A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State...

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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so then how do you at least curtail school shootings and mass shootings, in general? (which for the sake of argument I will say is 3+ people dead)

Part of it is the degeneration of society. An insanely complex issue to work over.

so....more guns?


How do you stop a guy with a gun?


>2nd Amendment

How many must die in a civil war before leftists realize confiscation is a bad idea?

expel all atheists and muslims from the country

I just dont think its a particularly efficient solution... have more guys with guns... that will lead to more mass shooting that you think will be solved by even more non-mass shooters having gun battles with them... that sounds a bit like anarchy to me.

Only the state has legitimate use of violence. That's basic social contractarianism.

The United States is not built on the European model.
Try again.

John locke

>having gun battles
one mass shooter vs 50 armed citizens will not be much of a battle

This is a joke rite

Theory versus application.
Europe doesn't go anywhere near applying his principles.

Picture that scene... dozens of panicked people shooting at shooters..
And more frequently than it happens now, so say once a month.

I think if you armed teachers you would also have to deal with disgruntled teachers executing students... that would be bound to happen eventually... what would the solution be then?... arm the children?

Security versus freedom.
You're hereby banned from Murica.

When was the last time one of them was not a shooter
>Picture that scene... dozens of panicked people shooting at shooters..
Why would you just start shooting at random people?

This has happened and doesn't look like how you're picturing it.

>since some people fish, we will let you keep your boats

I don't need to fish to own a boat.

They don't say we will grant you the right to have a fishing boat. You could have a sail boat, or a speed boat. Or even no boat at all. Because you are free.

>shall not be infringed
Means won't take away
It doesn't mean grant you permission

so this is just acceptable?
I love America, I go there as often as I can, I just wish so many of your kids didn't get shot.

There must be something that can be done


>There must be something that can be done
Gun violence stems from our wealth disparity. There is nothing that can be done.

Place "Because" or "Given that" at the beginning of the phrase and it'll make sense. People in those days had a different way of speaking, but if you reference other literature from those days, you will know what they meant.

You cannot form a militia without the right to keep and bear arms. A militia is meant to keep the government in check. Not to protect yourself from a random nigger that is desperate for crack money and high on PCP and trying to unlock your car door with his dick.

This little shit head just seemed like a psycho

More trained shooters. Not stupid cunts running around with their hands on their heads taking selfies.

20-30 million. At least

>dozens of panicked people shooting at shooters
I've owned a gun since I was 8.
Been CCing near daily for the past 25 years.
I burn about 15,000 rounds a year on target practice.
Haven't shot anyone, yet.
But if I ever need to, I'll have had far more training with my weapon than most police or military.
I've only ever pointed a weapon at someone once in my entire life. In hindsight I should have pulled the trigger, but I didn't because it ran away like the little bitch it was.

Someday we'll evolve to using bombs like you cunts; until then I refuse to bring a knife to a gunfight.

what does 'a well regulated militia' means?

A bad guy shoots at you, what do?
Depends what kind of person you are.
The collectivist thinks we should all be the same. (I don't have a gun, no one needs a gun, if he didn't have a gun this wouldn't happen)
The individualist thinks, how do I protect myself. (If he has a gun, i want a bigger gun, more guns, etc.)
Since the bad guys will always have guns put me in the second group.

Why do you think it's hard for someone who wants to kill to find a gun, even if it we're regulated? Does the regulation someone make them vanish like a magic trick?

You Irish people in Ireland are an embarrassment to my bloodline.

Give teachers guns.

It's the price you pay for freedom. Many more innocent people die at the hands of drunk drivers, but we don't ban alcohol. Tried that once, was a miserable failure.

That is the reason given for the right to keep and bear arms not to be infringed upon.

The people cannot form a militia without arms.

Any able bodied man between like 13-65 years old. The numbers may be a couple years off.

Sounds good.

>support only one amendment
>violate all others

you don't get to pick and choose

that's what 2nd amendment nra retards do
pretend there's only one amendment for traitors to honor - the right to be an armed traitor vs unarmed traitor

that's all you ever have in your pocket
because you can't keep your dick in your pants

>There must be something that can be done
Not without suffering the same fate as Europe.

The first couple words of the second amendment are WELL - REGULATED - MILITIA. You gun nuts are not regulated, let alone well regulated, and not part of militias.

The NRA and right wing gun

>violate all others

>You Irish people in Ireland are an embarrassment to my bloodline.

>violate all others
How are they violating the others, you buffoon?

The NRA and right wing gun nuts are the ones constantly disregarding the constitution.



More like the NFA

>Never googled what a well regulated militia even means

It is possible to ratify a new Amendment that supercedes an old one.


so, are the people currently bearing arms in the US are part of a well regulate millitia, or will a well regulated millitia spontansouly be formed should the people feel its time to rise?

>well regulated milltia is a single person
must be tough. handling logistics, reconciense etc. what happens if the militias fight each other?

>A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
A well regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free state. Therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

The founding fathers had just won the revolutionary war. They believed that the right to bear arms was necessary for the security of the FREE state. A gun ban would stop the people from overthrowing their tyrannical government.

Yep. Prohibition and its subsequent repeal set the precedent.
>from my cold dead hands

In other words, a well regulated militia that has the capability to secure the free state is not possible with a gun ban. The only well regulated militias that would be in existence are government owned forces that fuel the tyrannical state.

We, the citizens of the USA, are that well-regulated militia, indeed. "Well-regulated" refers to voluntary improvements of our own due to pride in our nation, hence why this right cannot be infringed as stated.

Must be the media attention to these shooters making them feel like big heroes. People used to an hero alone. Now they bring large groups with them for the "glory."

>You cannot form a militia without the right to keep and bear arms. A militia is meant to keep the government in check.
You're only half right.

Our militia (by definition, any cunt who has reached the age of majority and is also under 45 years of age, and not a member of the National Guard or Naval Militia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militia_Act_of_1903) is intended to defend our nation from all enemies, foreign AND domestic. A school shooter is the perfect example of a domestic enemy.

Members of the militia are also required to keep and maintain their own arms and training.

Freedom isn't free; It costs $1.05.

Yeah, that'll prevent illegal shootings, alright.

Lots of people are heavily armed in countries such as Iraq, Yemen, Congo and Somalia. They're hardly beacons of freedom from tyranny.

>what changed in society that we could trust such activities then, but not now?
Autism and parenting styles.

When did I imply a militia is a single person?

The second amendment doesn't give us the right to own guns.
It promises that right won't be taken away.

The founders said our rights come from "nature and nature's God", not from the government.

We already had a God given right to possess firearms and the second amendment was the governments promise not to "infringe" on that right.

The governments of those countries are extremely small and weak compared to the US government. Somalia is not under a tyrannical government. It can't even keep pirates from nigging around the ocean.

The right to bear arms is a requirement of the free state. That doesn't mean that the public will achieve a free state with arms, just that they have the ability to do so.

Basically, an armed public will sometimes lead to free states, but an unarmed public will always lead to tyranny.

Not with respect the Bill of Rights. They are recognized as innate rights. The Gov that amends the Bill of Rights to either curb or eliminate any of the ten is illegitimate.

i asked 'what is a militia' and you answered 'any able bodied man'. would you like to rephrase your answer?

You amerifats have all those guns and yet antifa runs your country lol

Why doesn't Europe or Japan or China or Russia or anyone else have this yet their countries work and Norway and the rest are 50 times are free as america.

>completely disregards media influence
>kekistani flag
You're not blending in.


the nra does not ever ever ever ever support any other amendment
they just don't

your turn
explain why they don't and no bullshit pls

Any able bodied man who owns a firearm is already considered in it. Just as pointed out.
It's not a militia of one, though you may train alone.

Is approaching 1984 status with its anti hate speech laws. In some parts of Europe, the native population can't even lawfully defend themselves from the immigrants, who obtain weapons illegally.
Homogeneous countries have less crime.
>China or Russia
Almost third world countries.

Because those rights aren't threatened, or there are other organizations and peoples that support those rights. NRA types usually want all rights from the original bill of rights intact.

Explain why tracing guns is using archaic method of looking at micro film, even if records are digital, and thus must be printed page by page and put on microfilm?

They support the others implicitly by exercising them.

Otherwise right to assembly, protectoin against unlawful search/seizures, state's rights, due process, etc. Could easily cover the entire bill of rights respective their free exercise thereof.

>The first couple words of the second amendment are WELL - REGULATED - MILITIA. You gun nuts are not regulated, let alone well regulated, and not part of militias.
t. a stupid fucking leaf

Well-regulated, in the context of The Constitution, means " in working order; functional; ready to shoot faggot commie Canadians in the face at a moment's notice if those stupid cunts try to invade".

Shouldn't you be balls deep on dog cock right now, faggot?
If you cunts had a constitution, the first words would be something about buttseks and keeping enough lube on hand to pleasure a Turkish army.


If I make a free speech activist group, am I violating the second amendment?

than 'a well regulated militia' is a group of all able bodied man who own guns in the US?
the shooter is part of your militia by that definition. if its well regulated, what regulations are done to prevent people in the militia from becoming psychotic?

its about violence, not supporting any other rights
they are busy violating everyone's rights
making unconstitutional laws that violate many parts of the constitution
just to be clear - deliberately making an unconstitutional law is a violation of the constitution and their supposedly sacred oaths to protect it
you got nothin but bullshit denial for me, i see it all the time, your support of only one right means you already oppose all the others, and when we look at your personal individual actions, we see definite violations of others constitutional rights


media influence? you guys have all branches of government

I fly the one true flag, is that a problem?

You're shit posting, while antifa will probably get your kids next.

>the shooter is part of your militia by that definition. if its well regulated
No, he violated laws and committed felonies crimes, the moment he chose to follow through with this, is probably the moment I would consider him out.
You're fucking retarded kohai.


reminder you don't have one.

>your support of only one right
Such a dumb person, you are. user, I support your right to free speech. I support all of your rights.

So you listed arbitrary reasons that didn't explain anything. Answer the question.

Everyone of you deserve a crate of hand grenades, some of you will store tanks, some jets, SAM systems, drones. Why would you use these weapon randomly against innocent citizens, the chances of a citizen going haywire and randomly killing innocent people doesn't it's risk is well worth the reward of absolute freedom security from tyranny and defense against foreign invasion. If you are really targeted you must of really crossed someone, why in a armed society, its a polite society, you have to take care of yourselves and work things out amongst yourselves, like adults.Americans will have to be rugid, smart self reliant again. No giant unholy mechanism (govt) that can be hijacked and abused for someone(s) personal gain.

>NRA types usually want all rights from the original bill of rights intact.

I said no bullshit
fuck off
the nra doesn't say jack about the bill of rights or any other amendments because then they'd have to admit they hate giving rights to NIGGERS and will oppose anything in that line, including the later amendments that gave slaves their freedom


>media influence? you guys have all branches of government
MEDIA influence, not government influence. The mainstream media has a clear pro leftist bias that you would see if you didn't limit your information sources to CNN and NYT.
>I fly the one true flag, is that a problem?
You're not from thedonald so the only reason you would possibly use that flag is because you think that it gives you credibility.
>You're shit posting, while antifa will probably get your kids next.
I'm a single mutt that lives near SJW ground zero.

another faggot bullshitter

just fucking die in a fire you traitorous fuck

than the militia is a group of all able bodied man in the US who own guns but aren't criminals.

1.but isn't rising against the government crime by definition?
2. by what definition of 'well regulated' is such a group well regulated?

You said that the countries worked. They don't except for Japan, which only works because it's so xenophobic.

>well regulated
let's make some more that are like these. The right of the sky to be green is both inalienable and also blue. and so forth and so on

nice argument

you cant defend the nra because they are filled to the brim with kkk traitors and anyone like that

show me where the nra supports giving all young black men (potential militia members) firearms you insinuating son of a bitch cunt

>1.but isn't rising against the government crime by definition?
Nope, again as another user above stated .
They don't have the authority.
>2. by what definition of 'well regulated' is such a group well regulated?
Well hopefully, every citizen would be a well regulated individual, not just our militias.

Still waiting to see the "well regulated militia". It's all very well picking out the juicy parts like "SHALL NOT BE BOWL CUT FRINGED LIKE MERKEL". But you ignore the "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA" part.

Funny that, none of you dimwitted cuck stains are well regulated, and none of you are a militia. You're just larpers that would rather kill whitey than go and deal with problems.

Kill yourselves.

this is common law. nothing that is written down and calling itself law, is considered as being anything but toilet paper. in this stupid system. if a burglar doesnt get caught for ten years he owns your land. and if you live with somebody for 10 years he becomes your husband

>They don't have the authority.
And if they think they do, I would encourage them to do it and see what happens.