicular manslaughter and stabbings?
They like to overblow shootings and make it sound like a really high number, but when compared to other crimes it's a drop in the water.
The same way they'll say there's no gun crime in the UK while conveniently ignoring the insane amount of knife violence.
Our entertainment media has grown increasingly violent ever since the year 2000.
We must metaphorically burn Hollywood to the ground if we are to save our people.
High score is still that asian guy.
Kikes. Kikes are changing things. They are ramping up their efforts at gun control, which means they need more mass shootings, and so they encourage them, both for media ratings and for the utility in the whole gun debate.
They are really, really hoping they can convince whites to give up their guns, that way when their kikery takes over, we won't be able to fight back.
>uncle carnegie
He even had the high score for a while, didn’t we give him honorary white-class shooter status for his marksmanship?
Diversity is our strength
Magic is becoming real.
it has always been. but never has went unpunished. and wont remain as ever being unpunished
They changed the definition of a mass shooting. Used to be three or more people killed in one incident, now it's three or more people injured. Which happens about every half hour in shitholes like Chicago.
whites who realize they're losing their country and have no reason to have any hope in the future
Liberalism & jew tricks are breaking people's minds.
No, I want you to explain.
>What exactly is changing in the United States?
Social media probably.
In the old days, you could just move to a different school if you were getting bullied.
Now people can stalk you online and tell the kids at the other school what a faggot you are so they start bullying you too.
The rise in mass shootings by white people in this country has skyrocketed since Sup Forums was created, almost a perfect correlation. We must delete this website RIGHT NOW.
>whites aren't part of that diversity
If you throw a bunch of poison in a pot don't be surprised if the potatoes kill you.
>not obama
Someone tell me one plan he had, in his 2008 campaign, that didnt involve stirring up generalized emotions of the radical left.
ok tucker. tucker never smiles because he knows his company's name means 666 in gematria. today he said that the army needs to stand inside the schools. with the Betty DeVry secretary i guess
>no standing armies
>except for when you also dont listen to well regulated
schools used to be all private so dont gimme this castle doctrine stuff. free speech was invented at berkeley in the 60s by the fucking hippy movement
>Facebook 2005
>Youtube 2005
>Twitter 2006
>Iphone 2007
>Obama 2008
>Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012
i'll tell you what it is, these communists not living up to their screed, "from each according to ability to each according to need"...they know they have the ability to eat my ass, they know i need them to, but they act like they hate eating for some reason, why do communists hate eating I do not git.
make america dugin again
Soy actually gives you great marksmanship, increases aggression, and makes you resistant to gunfire. MAGA jews are scared of you knowing that so they've been leading a disinfo campaign on Sup Forums about the benefits of soy.
People are snapping, my dad always used to tell me that Psychologists in the 1980s predicted this exact phenomenon. That people would start snapping and going on violent rampages. The causes of this? Probably many factors, but mouse utopia comes to mind.
Right wingers are slowly but surely realizing they will never represent the norm ever again. They witness what we always knew. With enough prosperity, any country becomes tolerant and inclusive. It's not a conspiracy after all. It's just progress. There's no way to oppose it. And that knowledge seriously fucks with them.
>all cigars are little penises and all vaginas are actually sideways mouths
Social distrust is increasing. Social cohesion is collapsing. Enjoy the diversity America, you've earned.
We are changing things.
>new millennium
>right back to the same old same
mind altering drugs
>There's no way to oppose it.
Having fun shill? Doubt it.
I don’t think so porn addiction is probably pretty bad for mental health
A moral community driven people with an ethnic identity and sense of belonging could be dirt poor and they would still be happier than living in this shit.
What are they saying is a "mass shooting"? I read that it was when 4 people are shot and injured or killed and this number includes gang shootings, robberies, home invasions, etc all kinds of gun crimes that don't sound like these massacres. Probably less policing in the inner cities because the cops don't want to wind up a national disgrace more than it is like more of what happened today is responsible for this major increase.
mental health means spiritual health and we've always had cave paintings
This also
Violent behavior (toward others or one's self) is a known side effect of SSRIs. They only occur in a small minority of people but think of all the americans currently taking SSRIS (millions) so a couple people losing it on SSRIs is all it takes
this destorying the core family , the last bastion of happines and belonging have dramatical consecuences
Post-modern Neo-Marxism
The legal definition of "mass shooting" was changed by Obama in 2009 to be more inclusive.
>being so weak that you can't live without hope and your reaction is to go postal
>being so inferior that superior specimens can conquer your country and then you play the victim card
Man up faggot.
>being defined by your religion, community, ethnic identity, and morality
Thanks for letting us know that you are worthless by yourself. No wonder it's so easy to replace you in your own country.
You keep giving them easy fame. Mentally defective people like the ones I quoted above are easily drawn to that. They can't create something of value, they can't come up with the solution to a problem, they can't do something with their lives, but they know that they will be in the news if they literally pull a lever with their finger in the right context. They are weak and they attention whore because they are useless for anything else; even their minds are programmed to be impotent and useless, they are losers. Give them an easy path to fame and they will take it, experts have been warning this since the 90s, but the news rather making profit.
look at the divorce chart that's been posted, again. i wanna emphasise that we went from 52% divorce to 16%. in one year. obama actually cut some divorces it seems
Certain crimes are trendy at certain times
in the 60's and 70's it was trendy to be a serial killer
Keep fighting those windmills, champ. Keep hurting yourself for nothing.