Thoughts on shooter being the literal incarnation of le 56% el goblino?
Thoughts on shooter being the literal incarnation of le 56% el goblino?
Man I'm not even a conspiratard but those eyes say MK Ultra
Why is there a rifle shopped in?
He was in the JROTC too, right?
Why do you believe any bullshit coming from Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district? Why? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Is he a spic or white?
He was adopted by the Cruz family. Thats not his birth name, he was a U.S. citizen when he got adopted.
Depends on if he's found guilty or not.
la criatura
Why are there so many conspiracies being pushed, trying to be spread?
Anyways, Im getting sleepy.Too sleepy to look into what country is trying to spread conspiracies.... Goodnight pol...
same thing
What the fuck?!
spread it everywhere. save it this is gold.
OK this is definitely a spic. Maybe a spic mixed with a mudslime.
/k/ here
i'm not sure what i'm more disturbed by.
that literal el goblino
his airshit pistol that you conveniently cropped the tip off of
or that 14.5" SBR abortion you crudely pasted next to him.
what is the fucking meaning of this user? you some sort of anti-gun faggot, or did the desire to meme while knowing jack cock about weapons get the best of you?
Just to remind non-arms bearing country how free America is.
aye dios mio
Help us here, /k/ bro.
We are political wizards, but don't know our head from a hole in the ground when it comes to weapons.
In your opinion, what are the chances this whole shit is a false flag?
WHITE hispanic
Obviously a 3rd world adoptee of some barren cunt who could not be bothered to get a cat.
She was talking to the alleged shooter as the shooting was happening somewhere else.
La atrocidad confirmed
Was a picture found on google images. /k/ fag trying to be a big boy in the comments.
>what are the chances this whole shit is a false flag?
what kind of falseflag is this supposed to be? they got some hispanic kid to shoot up a school instead of John Smith which happens 90% of the time anyway. What is the narrative behind having a non white mass shooter?
wow, a /k/ fag who also posts on, crazy how that isn't possible you absolute retard
what the fuck are you even trying to say? turn off your autism for 2 minutes and use your words
It will be interesting to see what happens in court and how he appears mentally. We all know that in the Dark Knight shooting, they drugged Holmes up and kept him in the car while the CIA or whoever shot up the theater. The hair color is another striking resemblance to that one.
he doesn't look white
I'm saying it showed up on google images because people who post on /k/ likely post on you dolt
the guy never claimed he didn't own the firearm, so what relevance does your comment have?
my god he is..
100% legit
>blue eyes
>red hair
we're fucked
I love broken spanish so goddamn much.
This gets funnier the more i look at it
im not confident those are blue eyes. look at his right eye that isn't under glare, looks brown to me Napoleon
the lower island is mexico it has a whole continent
La Puridad No Mas
He looks like Stifler.
watch the video of the 'laptop getting shot'. whatever hits the laptop does not penetrate, it only breaks the LCD crystal and thus loks like big white marks because all youre seeing is backlight.
something is fishy. airsoft prank entrapment? audio of gunfire ADR in later? live sound during event?
glitches are starting
Sheriffs name was ISRAEL OMG
>9/11 was 31 years ago
>just starting
Seems legit
1-8-7 on a mf'n kaap
why is she smiling and being smug? lol
It's obvious he wanted to be white so bad he adopted all the traits and cultural practices of white culture, such as school shootings
just wondering, this man has slightly olive skin and brown eyes, so he would be a 56% goblin as well right? or does it have to do with ear shape/strange facial features that aren't immediately consistent or identifiable with an established "pure" race?
if that's the case then i've stumbled amongst many people that would qualify for goblino-esque during my travels in europe.
this is a purely anthropological meme question btw
He never implied it either, but bozo above assumed he did.
>le mutt meme
Just because he is ugly does not mean he is not white stormwinnies.
It isn't just skin/eye/hair color. There are Nordics with brown eyes and brown hair who can tan. El abominacions are something else, the result of mixing across big gaps, like those between blacks and whites, and often mixing still more besides that with flips or something to where you cannot even accurately call them mullatos or mestizos or other traditional classifications of miscegenated spawn.
This has to be fake. What kind of cunt would say that to someone. Fucking no wonder he did it.
dang she's a hottie. bet her asshole tastes real good.
seems like she was his friend. if u think he did because of ppl like her, why wouldnt he kill her?
Anybody going to screen shot that shit and post it or what?
Dude it's a video of a girl saying she was with the suspect while shots were going off on the other side of the school.
its worth a watch
looks allot like onion head
Whats the name of the highschool? I wanna know what were going to call this incident.
Can we call him Crusin' Cruz?
la cabeza de la cebolla
Marjory Stoneman Douglas
cruzin cruz has no staying power
Anglos created western civilization
and what a treat it is
Hes el goblino.
>The school is at least 40% Jewish
Since when did these 56% hillary voters start becoming antisemites?
The MSD shooting? The majory douglas shooting?
Stoneman Shooting?
el monster que anida en el norte
in my honest opinion, low, very low in fact. there are a quite a few questions begged (where/how did he get the rifle since you have to be 21 to buy one, what were his motivations, what is the official story on how he carried out his assault etc. etc. etc.) but unlike the Newtown shooting where there are some REALLY fucked "coincidences" (I won't even start on that) this seems legit. I started listening to the police scanner online pretty much as soon as it started, and must say nothing struck me as sketchy. The few kids I heard interviewed seemed sincere enough, and in all honesty, it would be insane to think the gov could pay off (let alone trust) several hundred teenagers to successfully pull off something of this scale.
do you have a link? i could definitely give an expert opinion on that. if you have any images of people visibly shot, i could fairly easily let you know if the wounds are consistent with the AR-15 narrative (assuming he used a 16" 5.56)
you have to incorporate his nonewhiteness. maybe 56% something or el goblino something
>the Marjory Majority 56%
just throwing it out there
Holy shit he does look just like it.
With all this shit about ethnicity of the shooter, weapons he used etc. Do some of you have the feeling thst (((someone))) is behind of all misleading information? I think we are getting used by ((them)). In the end it is we who will be blamed .
youre 120% right leaf bro
Why did the police give him a wedgie? Was he complaining about being bullied at school and they pulled his blue underpants up his ass?
Who is the girl?
What is her relationship to the suspect?
Can we find her talking to him via twitter or whatever to confirm our findings?
>to confirm our findings?
To confirm at least she does know him.
Why is the gun photoshopped into the photo?
That's not real. It's not even laying on the grass.
>be American
>get shot
Did you shop in the AR? Lol is that shit supposed to be real?
This is great!
fun fact, its well known in the military that SSRI's make you even more fucking nuts and should be avoided at all costs. I don't believe in mind control, but man oh fucking man... SSRI eyes are hard to miss.. its like they lose their soul.
i watched it and uhhhh.. that is fucking sketchy. the holes are bright white, way larger than .223mm, yet totally clean, and they all landed in a convenient group, perfectly straight on as to leave symmetric entrance cavities with no other visible damage? weird. not entirely damning as i can't say i've shot a laptop screen, but doesn't sit right either.
to be fair, you have to have a very low IQ to believe this.
Are you cockthusting me right now? Even if they were trying to go reverse psychology on this, dont you think the guy would have killed more people, let alone LET HIMSELF BE CAPTURED. which by the way under any false flag would be downsyndromistic to say the least because 'they' couldnt take the risk of the shooter potentially releasing truthful information