Why do you think Soros is spending so much money and effort to destroy western civilization?
To manipulate financial markets? Personal grudge against certain group of people? For shits and giggles before he dies?
Why do you think Soros is spending so much money and effort to destroy western civilization?
To manipulate financial markets? Personal grudge against certain group of people? For shits and giggles before he dies?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he hates whites
i think he wants to build a giant space laser to control the real estate market, and he is going to do that by turning whites gay.
But he’s white
Misplaced hatred and revenge, obviously. He should hate jews instead because its their own fault they ended up in the situation they did.
An open, inclusive society is better for all. Extremes lead to fear, anger, hate, pain.
he's a philanthropist that supports leftist causes, not a mustache twirling villain
he hates jews too, or at least he did when he turned them in during ww2
Soros is /ourguy/ you have fallen for Isreals shill campaign against him
He's a demon.
>Funds antifa
>Funds NGO ships that ferry niggers and carry them to Italy
>Funds BLM
>Trying to stop Brexit
Yeah totally /ourguy/. Get out of here Soros you demented piece of clit shit.
I think Soros is just trying to make the world work, the whole thing. He might be right, in the nuclear age we can't build walls and hope it'll work out.
We can hide from problems in other parts of the world for a while but they will come to us in the end. So I say we must be proactive, and not like Obama who reneged on his own red line and now we have millions of refugees.
Hungary is attempting to pass "Stop Soros" legislation that would eliminate the browning of their country.
This is fucking beautiful.
>pic related
He wants to destroy countries one by one. He gets a huge boner doing it
Sounds like a bunch of conspiracies
Open Society (his charity) openly boasts about funding these things.
Stop shilling.
At first he wanted the caliergi plan.
Now he doesn't want his whole family executed
Dictatorships like Hungary are funny. They should start blaming Soros/Trotsky/Goldstein for bad weather too.
He's a kike
Well that's Europe's fault for being cucks. You should have had some balls. Soros does whatever Soros can and if you can't stop him you deserve it. You are like a woman who gets raped blaming the rapist when you were the one who walked around at 3 am in a miniskirt and thong.
The better question is why has no one killed him and his faggot kid yet? Ask questions that matter.
A better question is why no one has stood up and killed this demonic kike already.
It's your problem as well you stupid nigger. Black Lives Don't Matter kidnapped a white kid in your nation and beat him up on livestream, they also shot and killed police in your country.
Stupid shillcuck.
His faggot son is in the United States, at one of your universities that had the Milo riots.
I think he feels genuinely guilty about what he did for the Nazis, and he wants to feel like he's making up for it.
He thinks globalization will make people feel more interconnected and that it will make another Nazi Germany impossible... but no money in the world would ever be enough to undo human nature.
>Actually Defending Soros
You'll burn in hell for this
He's a kike. It's what they do.
That kid was retarded. Why should I care what happens to retards. Niggers are being slowly exterminated by the left anyway. Soros just keeps them pacified so they don't notice their slow decline. Besides white slave owners selectively bred American to be big and strong. As we exterminate the lesser niggers we claim the beat of their genes for whiteness. You shits have no big picture thinking. Soros was probably right. With all the pussy men in Europe you needed shitskins to rape the degeneracy out of your cultures. If you can't toughen up then you fail natural selection. You should thank Soros for giving you the opportunity to evolve. If you fail thats on you.
We have all their addresses. His kid at UC Davis, the Hampton estate, and the manhattan penthouse. We even know about the secret entrance from another building, so my original question still stands.
Soros is more of a Nazi then you will ever be
You are seriously pathetic no matter what your reason is for posting this horseshit.
If you hated life and wanted to play god wouldn't you do it?
invisible enemies are one of the most effective forms of propaganda, retards here eat that shit up too
Forget Soros, what about the Koch brothers.
2 cents have been deposited to your account
>Why do you think Soros is spending so much money and effort to destroy western civilization?
He's a jew that even jewed his own people, what do you expect from this kike
Sorry that you are little man butthurt about your impotent hate for Soros. You hate that Soros is making you compete for success instead of languishing in stagnation.
Soros escalations may have saved humanity from the fate of Idiocracy.
No they haven't
Defending Soros is like defending the devil. You should be ashamed selling your soul for a few cents
You can't refute any of my points you just slip into nigger/lefty tier ad hom.
>You're going to hell for supporting Drumpf stupid
If only you Goyim knew...
Soros has his NGO's banned from Kazahkstan and Turkmenistan. In other countries, such as Russia, his NGO's are de facto banned by laws preventing foreigners from investing in them. Many people clearly see his "competition" as unfair. Which tends to suggest that user is correct if you go by Occam's Razor.
>implying it's soros and not russians and chinese
You mean that communist shitholes and their gas stations don't like Soros. Wow he must be bad then. Next you will tell me China and Isreal hate him too.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Both Marxists and true kikes loathe Soros
He is definitely doing this for Shits and giggles.
This man was a Nazi as well.
In an interview,
When the jews were sent to be gassed, he plundered their possessions.
He even admitted that was the happiest moment of his life.
He was born a Hungarian Jew and was an active nazi.
His true surname is Schwartz.
It was changed to soros when a family friend hid him from the goddamned Nazis.
No, he stole their possessions as they were going to the ovens.
Is it true that he is causing trouble in your nation as well?
I heard there are feminists there, but they are literally shrieking cunts.
Some men just want to watch the world burn. Can actually respect him in that sense, at least if he really does everything out of spite and not some delusion that he's making the world a better place.
He’s literally written why in countless books. Quick rundown:
>messiah complex
>Karl Popper protege
He just happens to have billions of dollars to shape the world how he wants.
And he’s a Jew
Financial markets mainly, but secondarily, its just what he is. He's been in the game of funding bullshit in order to game the market that its the only things he breath's. There are 20+ serious players along side Soros who don't get any coverage at all, most of whom are apolitical, with a few others with clear political tilts, but Soros is just the perfect boogieman who gets all the attention.
Don't get me wrong, he earned it, by literally becoming the archetype as to why Neo-Liberalism destroys civilization, but he's simply the most overtly damaging. The rest just focus more on asset stripping communities.
>We can hide from problems in other parts of the world for a while but they will come to us in the end.
No, you help them in their own countries. 3rd-world countries (majority World population) breed at 4x the rate of the nations they want to come to. No amount of 'integration' of them into 1st-world thinking will work unless we bring it to them where THEY live.
YouTube search: "immigration gumball demonstration"
Jews are the termites of civilization. What Soros does is an instinctual drive, like an insect dissolving wood with its acidic saliva.
10/10 post
wants to see the world burn before he dies
Canadians and americans should understand seeing as how both of your nations are zog certified and owned by the jews, you should be aware of the jew tactics but i guess the goyim still don't get it...it's called replacement, they stop sourcing your immigration from mainly europe and instead invite over the 3rd world that is what is being done...get it stupid goy?
Leave it up to Botswana to believe everything they read on the internet.
no that's ok american goy the jew doesn't allow non 3rd world immigration, even your skilled immigrants are from shit tier countries. you don't allow europeans in and this is what happens you turn into brazil at best...
Soros is the visible section of the deep state. Tip of the ice(((berg)))
he's doing the bidding of his rothschild/windsor masters
But not inclusive to uncivilized people from disorganised countries. That leads to crime, poverty and lower effectiveness and social trust.
Because white nationalists are the only real threat to Jews. Thus people like Soros seek to undermine Western nations through Balkanization under the "Divide and Conquer" principle. Globalism is also better for business because of cheap labor and the easier movement of money/goods and people.
yes extremes lol, the usa was fine before 1965 it allowed all whites to immigrate, now the usa doesn't allow whites and it is a fucking shit tier country....fuckoutttahere leaf jew...
jew demons like this aren't even human
trust your instincts
remember who you are
He's clearly the final form Jew
He has no dick.
Soros is a puppet. That's where he got his initial capital from.
The guy himself is a total psycho with no moral compass. He said the best time of his life was when he joined the nazis.
I think he must like feeling powerful and doing harm.
Soros is motivated by the liberal idea of an open society.
The general idea is that the free exchange of ideas and culture results in a better society.
Most of his money goes to minorities and trying to improve their place in society.
is this public knowledge, his estates and lofts? if so, please do share
How is he wrong? All of that is accurate. Wheres your counter evidence fag? Here's the interview where he admits he helped the Nazis and that he feels no guilt about it. youtu.be
Soros is a lapdog of the bigger hounds. He aint worth shit.
it literally said he went around with his uncle, he didn't work for the nazis
He was spotted by an user at a Thai resort.
>Extremes lead to fear, anger, hate, pain.
What you did there, see it, I do.
Where is that thread, I can't find it anymore
>Believing in any of those things
because hes a satanic parasitic rothschild agent
nice pil pul zionist talmudic kike
Watching right now, thanks.
It feels good to be in control.