Two shooters/false flag

How are you guys missing this?

This girl walks through the halls with Niko Cruz as shots ring out across campus.

Either she's one of us and is just messing around or, well, obviously a false flag event.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Aryan Polish genes on this bitch

Two shooters?
Nik started it, try to escape the general santa ana way, other shooter was going for high score while nik was blending in?

Save the video

now thats just the best bait ive even seen

shes a keeper

Imagine if she was so in shock she just walked past the fucking shooter joking with him

btw for people that don't understand the girl is obviously under shock

Well she didn't know he was the shooter yet right?

Or he's just the perfect patsy and didn't know wtf was happening.

Nice new additions to the school to tell them who'd be a prime candidate, too.


he lived so we will know soon unless they bungle/hush it up like the las vegas shooter info.

she's already suicided

Someone find her on social media so we can keep close watch on her and have first hand news

these look like the kind of people i hated when I was in high school

they had everything i didnt

She's been americanized. Polish THOT


what is happening in the pictures

I saw 2 different random kid interviews during live coverage today stating there was two shooters. One kid even said she was sure one was a freshman...lots of conflicting accounts happening

>Someone find her on social media so we can keep close watch on her and have first hand news

keep a close watch


Breaking 911's Twitter account got suspended after posting a video from inside the school during the shooting. Did anyone see it?

bitch is a solid 7/10 would bang

To you other retards, the shooter tried to escape afterwards by taking off this mask and shooter gear and blend in with the other kids. ffs its real, it happened and it happens, why can't you retards believe it when it does lol

fine as hell brudda


normie ones

That’s the video yeah he claims he was shot and killed. And that he was in rotc at the school. Which both of those claims are false based on what the (((official))) narrative is now

>two shooters


mosad is gonna kill this bitch. find her and warn her.

They're HIGH SCHOOL students. They're at best 17 years old. They don't go to fucking outdoor raves in the desert by themselves. This bitch is at least in her 20s.

Some facts:

The shooter was arrested off campus.
The shooter moved throughout the school during the shooting
He had to have left the scene alongside evacuating students before being arrested.

This backs up the girl's claims. She probably actually did speak to him as he tried to escape the scene. She literally fucking joked with the shooter right after he gunned down 17 people.

Rich Florida thots

shes ugly as fuck, how desperate are you? i mean i know the average aussie anglo is pig disgusting but come need to travel a bit m8.

where did you grow up?


Anybody with a brain knows that the whole thing was staged


Rich ones?


17 year olds going clubbing all over the place is a rite of passage for a lot of people. I'm sorry you didn't experience that.


literally all normies in big cities?


California / FL / NY teens and especially rich ones in some other places have heroin cliques and shit. It's not weird for a rich 17 yo that's hot to go to clubbing or similar parties

Why are you guys letting antifa shoot up your schools tho

is the american right that weak?

can i get any more info on this shot.. because those shadows look.. well doctored.

listen pajeet, she's a solid 7, i know white girls are unattainable to you but you dont have to take your anger out on the whiteman

Totally a high school student, goy

>average aussie is dried up and prematurely aged by their mid 20s

no one envies you, cuck.

>principal calls for evacuation
>during a school shooting
dont think so m8
also there would be security camera footage. They can simply pull up the video and show her either walking with or without the shooter

That's the wrong person

im white you dumb fgt. aussie women are fucking pigs and that girl in OP is barely a 6. go travel to south america or southern europe, you're a thirsty blind beta.

> antifa

He was a Trump supporter you fucking brainlet. Typical cunt you'd find on this board.

tons of retarded thots put married on their profile

Guys everyone should understand that her story checks out completely.

Shooter was arrested off campus. He evacuated with students.
This means her story of seeing him is legit possible
He roamed throughout the school, didn't enter some rooms- witness says he killed a teacher standing in the doorway but didn't come inside.

Basically her story checks out 100%. He roamed through all 3 stories shooting people, probably looking for specific teachers/people to kill.

This girl literally joked with the killer.

shot it down!!!!

Dude. I can tell when a chick is in high school. That chick is not in high school.

You're fucking stupid.

We wouldn't get access to that footage yet or ever most likely. My post is simply stating that her story is possible given that the shooter escaped the school and was arrested later.

wtf? I never did that shit.
>probably because I was too busy street racing on the 405 with 5 other neets

lol not at all get woke

antifa is running rampant throughout the US and american conservatives just roll over for it

Go fuck yourself, shill
You're all over this thread pushing a narrative.

HE WAS NOT A TRUMP SUPPORT FAG. he was some half mesito looking fucking spic LOSER.

What a detective. Why aren't you working for the police?

>south america
>southern europe

careful user, your race is showing


>barely a 6

i said she was a 7 you nigger are you seriously arguing over 1 point

look at shes solid 8 here brudda

what narrative?

That the fact she talked to the shooter is plausible given that he was arrested off site?

stfu you dumb 80 iq monkey


dude 15 year old highschool girls look like they are 18.. your' a fucking clown sliding this thread.

When I was in HS in the early/mid 90's. The girls went to San Fran all the time for Raves.


This is a false flag. Doesn't matter if there are two shooters or one shooter. ITS NOT REAL.

We found the Asspie!

why didn't she mention that he was 19 and should not have been there? 10/10 would face fuck

idiot, the student walked too fast.

>fire alarm going off
>gunshots earlier
>screaming, panic

Man why didn't she think as clear as someone shitposting?


stop talking like a fucking nigger, you alcohol swilling, Winnie blue chuffing low IQ snap back cap wearing weakling faggot. you're a thirsty beta male, her face is ugly.

if you were standing in front of me right now i'd beat the living shit out of you and call you an ambulance.

this is not the same guy you fucking faggot. this same image has been linked to Sup Forums for several days.. fuck off retard.

I'm a fucking private investigator.

can you imagine

this edgelord psychopath finishes his shooting, drops guns, and goes to try to escape while a 9/10 cheerleader sees him and says "I'm surprised it wasn't you that did the shooting"

ok obvious troll is obvious

i wouldnt want to stand near you because you'd try and suck my dick, faggot.

Wow they should really have that guy play Offensive line with arms that long. Can we completely pivot this subject into a timeline where Sup Forums tries to get this long armed kid to play Offensive line on the football team?

I mean the kids who are dead are already dead. Let's get this guy in the football team!

>She's been americanized. Polish THOT

904 Florida reporting in (Cracksonville)

This is average Florida white high school girl / "southern" girl where "southern = transplant from other parts of the country.

I was ready to post something along lines of wanting to run this polock over but now after watching video I am afraid for her :(

for infowars or /x/?

Jarao Teecee is the real/2nd shooter. Kid with shnoz said so.

i uploaded it to youtube lads


Jarao Teecee is the real/2nd shooter. Anyone find him?

m8 sorry to tell you this...
I went to HS in southern california
my first gf at the time was a big time partier/clubber and she was one of the youngest of our grade level. she was 15 going into OC and LA for parties. she definitely had a fake license, these thots all did. and dudes aren’t gonna look twice when the bitch is hot
we broke up after about a month of dating because I was a responsible normie boy and she wasn’t into that shit so
to think these chicks think responsibly is putting too much faith into a species that thrives off their hedonism m8

Okay, maybe she's just filthy rich and has neglectful parents. I mean, I guess it's possible. I'm 31 and I wasn't a part of the cool kids back in high school.

You think those dirty soulless slavs have anything but garbage running through their veins you are wrong.

You are Omaticaya now. You may make your bow from the wood of Hometree. And you may choose a woman. We have many fine women. Ninat is the best singer.

he was a right wing trump supporter you false flagging liar

admit that your degenerate kek ass would shoot up a school. the left hate the bourgouise not fucking schools filled with "race mixing" kids.

People are pushing this as a political thing, but I do think this was just a personal vendetta.


this, average rich girl has tons of freedom to be a degenerate slut. It's completely different lifestyle than anyone else. Not to mention the drugs in these scenes. The average rich kid in a city like this probably has friends doing heroin/crack/ecstasy by about 14.

dude wtf false flag?

>wearing flip flops
the most disgusting footwear on the planet
she can’t even be emergency ready with those fucking things

this is the future of the USA?

>oh look a random picture of an arabic kid who goes to the school.... case closed!

that wasn't him, theres literally photos of him getting arrested on the scene you retard. and the instagram account that has pictures of the guy and pepe trump bullshit is filled with alt-right faggotry

CBC tweeted this video

>With Oscar Diaz

She's been

Makinzi Hill, a caller on John Hannity sounds as if she is literally reading a script or am I just tripping?