America is Indian and Mexican. You aren't indigenous here.
America isn't white
if we wanna get real technical, America is sabertooth tiger and mammoth, Mexicans and Indians are just invaders
Indians migrated form Asia
"Mexicans" are a mix of Indian and European
As far as we know, NO ONE is indigenous to America. However the oldest artifacts found here (even older than Indian arrowheads) appear to be stone age European in nature and we know the Nordics were coming to America LONG LONG LOOOOONGG before Christopher Columbus.
Nordics might have appeared first but Indians were here longer.
>t. Some fat beaner
they extincted the great species of North American including the horse. we had to come along to save them from completely destroying their environment like they did on Easter Island.
Neither are those horses, Bean Nigger. Didn't stop you from riding them.
Nice slide thread. Saged. America is white. No-name forest land of huts and adobes was Indian. Learn the difference. Fucking mulatto piece of shit
True, but considering the pathetic fight the natives put up, it really feels like they were asking us to straighten them out and build a proper country here.
Neither is that horse so fuck you.
America is a BLACK nation. Whites will be enslaved and their women seized for breeding by black bulls.
You're a thug. Go back to Scotland.
blacks dont deserve america anymore than the whites. both came and conquered it, except one was enslaved, and the other wasn't.
Who wrote the Constitution? Who gives out welfare?
Go back to the reservation.
No! Chabad Jews recognize Whites as the rightful owners of America.
this is the hierarchy of ownership recognized by Chabad Jews
As you can see, we believe whites are the primary owners of America and Jews are secondary
Shalom Sup Forums Chabad Jewish Rabbi here.
You are all terribly misinformed and I am here to debunk some popular misconceptions.
To clarify
>we donate 90% of our salary/earnings to goyim charities
>we do not depend on government support (0% government funds)
>our schools, yeshivas, synagogues are all privately funded by members of Hasidic/Chabad communities
>we all work hard in manual labor and are productive members of society
>we do not employ illegals or immigrants
>we are 100% patriotic and serve in the US Army
>All our males served in Vietnam, WW2, Iraq, Afganistan to protect the lives of our fellow countrymen
>we do not commit crimes, money launder, peddle jewelery
>we do not traffick drugs/organs
>we do not traffick eastern european girls
>we do not diddle lil boys
>our females are required to work and are not welfare queens popping out inbred bastards
>we do not go on welfare
>there is no white genocide and we actually love goyim
If america isnt white then who will niggers blame everything on?
BLM is just as cancerous as the Alt-Right.
Fairly conquested clay. Get lost.
It's a little late than that, we killed them all. Hundreds of millions more of them than even the most kiked estimate of the holocaust.
You mean Mexicans came here and raped their way into history, and then when the white man came in and kicked their asses and drove them away this didn’t become our land? Mind blown.
That horse isn't indigenous. There were no horses in the New World you stupid Spic-Nigger.
artifacts don't mean shit, populations can predate artifact making
>it is more likely some humans crossed oceans before others migrated by land
Did you know Germany wanted to give back Texas and California to Mexico during World War 1?
A country is more than a specific piece of land.
and your mongrel shitskin ancestors came from Siberia
yes, yes they are
land belongs to whoever masters it. It's not the time of arrival but the quality of development that determines ho owns what. Whites own america, europe, and africa. no one else is entitled to live there, because we created everything good in those places.
Good job Peru bro.
You have almost the entire story on that info graph.
I dig dead Paleo horses that died 40K years ago.
I have also dug plenty of camels and found that they were domesticated on north America first.
Small horses are the most common bones we find actually.
then Steppe bison.
>You aren't indigenous here.
Neither are Mexicans nor Indians you dumb fuck.
What does it say of a person (or group) when:
>They go back in history only and specifically past the historical time of those that they want to attack and eliminate? The concept is literally "gerrymandering history"
Conclusion: get fucked anti-white shitbird