This flag will fly in Jerusalem
Authentic Third Reich flag
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Rot in hell you Nazi piece of garbage. Fucking anti semite scum. Trash human being and I use the term human loosely fucking cunt.
Heil Hitler!
Nope. I stand with Israel 1000%. It's an outpost of democracy in a godless land. The Jews belong there and deserve their home, it is important to keep the holy site in the hands of the chosen people!
No. Trump is just as pro-Israel as me. Jews are smarter and more succesful than you will ever be...lazy kid.
im no nazi, but if actually do that, it would be fucking funny.
Absolute cringe
Nazis will get nowhere in life. Trump disavowed you.
I know you are no where near being a Christian.
>"anti semite"
lol not an argument
>chosen people
By whom exactly they are chosen after denying, torturing and murdering Son of God?
>it is important to keep the holy site in the hands of the chosen people!
you can't make this stuff up
I get you're Christian but I think you forgot Bout the whole forgiving thing
please dont encourage the locals...
It’s scared
Go boomer post somewhere else faggot.
>H-hey guys I'm an edgy larper, check out my cool bedsheets
confirmed autsist
>defending Israel
No one is going to take you seriously with that memeflag. Why dont you let that Star of David wave proudly?
>ID: Fem
show khazar milkers
Deus vult
I doubt that's authentic but if it is it makes me mad you're using it as a bedspread instead of properly preserving it as an important historical artifact.
ROLLING !!!!!!
I'll sleep easy knowing that a girl has never been fucked in that bed
And never will be
I'm not using it as a bedspread, I just put it on my bed to take a picture of it. Right now it is currently tucked away in a cedar chest of mine where moths can't get to it. I'm not retarded, give me some credit.
Is it really authentic? Where'd you get something like that, looks like its held up pretty well, if its authentic
Fair enough. Carry on.
Local military antiques shop.
>This flag will fly in Jerusalem
Kek will make it happen
post this image on facebook if you so sure of yourself
Cool, My dad has some ally propoganda posters in storage
>ruin your life goy!
>deus vult
>pro kike
You don't deserve those numbers.
He's a neocon nu"christian"
You know how I know you're either 15 or a 25 year old loser?
You have your bed in the corner
Only children and poor adults living in tiny houses do that
Get a job instead of a flag, faggot
Are you kidding me? He basically defended us after charlottesville by not just straight up condemning us.
Exterminating your race, and other subhumans is the will of God. God is on our side, not yours.
This is pure autistic shit right here, and I dislike immigration from nonwhite countries lmao. Who the fuck would use that as a blanket at night? Does it have cum stains on it as well. lol
Don't you mean (((christian)))?
Pretty much.
He's a double crosser, why the fuck would he care unless he gets to stay rich, out of trouble, and can stay with people like him?
He's a salesman not a friend.
>He's a salesman not a friend.
Same goes with all politicians. They are tools of the 1%
Difference is he's more evident about it while practically being a living middle finger. And he only motivates others to be the same.
Pretty sure it's gonna stay in your room covered in cum from you jacking off to Mongolian animated porn.
Tell me where u got this now I want one
True that, the fact we elected a literal billionaire into office is laughable.
take off that deus vult flag you slimy kike faggot
can you smell the ovens moshe?
they burn for you
Only jews and their pawns care about jerusalem.
Bunch of rats in the desert on an empty piece of land.
Do it.
Wish I could have seen your face as you typed that lel
It will be a cold day in hell you piece of shit
u absolutely sure?
Google samson option mutt
Back of the oven kike boy
Shut your mouth, jew
>Google samson option mutt
ICBMs are obsolete jewcuck. Missile defense is far more advanced than the public is allowed to know.
Posts with that meme flag and expects to be taken seriously
What if God stops you?
Fuck Trump and fuck you
Why do you mention a concept straight out of paganism as hell?
Get out you fucking jewish bitch
Typical Christcuck
Looks like someone needs re-take Holocaust Class.
The Nazis were LITERAL NAZIS!!!
Read John 8
Jews are our enemies, assuming you're Catholic.
Based E Michael Jones.
obvious shill thread
fuck off kikes
An option you could never exercise. Israel & every jew in the world would vanish in a puff of smoke if you ever used your bomb on a first world power.
Just fuck my wifes child already/10