Today is Statehood Day in Serbia, marking the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottomans in 1804 and the adoption of her first constitution in 1835. Say something nice about Serbia.
Today is Statehood Day in Serbia...
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Zivi Serbia!
you're too irrelevant to be a threat to anyone
nice flag
Srbe na vrbe!
Ok. Kosovo is serbia.
Give independence to Vojvodina
Love Serbia and Serbian people.
OP please post some Serbian music for the occasion
you are most bloodthirsty and valliant of all słowiańskich narodów
Serbs are degenerate.
and Poland is such nice and peaceful nation, lol, full of bunch of stupid Polaks without balls .
At least Serbs have balls, not pussies like you Polaks have.
im pretty sure he just gave us serbs a compliment
Here, have a classic jam by Baja Mali Knindza
>Shot in torso
>Caber is hit, explodes
Idiot design
Dog Bless Black Georgio.
LOL, good point , hahaha
Croats are better
More civilized
Once Servia is gone, no one will notice
For nothing of value will be lost
>Serbia, marking the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottomans
He's trying to create hate where there is non--typical bosnian/croatian/albanian/bulgarian behaviour.
Ever notice how Serbs never shit on anyone except NATO and the U.S.? Meanwhile there is a constant hate campaign against Serbia by nearly all its neighbors (except Greeks and Romanians because they are orthodox bros).
No one gives a shit, faggot.
too bad you failed to remove all the Kebab. better luck next time. (if there will be one)
Kosovo is Serbia
I was about to go to Serbia from my university for half a year but my other lectures stopped me from doing it. I kinda regret it as I'm orthodox and it's probably cool in Serbia
Maybe another time.
yes stupid Polak, Croats were fighting togheter with Hitler to eliminate Polaks and other Slavs, good choice you stupid Polak, very good choice. LOL
God is a Serb.
Because Croats are better than other humans
Bosniaks, Servs and Ukrainians are the biggest subhumans among slavs
> pic rel your average serbian family after meeting KARA BOGA
Bravest country in Europe.
I like you more than muslims
Croatia is like Western Ukraine, full of Nazis
>Ukrainians are the biggest subhumans among slavs
>Croatia is like Western Ukraine, full of Nazis
some of the best posters here are Serbros
We have lots of antifa as well unfortunately
You are The dumbest mother fuckers in europe.
Serbia GDP per capita 5,348.29 USD. Fucking Lol.
jebeš NATO i WTO
solidarnost s Srbjiom iz Hrvatske
I don't know who was worst savage blood thirsty subhuman during WWII, Croat turds or turds from Western Ukraine.
Both were filthy uneducated primitive animals
the comfiest country in the world
But at least it's a normally functioning country
Unlike you and Ukraine
In Poland, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo are seen as primitive and dangerous countries full of white niggers.
Croatia on the other hand is seen as beautiful holiday destination
Yeah, no how about you fuck off Shlomo. Kosovar Albozerg infestation is included in those test results and they are the ones dragging the score down.
sub 100 IQ nigger turk rape baby dogs.
Kosovo je Srbija
Gaza GDP per capita 6100$
Serbia GDP per capita 5,348.29 USD
Even fucking Gaza is doing better than you.
"‘This country’s TOO POOR’ Shocking scale of migrants snubbing Serbia despite warm welcome"
You faggots started WWI and you're all turkish rape babies
It's okay Blerim, don't you worry, you'll have it easy. The Russians will take care of Albanian diaspora in Finland instead of us.
>full of Nazis
>a bad thing
fuck off
underage b&
>instead of us
lmao.. make sure you clean your hands for when you hold my shoes, monkey
Gaza is almost entirely urban.
this is our holocaust, we had to live it for 250 years, now you euroniggers wants to bring it back, you're fucking scum.
Fuck you finngolian your pale nordic ass is primed for getting raped by muslims and you'll be powerless to stop it because you let them in.
We are Turkish rape babies? Have you looked at your country recently you eternal semen drinking kraut cuck? Fuck you, you've destroyed Europe for the last time, because this time fortunately for the rest of us you are committing suicide you nordic niggers. I would start TEN fucking world wars just to get rid of the degenerates among your kind.
hey, stupid Jew, and what's your point with this statistic?, (I didn't even clicked on it it's so irrelevant to this topic),
hey Jew let's talk about Croats working togheter with Hitler and happily killing millions of Jews, very hot topic lately on Sup Forums LOL
I wonder how Is*ael would look like if you didn't get an enormous amount of foreign aid, especially from the US. You would be a shithole just like any other countries from the ME. The eternal leech - nothing to be proud of Shlomo.
fuck off chang
Klin klinom Srbina plinom.
Not gonna happen fuckface, you still have a few light years of papa Clinton's cock to suck so better get to it or you'll have to rim job Albright thrice a day from now on.
>on ne slavi 7526u godinu drzavnosti
it was a compliment but that pirate flag faggot have no soul of a slav and he cannot feel it
boli moj kurac pedercina
Very good post with an excellent points.
LOL, well
Show flag faggot. dont be ashamed of your country.
yes, just ignore the argument and adhominem the shit outta everyone, thats what your people brought to this world :^) serpents deception
We are number 1 in the world in start ups you dumb cheap pole human trash.
We dont fly to UK to clean their toilets.
"Israeli shekel emerges as world's 2nd-strongest currency"
>there were millions of Jews in Croatia
don't worry about my flag faggot ass fucker, WORRY ABOUT WHAT I'M POSTING, don't whine like a little butthurt bitch.
So what about Croats roasting millions of your Jewish ancestors during WWII, they were very famous for killing Jews you know, LMAO
did you just come to the thread for the sake of arguing and comparing penis size with everyone and generally creating chaos and disorder in the already chaos inflicted balkan threads to portray us as savages as much as possible?
Happy anniversary?!
Or whatever you say on such ocasions, happy birthday is not really correct.
Praised be the hero!
no, but there were millions of Jews in Europe at that time during WWII and Croats were very busy helping Hitler to kill them all.
Return rightdul clay of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad
happy statehood day fags
"Prostitutes in English city sell their bodies for £4"
""women come from as far as Serbia and Croatia and sell sex""
congratulations I guess
Long live Serbia!
I love you brothers
everyone who's not a shill admires serbia. sorry for the NATO bombing. they never asked my permission to do it
thanks for entirely supporting my statement, you fucking idiot
Tupac Shakur alive in Serbia
Instead of trying to be a backstabbing jew for n-th time you could try playing along with your slavic kin for once.
I hope to visit one day.
>Show flag faggot. dont be ashamed of your country.
you are the massive pussy here.
you are crying, Mommy he is hiding his real flag from me, I 'm butthurt now,Mommy help me now, Mommy
Ignore the fucking flags, don't pay fucking attention to them, your experience will be much smoother here.
How many anons have flags from some fucking shitholes yet they are actually in the USA, or the other way around.
Don't let this bother you and stop attacking others about it, because you will always look like a fool doing that.
And the user with a meme flag loughs at you and likes the fact that you got fucking triggered.
Who the fuck cares what flag user uses.
Read his fucking post and agree with it or disagree with it.
Don't be bunch of little menstruating girl pussies getting triggered about flags.
Do you think anons always have real geographical flags, they use fucking PROXIES and their flag many times means fucking shit.
GROW THE FUCK UP and stop whining you bloody bitches.
i unironically hate jews. cant wait til iran bombs u
Želin svakog Srbina sa srbosjekom iskasapit.
4 fucking euro. fucking Lol.
You are the biggest shithole in europe. dumb slavic human trash.
>Irrationally butthurt
>Grammar of an inbred sandnigger
You're even worse than LARPing kikes, memeflag
Fun fact - Croats killed mostly Serbs and Gypsies and the guy in charge of the croatian holocaust was jewish
Another fun fact - Nedić's Serbia was the first European Judenfrei country
Serbs are way bigger nazis than Croats
Bend over. little Bitch.
thanks bro, anyone with some research skills could research original serbian values and views, from the sveti sava era
the current occupational government does not represent the serbian people in any way, its just that after hundreds of years of selective destruction of serbian people, our nation is sedated and people are deceived by the media and their puppet masters
You clearly did not understand what I said. It just proves you would be a shithole full of dirty huts made of camels shit. Jews are no better than other sandniggers.
Its ,,,Živela Srbija,,, keeo up the good work
There was a protest supporting Nedic a few days ago.
Činjenice ne djeluju na Srbine glupi su ka matun možda to potječe od njihove turske krvi.
Fuck off chink. I’ll personally gas you.