I mean, he's not wrong...
I mean, he's not wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>people are still pro gun control after 18 mass shootings
Yeah we sure do have a mental health problem alright
The police were aware of his behavior at least 1 year before and received multiple tips of bomb making and threats.
Gun control works in other countries, no reason why it shouldn't work in America
If all your points can be refuted simply by pointing at other countries, it means you're America's problem not its savior.
Yeah they'll go stab 2-3 people instead of shooting 50
Doesnt Switzerland have a high rate of gun ownership but low homicide rate?
Why is that?
The problem isn't that he had a gun, the problem is he's obviously deranged based on his previous behavioral reports
Works how?
ethnically homogenous societies dont have this problem
multiculturalism kills
Well I mean I don't want to say someone might be crazy and shoot people up. I don't want to offend anyone. So it's not my fault.
>it will only cause the insane to erupt in other forms
You mean with gun control when someone had a mental sperging it won't result in something so lethal.
He may have kill someone with a knife but not a few dozens with a gun.
you mean besides the fact that you're letting mentally ill people get sex changes not only are you not helping these sick individuals you're enabling them to boot
Yeah we obviously don't have a mental health problem
>bomb making is illegal
land of the free, everybody
Mark Dice is NEVER wrong.
One of the ONLY "popular" Youtubers worth watching.
But guns are the problem.
Crazy people have guns and go on shooting sprees killing dozens of innocent people and children
>Rest of the world
Crazy person causes random act of violence and hurts very few, if they can even be bothered going through that effort knowing they likely wont kill many people
Weren't the refugees just shooting up Calais again a week or two ago, doesn't seem to be working.
>other forms
the other forms are far less lethal check mate
he's a shit stain who only has an audience because Alex got tired of the harassment and promoted him. He began his public life by relentlessly trolling Alex Jones, but you probably dont remember that. because gold fish brain.
How about maybe, just maybe, America has both a mental health and gun problem?
Get shot by guns
>Rest of world
Get blown up by grenades, raped, and get acid thrown in your face
sounds fun.
Lets just hang out full automatic weapons to all mentally ill people of USA.
t. rest of world
>the other forms are far less lethal check mate
Australia is pretty safe, Britain and Germany were safe before the shitskin invasion, your point?
Decades of moral decay, and now degeneracy is rearing it's ugly face.
Ahmed please stop
>Australia is pretty safe
For now, i'm sure you'll get your own truck of peace on tour there soon enough
There are 80 million gun owners in the US, who own approximately 330 million guns. Lack of training and small arms doesn’t matter for shit when we’re talking about 80 million god damn people. That’s the population of your entire faggot nation, plus a gigantic amount of open land for the population to use to their tactical benefit. Just try to think of a realistic gun grabbing solution when you’re staring that in the face you faggot fucking kraut.
>crazy people are just gonna be crazy so its better to let them run free
>the jews will just try to control something else so its better to keep them in power
great ideas gang
>gets education and welfare cut
>get put into a for-profit prison after cops raid home
>gets mugged and shot while trying to buy groceries from unchecked megacorporations
>national average weight soars 20 pounds in a decade
>gets shot in school
>worships vapid celebrities of no material worth
*breathes in burger*
>unironically votes for Trump
>gets dethroned by China
>gets put six figures into debt after being hospitalized
>thumps Bible
>ignores stagnating incomes and increasing wage gaps
>Fully automatic weapons
Wow, even for a Slav you're impressively stupid, no wonder your people were enslaved.
How does it work? It just works?
why do we get so many shooters from shithole schools?
Niggers are so ugly lol
>the other forms are far less lethal check mate
You're thinking is far too restrained. If someone really wanted to hit a place, especially a place like a school? There are ways where they would get away with it 100%. They'd leave hundreds critically ill or dead and there would be no way to trace it unless they fucked up. I'm not going to say how. I'm just going to say it doesn't automatically deescalate to knives.
Ask a mexican user.
>You're thinking
Man. I fucked up there because I doubled back to change the sentence. I'll own my fuck-up.
America has a gun culture. Japan has mental health problems but no gun culture, Switzerland has tons of guns but no school shootings. Mexico has gun control but tons of gun crime. Sadly it's not so simple as to point to one thing and magically pass some law that will solve all the problems. America asked itself a question, is the value of our government being totally unable to subjugate us by force worth spree shootings? And they answered yes, yes it is. Now maybe because there is no tyrannical government trying to grab their guns that seems crazy. But history would show disarmed populations are always the ones who get rounded up and fucked over. It surprises me that the jews aren't more pro-gun because of that. Ghandi spoke out against disarmament as well.
Its bombs. Everyone knows its bombs. Bombs are how you fuck shit up. Its not unknown.
Bombs? No. Bombs are child's play. They're a joke. Bombs are traceable. I'll talking there are ways that are 100% imperceptible unless the person fucks up. But nobody ever does them because guns are readily available and the sort of rage that makes a school shooter rarely translates to the thing I'm talking about. If it did, it would change everything overnight.
They did a good job of scrubbing youtube, you basically have to find people's response videos with clips. These are the same people who complain about censorship. This one is from 2012
>I'll talking
Did it again. Holy shit. I'm retarded tonight.
Thank you, reasonable leaf.
start it at 1:47 for some sauce
rly makes u thunk
Weren't guns 50 years ago pretty capable of carrying out mass shootings too? Why didn't they happen as much back then? It's not like gun laws have loosened
isn't this the guy that said 9/11 was an inside job?
>fault of the person
Trucks, grenades, knives, blades, bats, cars
>fault of the weapon
I'll take what are trucks, for 500 Alex
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Trucks seem to work pretty well
Gun Free Zone: psycho, who is prohibited by law from having weapons, goes nuts, kills lots of people.
Rest of 'Murica: psycho pops up with gun, gets shot down forthwith, life goes on.
Fuck Yurop and all the other shitholes. we don't give a fuck. if we wanted to live like you, we'd move.
Also, prior to being expelled, he was not allowed to have a backpack because they were afraid of what he would do.
>Weren't guns 50 years ago pretty capable of carrying out mass shootings too? Why didn't they happen as much back then? It's not like gun laws have loosened
We had much more powerful guns available 50 years ago. You could buy a fucking HMG out of a catalog. The thing that changed was that society fell apart. Our society is sick. Everyone pushes gun control, but gun control is like pushing pills. It does nothing to address the issues. It just veils the consequences of the issue so people can hide from the reality of the fucked up world they live in.
Does it works in countries with borders to the biggest narcostate in the world?
Conservatives will do anything to avoid debating gun control. The second amendment is not sacred, it wasn't written in the Bible.
Guns should be less accessible rather than more accessible. Notice I didn't say they should be banned. Or even how to make them less accessible, just that they should. Nukes are banned from public ownership because they would give to much power to one individual. I would make the case that certain rifles being easily accessible also give too much power to individuals. Regardless of mental health.
shouldn't america be for the native americans then.
Yeah keep lying to yourself you creep.
how will you make them less accessable
how is an AR-15 more dangerous than any other rifle
Do you even know that pistols are responsible for more gun deaths than rifles?
I know we have a mental health problem, Drumph and Ratpublicans are insane enough to think an adult should be able to buy a firearm.
I love how shootings are just a fun excuse for USA vs Rest of World shitposting
we all know we aren't getting rid of our guns so it's all just an effort in futility
You are justifying genocide.
We don't have a gun problem, we have a Hisp*nic problem.
Every single time like clockwork. I own guns, but claiming they're not the problem helps no one and does not further the argument.
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED does not mean that we have permission to have guns. It means that you cannot take away our right to have guns.
Mark Dice based as usual.
>jew problem
hispanics wouldn't be an issue if jews weren't dividing our society
>Conservatives will do anything to avoid debating gun control
I understand that you’re new here, but read through the thread before posting please.
No i'm not. If you want asia to be for the asians, africa to be for the africans, then europe should be for the whites and america should be for the native americans.
Isn't that only fair?
Mexico has gun laws even more strict than YOU Germany.
yet they have so many firearm homicides that the U.N. ranks them as the 2nd most dangerous place in the WORLD to live, only syria is ranked as a place you are more likely to be shot.
the republic of congo, north korea, yemen, sudan, liberia are all safer than mexico.
user invading Germany, do you just say that because it was repeated to you over and over since you were a baby?
lets talk about some acid control user, your nation had over 1600 acid attacks last year. Seriously what the fuck? Guess how many acid attacks the USA had last year? its in the double digits but just barely.
it is because we'd fucking shoot them. (a lot.)
at least all your new germans hate jews though, and your government won't do ANYTHING to them because it would be racist.
maybe they and their acid and peaceful religion will be enough to save some of you, even if its just your kids, and its just for sex.
>we should dose people up on psychotropics which have been shown to cause homicidal ideation
>the problem isn't that public schools are evil
>the problem isn't dysgenic breeding
>the problem isn't niggers and spics bullying white kids
>the problem isn't Chad and Stacey social dynamics
>the problem isn't the absentee parenting
>the problem isn't the nutrient deficient diets
>the problem isn't that the tv screen plays violence 24/7
>the problem isn't that the internet trains people to be misanthropic
>no the problem is that Merck and Pfizer haven't sold enough Risperdal
Go ahead and fill me in on Native American immigration policy
Well letting the white guys in seems like it didn't work out. We should deport you all back to your home countries in europe.
>Everyone in America is on Xanax
>Still complain and shoot shit up
Stop being babies, I want Xanax, I have to settle for Diazepam, be grateful you fuck faces.
Go ahead and fill me in on “your” immigration policy.
>Do you even know that pistols are responsible for more deaths than atomic bombs?
I'm talking about the power that is given to a an individual with a single weapon. Semi Auto Rifles have a much higher kill count per use. They are highly effective in killing humans in combat because that's what they were designed for.
They should not be as accessible. How? I'm not sure, we need to start the conversation though.
you fucks must just love the fact we are fucking up so bad and letting niggers and spics do to us what we did to you
>it will only cause the insane to erupt in other forms
yes, without access to assault rifles the insane will start using their akira powers to be just as destructive.
in general i think people need shut up about mental illness unless they actually have something to say about how mental illness should be addressed differently. at least gun control arguments are substantive. the chorus of idiots parroting "mental illness problem" every time there's a shooting without anything else to contribute is just embarrassing
The vast majority of legal guns are semi automatic, if you ban semi auto rifles you open the door to banning the majority of all guns. You know as well as I that it wouldn’t stop there.
You moron the only semi-auto rifles used in combat are DMRs, almost every soldier uses a select fire rifle which has burst and automatic fire.
You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
>access to assault rifles
Bruh an AR-15 isn't an assault rifle
Honestly its pretty funny but you haven't had it quite so bad yet.
Its not like your kids are being kidnapped and taken to 'schools' where their native language and cultures are brainwashed out of them, they're just getting a little, gentle brainwashing right now.
I meant conservatives in the media and politics. Specifically ones that receive money from the NRA then #pray for the victims of a mass shooting in their state. The real kicker is when they insist there is a better time to discuss gun control after a mass shooting but never end up being open to discussions.
some are mentally ill, and some are just evil assholes
Whether it works or not has no bearing on whether or not people have a right to keep and bear them.
What the fuck? Everyone agrees that we should re-open the crazy houses Reagan shut shut down. Just because you haven’t seen an argument doesn’t mean it isn’t more prevalent than you realize.
whats there to discuss? It doesn't work. Look at the places with the most gun control in america and they're uberviolent shitholes.
We actually take our sovereignty seriously you massive faggot.
Mexican government is ineffective, can’t be compared to first world countries
I have a Xanax prescription. I actually think diazepam gives a little more euphoria.
>be german
>get trucked
The conservatives you’re talking about should be discussing why we have so many low IQ feral brown people in their region instead of why the vastly law abiding, tax paying white American should give up their rights. At the end of the day this was a dumb fuck person the government let in, caused violence, and now we have statists like you that want everyone else to give their guns to the government that caused the problem in the first place.
Why the fuck wouldn't it be? No civilian with good intentions needs to do that.
I mean it depends on what you mean by bomb
there are some explosives available to citizens, you can even get grenades if you want.