>17 kills in a school full of hundreds of unarmed children in a way its good that edgelord millennials and the entire normieverse think the AR15 is the most powerful rifle on earth. can you imagine if would-be millennial faggots knew they were shooting a bullet designed for hunting squirrels?
i say we have a responsibility to spread the MSM propaganda that the AR15 is deadliest assault weapon machine gun baby killer of war since the atomic bomb. the last thing we need is pyschopaths using a real cartridge designed to kill anything under 800 lbs in weight. god help us if a normie school shooter gets ahold of a garand
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Ian Hernandez
>niggers in commie blocks voting for gibs
Christian Lopez
.223 and 5.56×45 is what the military uses. It's accurate but not really deadly.
7.62x39 is where it's at. There's no semi auto long gun that shoots 30-06 rapidly. Youd have to use a hunting rifle.
Ian Thompson
City people like niggers?
James Perry
Ohio ordnance HCAR
Adam Myers
>It's accurate but not really deadly. This is actually part of the point. Fucking someone up still takes them off the battlefield, but then ties up resources in treating the injured and evacing them and shit, and having field hospitals full of injured and dying men is damaging to morale. Yes the US has made its military policy to wound its enemies to death.
Logan Clark
>city people, like niggers.
Lucas Reyes
Just made this argument from .223 to 7.62x54r using visual aides.
Aiden Lee
thirty aught six is
James Lee
BAR. But nothing beats a Tigr9 . Please Putin just let me have one Tigr9, I will marry a Russian gal and make lots of babies, just lemme have a Tigr9
Jackson Turner
If you destroy your enemies they won't come back. Why let them get away?
Zachary Wright
Forgot about the BAR. Nobody has one anyway except gun enthusiasts. There nearly impossible find, cost a fortune, and has to be fixed to semi auto.
Logan James
7.62 Russian baby
Daniel Garcia
I already explained. You wound a guy, he falls down and starts screaming and shit. This is demoralizing and similar to if you killed him, but since he's merely wounded and not dead and probably letting people know how not dead he is with all the screaming, your enemy feels obligated to retrieve him. This lets you shoot more people who are distracted. If they do retrieve him, he's now tying up whatever medical resources he's consuming, he's filling up their ability to care for people and he's demoralizing everyone by being part of a mass of wounded. The medics get overtaxed and stressed and lack of supplies still results in death and disease.
Josiah Turner
I thought 7.62x39 was supposed to have worse ballistics than 5.56 NATO. Like, it's lower velocity and over-penetrates, while smaller 5.56 fragments inside the body and does more damage that way.
Jeremiah Martin
no, it hasn't. 5.56 was selected because it is light, has great ballistics within 300 yards, fragments easily, has little recoil, and is just better than your average 6.5 cartridge. using a round designed to wound people is fucking dumb.
or you just shoot him, he dies, you bombard his friends with artillery and they die, and you can go back your FOB and have a beer with your friends.
Brayden Ramirez
What are some guns that are superior to AR15s?
Mason Garcia
I hope none of them find out what an FAL is. It shoots a bullet close to 30-06 size, and it's one of the most widely available rifles after the AK.
Jason Wright
>It shoots a bullet close to 30-06 size,
Um no.
Adrian Martin
for school shootings? any hunting rifle if you want a better kill count, any dog-exterminator attractor if you want to wound as many people as possible.
or just a bomb. technically a gun. just a faulty one.
Jacob Price
The problem is you just can't fire it full auto acurately, if you want to take a large number of targets you need a smaller caliber full auto weapon.
Bentley Garcia
Fine, nitpicker. 30-06 is 7.62×63mm, and FAL shoots NATO 7.62×51mm. The point is, it's a semi-auto high-capacity battle rifle that shoots a deadlier caliber than AR15.
Dominic Gonzalez
Or a handgun, why would you wan't to use a rifle in a confined space?
Bentley Clark
I dunno, P90 I guess? It's higher capacity and faster firing rate than the AR15, and its rounds are armor-piercing.
But in the US it's almost impossible to get fully automatic guns. Most mass shootings are committed with semi-auto.
Jace Moore
America is degenerate nation. Earths tumour
Kevin Hall
>There's no semi auto long gun that shoots 30-06 rapidly. What is a Remington 740 for $1000 Alex?
Owen Cox
>Living in a city makes you not retarded.
Ok retard.
Owen Evans
almost posted that exact example in my OP same ballistic properties
Caleb Miller
You can buy one today at Sportsmans Wharehouse. 30-06 semi auto BAR. Not the OG BAR that would cost 30 grand to buy.
Henry Clark
7.62x39 akm for example now that is some deadly shit. Leaves a huge fucking crater when you shoot someone.
Dylan Sullivan
I have an Obendorf Munitions Mauser in 30-06
Asher Cruz
My garand was a heavy sob but I smoked plenty of nips with it back on Saipan.
Alexander Rivera
t. rural and suburban retard
Aiden Sullivan
Yeah but it had a small capacity magazine.
Zachary Harris
Mason Wright
One of these days some wild man if gonna take chainsaw to school and show the world how it's really done.
Daniel Wilson
>There's no semi auto long gun that shoots 30-06 rapidly. I'll take "M1 Garand" for all the shekels, Jim.
Nathan Martinez
Anybody got links to the vid of him shooting through walls?
Jace Moore
This round must be at least 50 cal. Rite?
Nathan Diaz
You know it's fake, only 17
James Long
that happened and videos exist?
Joseph Gomez
Asher Jones
Yeah, the reasoning for choosing 5.56 is what you said, but the reasoning for using FMJ instead of HP ammo is to wound instead of kill. Hague Convention and all.
Lucas Stewart
Gavin Campbell
looks like a .75 to me.
Parker Perry
Parkland, Florida Las Vegas Orlando Sandy Hook Aurora San Bernadino
>All done with AR15 I'm starting to think every time MSM starts crying about this gun and gun control; It's probably another staged event.
Bentley Williams
M1 Garand, M1919, Browning Bar to name a few more.
Xavier Hernandez
I dont think this generation of kids have enough upper body strength to lift a loaded FAL.
Kayden Price
.308 is a powerful round my uncle shot himself in the thigh with one and after 3 surgeries the motherfucker might lose his leg.
Jace Butler
It does, and the 5.45x39mm which is the standard commie cartridge is even more deadly. 5.56 is more deadly than a .308 within its range of fragmentation, which is between 100-200 yards depending on the length of the barrel and velocity of the ammunition. Past the range where the round fragments it's basically a hot .22. The 5.56 designed to wound thing is a meme. It's a light cartridge, that's incredibly flat shooting, and it's devastating at close to medium range. You aren't going to reach out to 1000 plus yards with it effectively, but there's a reason why it's the world standard for a military cartridge.
Nathaniel Russell
you mus be a kid the "R" In 7.62X54r stands for rimmed that rim on the bottom of the case un like the 7.62x39 which is Sks and Ak 47 round or the 7.62X 25 which was a pistol round for the Torkerev pistol and some converted PPSH's or the 7.62 Nagant for the Nagant revolver
learn a bit so you don't sound like a lib tard
Asher Turner
>M1 Garand, M1919, Browning Bar to name a few more. I was never into Semi autos at all. I prefer slide or lever action. I love my Remington 700, and when I saw the 740 series I fell in love. I keep meaning to get one. It is not legal to hunt with in my state, but w/e. Its a sharp looking gun, and if as good as a 700, I would be thrilled.
Eli Mitchell
Wtf is this another meme flag or another flag for sweden
Brayden Parker
You're a moron, kill yourself asap
Bentley Jackson
Uh the PPSH was designed around the 7.62x25 round.
Hudson Smith
>long rifle round >thigh Care to explain how this happened? Is your uncle 9 foot tall?
Nathaniel Morgan
>All done with AR15 Because everyone cant stop talking about muh ARs and thats all the normies think guns are when there is so much other shit out there. But fuck competition, AR15 is the only gun and .223/5.56 is the only cartridge
Jace Cooper
I always assumed a semi-auto shotgun with a big mag like a saiga would be perfect for such work.
Liam Barnes
>ARs They think AR stands for Assault Rifle. That is why. I can think of no other more logical reason, and this is even mental gymnastics.
Blake Stewart
so the story goes that he mounted an optic on his the rifle because it belonged to a friend and the guy i guess who has handled firearms for at least more than 10 years plus doesnt understand how to mount one. So after hes done tests the zeroing with a quick grouping when the motherfucker stole my laser bore sight. so he leaves it loaded puts it under the back seat of his truck and it just goes off. this is what his son tells me who is 9 and its like unbelievable too me because he went against everything he taught me when i got into owning a rifle.
Daniel Jones
City ppl also tend to be the softest and least emotionally well adjusted people. Put your enemies through empathy hoops, toy with their mind, leave em unable to fight but crying in pain pleaing for aid. There we go.
Tyler Cook
oh god stop it with your fucking faggotry. The energy of the round is meaningless if it doesn't hit it's target, and the 5.56 is designed for accuracy so that you hit your fucking target. As for lethality, no small arms are designed in such a way as to be dependably lethal when hitting a non-vital organ.
Lincoln Carter
no one cares. If the military wanted to use JHP rounds they would, but there's a reason they don't. When shooting an unarmoured nigger who's broken into your house at 1am, JHP is better. In a war, FMJ is better. No soldier is going to want to use JHP rounds in an actual fire-fight. They won't penetrate cover and thin kevlar would stop them, forget about ceramic plates.
Jaxon James
>what is remote wounding
Alexander Gutierrez
To any new fags the .22lr if it's too hot a load would be overkill for a squirrel. A .223 would explode a squirrel. The only people who insist on muh large cartridges are the same who insist on muh sports car or muh hummer aka dicklets. Use whatever round you're comfortable with. That said the .223 is meant more for wounding which is what you want to do in war time. Bringing a full battle rifle to a school is a joke should bring a carbine. HAHA JK FBI HAHA
Jace Fisher
shotgun with 00 would be better. Nothing better in such an area, medium choke. Not taht I would do anything.
Christian Morgan
Also in a war you want to wound instead of kill. If you kill them it takes very little effort on their part. If you wound them it take time and effort to stabilize and move him. You win wars through man hours and shit like that in my limited understanding.
Charles Robinson
>small arms
can you read, nigger? No small arms caliber is designed to kill upon impact of a non-vital organ. Do you understand my words or should I simplify them?
Dylan Butler
lol, no. If there was a magic bullet that instantly killed someone even if it hit their pinky finger, the military would use it.
Landon Harris
Fucking leafs
Jose Carter
>Not bird shotting the track team haha i mean that's horrible but ya silly gunlets
>bird shot will just wound. Buckshot at close range from the right angle will nearly sever the spine and strip away all the flesh off a man. Probably blow a child in half. Not that I have an interest.
Andrew Turner
got you senpai
Ryan Edwards
no shit bird shot wounds its all about the spread not the power.
Jacob Reed
>wounding No death is nice and final. Making people live and suffer is a meme.-
Lucas Perez
If you blow up my hand I will die? Are we talking in Somalia? Are we talking like getting hit with a musketball in 1545?? Are you retarded? Any first world military's combat medic equipment can deal with someone's hand getting blown off. Civilian paramedics and hospitals can easily deal with this as well. How do you get your understanding of the way things work in this world? What books do you read? You clearly have no idea how things work in the real world.
Also...hypersonic rifle round small arms? Oh god.... what are you calling hypersonic? The MP7, for example, fires high velocity rounds, but I certainly wouldn't call them hypersonic (and they aren't very lethal). Hypersonic is a term usually applied to aircraft and missiles that can achieve at least mach 3, but more often mach 5-6. Most rifle rounds already travel several times the speed of sound. So they're already hypersonic. You done?
Nolan Cruz
>First I'll take your tendies. >Next I'll take your waifu pillow >Your fingers? I'll leave them so you can cry online about everything I took from you.
i dont think you understand i man walked into a library on a college campus and shot a girl at less than 3 feet with birds hot and it barely broke the skin. theres no suffering from bird shot. the only reaction is a will ferral getting punched in the nose reaction.
Henry Cox
>Are you retarded? Any first world military's combat medic equipment can deal with someone's hand getting blown off. Civilian paramedics and hospitals can easily deal with this as well. How do you get your understanding of the way things work in this world?
>people dont go into shock >people dont bleed out ever in first world countries
Samuel Brown
>getting shot in brain and dying instantly >getting shot in hand and slowly bleeding out because no one could help you and you die 1 hour later
yeah, these are totally the same thing.
Lincoln Carter
Thats what Im getting at. My steelshot doesnt even always get geese. I wish I could use lead to hunt waterfowl.
Parker Ross
>1 hour 5 minutes maybe 10 if you can slow it. If I shoot you in the legs you will die within 1 minute if I hit an artery.
Nolan Ramirez
dont spread bs about a cartridge its bad enough with the kib loonies out there. but im glad i went with an m1
Brayden Martinez
>bomb >technically a gun No
Jose Jones
Buster Keaton Nooooooo!
Brayden Parker
i posted above my uncle shot himself in the leg it stuck the femoral artery. he survived for longer than 1 minute just now after 3 surgeries they think the damage is sever and they will have to amputate.
Andrew Lee
>Drumphf handing out tax gibs
Cooper Taylor
Yes let's all jump on the anti gun wagon as part of a "plan" libshits trying to be clever everybody
Zachary Cook
Im assuming you managed to halt the bleeding or that the projectile worked to deal the wound? Otherwise he would be dead as fuck senpai.
Leo Roberts
AR10 would be the controllable, preferred alternative. 100lb teen isn't gonna lug a BAR around too well.
Christian Butler
why are you still arguing? Are small arms calibers designed to kill upon impact of anywhere on the body? No. Of all the times people are hit with a bullet, what percentage of those impacts are fatal? 10%? 5%? I'm right. You're wrong.