Do you believe in real numbers?

do you believe in real numbers?

Calling some numbers real and not real is racist sheeeeit nigga

how can you be racist to something that doesn't exist?

No, OP, life is imaginary

I don't do mathematics with Reals. Mathematicians hate me. I proved that infinite sets don't exist. You mad?

is zero a real number?

no, it's an abomination that shouldn't have been introduced

Pretty sure the math we have all been taught is jewed beyond repair

how Can numbers Be real If our Eyes arent Real


thats that australian finitist faggot, right? whats his name again? weinberger or so?

oh, its wildberger. that douche.

and hes canadian? he teaches in australia, though.

i believe in the axiom of choice because why not lulz

What's your favorite youtube schizophrenic, Sup Forums?

I enjoy Ted is God, but pretty sure he's RIPed or transcended.

(((complex))) numbers, on the other hand...

This guy keeps popping up. Maybe I should read he stuff. I often come up with finitilist views when I try to do math on my own.

Why is a mathematician even arguing of what is real in our universe or not? That's a physicist job

Real numbers? Go read the axiom of choice. Garbage.

>do you believe in real numbers?
Numbers are an abstract idea, and are used as a "metric" of communication.

fucking kikes

TheGroxt1 was my go-to for a few years but he really slipped hard and started doing nothing but showing maps of random small towns and drawing crude pictures of Satan on the outlines of the roads claiming Satan built the Matrix and put his face everywhere.


this doesn't exist

Imaginary numbers are infinitely more kiked
Prove me wrong

I do. How else do you deal with transcendental numbers like pi or e? Approximations with rationals?

it's not like you actually need 6 gorillion digits of pi for anything

He’s right tho, the length of that line doesn’t exist. If you think it does feel free to write down what it is. We’ll say the length of the side of the square is 1 unit. Of course you cannot cheat by giving a made up term such “sqrt2” or not writing down the full answer. Well? I’m waiting.

>what is pythagorean

You didn’t even comprehend what I was saying in my post at all, kys.

depends what you mean by "believe". Formal construction is ok. There is no physical phenomena known to behave like that.

So what is "believe" for you?

yes and not. Since every measure will bring some error, no lab even measured a square with a side equal to 1.

You are right when it comes to formal system, but in term of physics, you cannot show any square equal to 1. Whatever you'll show me, will have a measure error. Will not be "1". So the square is not real, too.

If you are limiting maths to what is applicable in the real world then you’re admitting infinity doesn’t exist. Either way wildberger is right.