Why dont we just raise the legal age of adulthood to 25? that would solve most of society's problems

why dont we just raise the legal age of adulthood to 25? that would solve most of society's problems.
+ no retarded brainwashed faggots with zero life experience determining how many taxes i pay with their idiotic votes.
+no angsty emo 16-19 year old closet homos going on shooting rampages at school
+ probably a greater than 40% reduction in DUI related vehicle collisions and thousands of lives saved yearly from drunk or high driver related crashes

etc etc

think about it. people have the longest lifespans in history now. doesnt it make sense to push back the age of adulthood? like 90% of under 30 year olds still live with their parents

That looks like a cute bra
I wanna wear it

Actually a lot of the problems we have are because "adulthood" is TOO HIGH... that, and a lack of "coming of age ceremony/ritual".

Legal adulthood should probably be 14-ish.

Why the FUCK does a girl that young have cellulite on her body? I've banged 30 year olds huwhite pussichan that are tighter than that. Sad!

They aren't dtermining shit, most pf politically active voters are at least middle aged.

are you fucking retarded. the human brain doesn't fully develop until the late 20's.
You want a bunch of half retarded sub 100iq teenagers on our roads driving and making your food/working.

maybe your 14 and pissed that mommy and daddy aren't treating you like an adult.

Based leaf


like this guy points out science has shown people havent even finished puberty or developing until at least 20 years old

i think the main reason is taxes. the earlier children are legally adults, the more taxes the gov gets when they enter the work force

What are you planning now Shlomo?

It wouln't change a thing. Most 25 year olds are retard socialists with no life experience. They still live with their parents and their parents pay for their health insurance. Thanks Obama.

This thread is dumb, and op is retarded for not seeing how his suggestion will have the opposite effect he's hoping for.

keeping the age of adulthood at 18 helps the jews.

+earlier age for conscription to fight in military and useless wars
+earlier age to declare independence from family household and move out to pay rent
+earlier age to start working and paying taxes
+the huge majority (70%+) of sub 25 year olds vote leftwing politics

literally name one way it helps them to raise the age of adulthood

explain please, i am not dumb


it's hard to defend my age group. Not in the way the very old bitch about, but from my own observation. People with nothing to offer the world, no marketable skills, had no ambitions beginning in high school - these people, at least 50% of those in their 20s, blame everyone else for their problems.

Has there been a consolidation of wealth in this country, outsourcing, and inflation? Absolutely.

But do you have far, far more opportunity to thrive than your grandfather and great-grandfather did? No fucking doubt. I looked at old draft card records of my ancestors. For profession they all say "farmer". Doubt they chose to bust ass in the sun all day from childhood to death.
They also didn't waste money on clubbing, chasing women, and drinks. They made their own whiskey and fucked their wives.

we literally have the internet. a tool that can answer any question and any time of day and you can learn any skill or knowledge for free. the only people complaining about not having opportunity are lazy entitled spoiled brats


JewTube how-to videos, Google, and wikipedia have saved my ass innumerable times. Hell even the /diy/ section has useful nuggets.


exactly. i know more than my forefathers did about almost everything because i can look up what an expert says instantly


same desu


Who? Brap (sauce) me up.


jesus christ. look at those cellulites. almost threw up my morning coffee

Sup Forums has spoken op, your gf needs to lose weight.

it technically is already, no place will rent you a car below age of 25

im not memeing. I think ive fucked this girl before.

same gurl?

It'd certainly help but cuckiness can't be cured for certain people

u got pics of her to corroborate this allegation?

same butts? this is my only butt picture of her. butt pic looks similar.

ummm, similar but i think its different. the OP pic isnt a good angle of face so its really more up to you to identify her ass. do you have any ass pics of your girl in question?

must be exciting finally recognizing someone you know on Sup Forums. i always keep holding out hope ill see some hot girls i know nude here

you make a convincing argument, is there a butt recognition software that can analyze this for us?

nah, she was a pump and dump from tinder. I have seen girls I know on /s/. Twice. It was a good day. I love state threads.
I have no access to cia butt recognition software but my dick thinks its the same. it's a pretty high end recognition software.

yes. muh dick.


What's that?
I'll start fucking 2.5's
Dont test me, bitch
We Talmud, now

>25 year old fucking 12 year old

sup commy



kek beat me to it

I wish I could defend this hahahah. I honestly don't know what that is in the pic. She had 2 small dogs. Def not a penis. Even from that pic, that would impossibly be a penis. I think it was her dogs rear leg. Granted, yes. That does look like a weird fucked up extremely long penis.

i wouldnt mind seeing more if you can post it

age of consent can be separate from legal adulthood the way it is currently you mong. we have age 16 age of consent in many states, where 18 is still the legal age of adulthood required for voting etc

its her foot you imbecile.

fuck you. ive been drinking. nigger.

Krokodil is a hell of a drug

I think you mean vodka.

Whatever he's on, I can't stop watching it.
Why is he wearing three pairs of tearaways?
Why does he punch her in the face?
Why was it on film?

Brain development continues into early/mid-twenties. Make this happen.

because bitches aint shit but hoes n tricks.

more boobs plz

yep, this should happen.

>Americans find this attractive
Get some standards

The lack of responsibility that young people have is why they're such shitty immature people.
Changing a legal definition so that a 24 year old is effectively still a child will only make the problem much worse.

"How can we stop people from breaking laws?"

>Change the laws that are being broken slightly so that people who aren't obeying them already will be even MORE criminal....

I don't have a brainlet meme small enough for this.

science has proven the brain isnt done developing until early 20s. in fact lots of people still go through puberty and growth spurts in college

I'm well aware of the fact that the brain is still in an elastic and developing state until the mid 20s. All of human history however shows that what we're experiencing right now is the unnatural outlier.


treat someone like a kid, they'll act like a kid.
treat them like an adult, they'll act like an adult.


This. I'm 25 and still can't grow a beard.

I fucked a 22 year old girl when I was 14 because I was already tall as fuck, hung and fit
Adulthood should be determined by being at least 6 feet tall and 7.5 inches erect (MINIMUM)

Not if their brain is physically underdeveloped

>manlets recognized as being the children that they are
I could get behind this

Penal age 13 years
Age of consent 13 years
Everything else 25 years

It's her foot

my beard didnt start coming in until 28, i dont know why. i grew until about 23 too