Why are young men dropping out of society and playing vidya all day?
Why are young men dropping out of society and playing vidya all day?
There's no point in doing anything desu
vidya is enjoyable, society isn't
god is dead and we killed him
we are trapped between nihilism and totalitarianism
People may need societies, but they do not necessarily need 'nations, you seem to confuse nations with society. if you play videos online you are part of a society.
All the best hobbies can be done alone, and can be discussed at your home with other online people.
>carpentry by yourself
>model planes,trains,gunpla,etc
>read books
>learn things
I don't know about everyone else, but I can speak for myself: All society offers me is 35 years of hard labor and a warm meal at the end of the day. You could say "Look, you could buy and do so many things in our society with that money you make." You would be right, however, all of those things do absolutely nothing for me. They are all boring. So if I have to be bored, I would rather choose the path that foregoes the 35 years of hard labor. I would rather find the easiest job I can and just do whatever.
>inb4 1 post by OP's ID and 300 replies
Have you SEEN society lately?
Why would I want to help prop it up when real reform can only occur with complete system collapse?
I'm active, I have hobbies, I learn and do things, and I do all in my power to speed up the collapse so that we can actually change things.
its enjoyable, but it would be awkward if a person would sit behind you, watching gaming you all day.
this is bullshit, you cannot play vidya all day, you need food
to get money for food you need job
proper way is to work 8 hours and play vidya afterwards
Are they?
I think some people still count that as dropping out of society somehow.
Oh this thread again.
In order for a person to want to contribute to society, they must have incentive. The whole, what do I get out of it, carrot on a stick scenario. Now those rewards don't necessarily have to be easy to obtain, or even exist, but it must be in view. It needs to appear within reach. That carrot is gone now. Society now ask for men to participate for either last place trophies, or sometimes nothing at all. So instead of playing the game that is now no longer hidden to be rigged against them, most decide to not play at all. Now, that isn't going to fix the problems of society, but that is the only available goal for some men now. Personal happiness.
Life sucks, but games are fun.
So you spend more time playing games than life.
There's no incentive
Historically in America, if you worked hard as a young man, you would be well off by the end of your 20s, buy a house, marry a sweet girl, have kids, buy a golden retriever...
Now? You work harder than before, get paid less, have an awful apartment, and "sweet girls" are pretty much extinct. There's no point. Sitting down all day, drinking beer and playing vidya, and disappointing your parents is much easier and somehow more rewarding. I wish my parents were nice enough to let me do that.
>Why are young men dropping out of society and playing vidya all day?
Because (a) society treats them like they're worthless, (b) there are massive disincentives in place for "being entrepreneurial" or being creative*, (c) because of a and b society essentially offers zero reward, so while video games have worthless rewards that ultimately mean nothing, there *ARE* rewards.
If you want young men in society, then treat them like you want and need them.
Why did you drop out of society and post these threads all day?
some people do not concern me
in fact, none outside my family and friends concern me
I am living my life simply, I have stable job innawoods, and I return and play vidya, read books, or do stuff in my garden
society offered me nothing and shunned me because I liked books when I was supposed to like sports and shit
now society can suck it, I manage without it
>Why are young men dropping out of society and shitposting on Sup Forums all day?
What job? Man I wish I could live innawoods. My job is in the city.
because they are fucking pussies and are afraid of power.
>playing vidya all day
I fucking wish I could. So many great games I've never played and never will... Fucking life.
>Why are young men dropping out of society and playing vidya all day?
Most aren't, what they are doing is rejecting what society says they should be doing. The NEET living in mom's basement, collecting Tismbux, is a meme.
The overwhelming majority of young men "dropping out of society and playing vidya" are actually young business professionals and tradesmen. They work their hours, then do whatever makes them happy. They've realized that chasing societies definition of a man is a losing battle, so they define themselves instead.
Society is shit
Because they can.
Human beings will always choose to be lazy if they can -- it's why everyone wants to be a billionnaire, so they can afford to sleep in all day and do whatever the fuck they want.
The reality is that nowadays, mostly due to technology, many people in the West can afford to do that. So they do it. Women less so because they have a stronger need to socialize.
Because the Rothschilds want it this way and we do what they command.
why do women want to play mind games and be a complete waste of your time?
>implying men cant play mind games
I'm in college, have a girlfriend who I'll marry, and play vidya a ton while listening to stories of my people's past and fashy philosophy.
People always pissed away time doing shit. Video games are just new so people see it as dangerous.
Literally millions of years of evolution.
alcohol, dabs and thots. fuck your society.
What are the benefits of me participating in society? I'll still be working a shitty desk job.
I hate socializing, if I want companionship I have a plethora of people to talk to, if I want sex I can just order in.
A family? Good luck starting one when the chinks are buying up every fucking house and every girl is either a slut, or ugly and wants to be a slut.
Better to let the rotten husk crash down after I've had my fun and die than postpone it another decade or two.
Polish equivalent of Forest Service
I couldn't hold job in a city, it would be too tiresome, and nature is very calming to the mind and spirit
Why are you a faggot that can't come up with new topics? Piss off, cunt.
>Knocks the bucket off
>Another bucket.
Gets me every time.
because you shitpost
vidya are designed by kike (((psychologists))) to keep you playing by continuously engaging your dopamine cycle. loot boxes, levels, item drops, ranks - it's all kike methods to keep you addicted to the game
>woman enablers
Society , it appears, has ignored them.
It's all about empowering someone else, boys be damned.
Throwing metaphorical rocks at them on a never-ending cycle is bad for "business".
And they have access to weapons so whenever they hit the limit, they react violently.
Very violently.
Good job ignoring them, tho.
Pretty much this. Women have evolved to be a burden upon men. It was only social norms ensuring women contributed enough to a relationship, that made monogamy a worthwhile prospect. Those social norms no longer exist, therefore except for sex women have virtually zero value.
Grow up being constantly told that you're the cause of all the world's ills, and try to come out on the other end feeling good about yourself.
OP's ID is "fag" by the way
>Grow up being constantly told that you're a retarded nigger, and try to come out on the other end feeling good about yourself.
>go outside
>get shot
I dropped out of society and I haven't played video games in 4 years.
>Everyone is a city/suburban retard.
Nope fampai.
Russians use 'light blue' as slang for gay.
I think the inner bucket had additional meaning, i.e. he was calling them fags.
Bretty cool guy.
>try to achieve something in society
>need to slave away for years upon years, making shitty wages and being totally ignored if you dont make the cut
>try to achieve something in vidya
>takes anywhere from a couple of minutes to a couple of years, totally flexible to your likes, timetables and preferences
>get rewarded almost instantly, or at perfect intervals where you feel like you've worked for it but havent been shortchanged
Vidya is better all the time hands down.
holy shit. that's my dream. being a forrest worker (not the ones that do the tree logging, but the ones that walk through the woods and look if everything's right).
but nope, I'm trapped running my own software company. fuck that. I should sell it and move to Białowieża and live out my dream
The difference there is that when niggers do the MGTOW thing, they also leave a string of fatherless children who become an additional drain on society, and then grow up to repeat the cycle.
True, I'm just pointing out the shittiness of the argument without any surrounding argument.
Because if id go outside i might kill somebody
Because we know the game is rigged now and aren't playing. The powerful are getting desperate, which is why they want to replace us with 3rd world retards. So we voted for Trump. Now they are double pissed.
Sitting on my ass watching all of this and putting forth zero effort as they fail brings me great joy.
blue pilled T_D cuck
thank you for adding to this thread
A gamer with control i like
Why play a rigged game?
If young men were Fathers they would find the motivation to succeed at life. Money is only valuable when you have something to spend it on, or more importantly someONE to spend it on.
mate, it is not all fun and games
best case scenario you have to finish forestry technical school in Ruciane-Nida or Tuchola, then SGGW or Poznań Uni for forestry engineer title, then internship, and then, if you were good or had connections you are working innawoods, walking/driving through it and checking if everything (mostly lumber stocks) are right
90% or so of the job is giving wood stacks to drivers and writing papers
also, Białowieża really sucks because of recent jewish tricks, ips typographus gradation and overall ecofaggotry
t. guy from slightly north than Białowieża
nevertheless, if you are feeling bad with your life change it
every "gamer" have control
we use it to crouch
Immediate gratification of artificial challenges and achievement.
It's not that they aren't choosing to play the game; the game is simply not there for them to play.
"I'm underage" - the post
The fake fiat debt based money system has rendered the purchasing power of the currency worthless compared to house prices and we have the internet, so we figured it out.
When BANKS get bailed out, it shows we have a socialist money system and going against that current is foolish
The only man with real answers.
Because society is shit
because some video games are fucking GREAT
Ask yourself fagboi
I use ctrl to crouch.
because we'd rather fuck prostitutes than get locked in an illegal marriage where all our shit gets taken from us.
VR porn will undergo a rapid transformation in the next five years. It will be like the leap from cassettes to CDs to MP3 players. Soon VR porn will have apparatuses to first stimulate your genitalia and then be hooked straight to your brain.
Women will not benefit from this advancement as all they want is money and resources. The value of post-wall pussy will drop to negative digits and Roastie suicide rates will be skyrocketing.
Good times are coming.
>illegal marriage
this just makes your comment weird
Kill yourself
>Why are young men dropping out of society and playing vidya all day?
Not for much longer now that the kike has ruined games as well.
Every social outlet is filled with niggers chimping around, retarded whores who are insufferable to even try to hold a conversation that doesn’t involve normievision, a pop culture celebrity, or femenemenemism. Those outlets are overpriced by the way, easily running up $60 off of some bottom shelf whiskey after several glasses, which lasts only a night. Or, spend $60 on vidya, avoid all the bullshit, make your money during the day, and entertain yourself at your own expense rather than suffering through a degregated, uninteresting, underperforming society that only aims to bring people down to their level
society is overflowing with actual demons
Unironically because there is no reason not to. God is dead in our societies, we killed him, we have no purpose anymore. Instead we slide towards more debauched hedonism in order to feel something after we have rationalized that nothing matters. Men can't even rely on women/their family anymore, it can all be taken from them.
Why not go on a rampage? Why not play video games all day? Why not kill yourself. If nothing matters and nothing has purpose or inherent meaning then it's all the same.
Cheaper than a divorce. Next question.
>Cheaper than a divorce.
/thread and keked
because nothing matters nigger
Nothing matters to YOU
That's the difference. The majority of people have goals and aims they are striving for
Im a homo but refuse to give into it so I only have vidya and work in my life. If you're not mentally ill though I dont know why'd you live like that.
No, nothing matters if you don't believe in something greater than yourself. Be it God, destiny or purpose. And you can't just tell yourself it matters, you need to live in a way that facilitates actions that exemplify your belief in something greater.
I personally do believe in something greater. I am saying society as a whole does not, at least not western society. In the West we have killed God, and filled the void of purpose he filled in our ancestors with material possessions. Adopting the " modern " hedonistic mindset is nothing short of spiritual suicide, and it's sad.
What is society?
Because the social and cultural policies that have forcefully pursued for the past two generations is producing a much much higher rate of troubled nihilistic sociopaths.
Goals are a purpose but it's very hard I think for 99% of people to orient themselves to a purpose without god, I never used to believe it but I do and its scary as fuck.
Take away god and only the very select few will have the will to chase their goals and dreams - modern media is legit cancerous it's as if the media is now our bible and first point of morality
>If x did it on that tv show then so can I
Because white women are the future and they will marry other driven men, who're not white
>Playing Vidya all day.
That's why.
Instead of taking a deeper look at the lives of out opting males and then correcting the issue in society to give them a reason to go back, they put you in a box.
It's like calling the unicorn: an extremely gifted and well-versed and educated black guy who really wants to work, a nigger every single day, harassing him, calling him big lips, Tyrone and a gangbanger, the child of a black whale etc.
He just stops doing working, because he is desillusioned with life in the country and either goes back, or fills the rank of the smarter than above average criminals instead.
Then they cry where the good workers have gone.
Or the good men?
Smart people, don't wait for everything to be perfect before you have kids. When I had my first kid, I was broke, homeless and addicted to heroin, but my kid turned out pretty smart. He'd already have his GED if he weren't in prison.
Because if I work hard in Germany and earn a lot more than 50% of my money gets taken away and will be given to fugees anyways.
If people don't have something greater to orient their lives around then no matter what goal they come up with is superficial.
It doesn't matter if you were an atheist hedonist who craved power and achieved it. Your last moments will be filled with knowledge that the best you can hope for is the cold silence of the void, you can push these thoughts away and distract yourself through hedonism, but no one escapes death.
Without something greater there is logically no meaning or value, and everything we have been taught is right or wrong is equaly irrelevant.
>Why are young men dropping out of society and playing vidya all day?
Simple. People respond to incentives.
People stop doing things when the incentives to do them go away.
Because of existentialism.
I've dropped out and don't even play vidya any more. Don't watch tv, don't keep up with my friends, don't bother pursuing women. Every time I detach myself a little more, life becomes a little more peaceful...
I worry because I am on the same page as you. I'm so close to checking out completely, and I don't see any reasons why not to at this point