
What does Sup Forums think of it ?

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I'm liking it so far though I don't like the tree guy

Its fun.

Why ? seems like the type to bow to no one, isn't that likeable by Sup Forums standards ?

fuck niggastream for hoarding translations. theres like 3 more chapters and these cocksuckers wont upload them

>What does Sup Forums think of it ?
Sup Forums loves mahou shoujo, eventi when the protagonist is a male (male?)

not asking that part of Sup Forums obviously, just the remaining 20%

Not popular enough , they are busy with fairy cancer i think .

Didn't that shit end?

Policewoman need to get dicked.

It's absolute garbage for 13 years old

Is this Neil Blomkamp's new movie?

Fucking love it.

It's like some kind of Gantz-Guyver.

where are the new chapters?

bretty gud

edgy poo poo

fairy tail ended m8

So edgy it goes back to fun

Thinking mans manga

It's really silly but also pretty fun if you don't think too much about it

tree guy's first appearance

>always smug
>hi everyone im soooo selfish
>you want to resurrect your dead wife?
>that's not selfish
>im going to kill you now because im so selfish
>wait did you just tell me to fuck off, that's selfish
>lets be friends now because you and i are so selfish

haven't read new chapters but if he came back already I doubt it got better.

Yeah that part was pretty cringy. Only 14 year olds would think of that as "cool".

I also didn't like how he killed his girlfriend in the second fucking chapter. Their connection wasn't well established so it feels forced when he says he wants to kill all the frogs just to bring her back.

You tell me

Dropped it after it became clear that the reader was supposed to accept that you can kill your live in gf and keep her head in the freezer without anyone asking questions.

Dude, it's probably been like a week since that happened. Give it time.

Didn't even read that garbage thanks for the update,m8

Yeah but, he didn't join the alliance of "the wannabe heroes".

I only wonder how long it's going to be. Even 100 chapters seems like too many.

New fractured humans appeared ,with multiples goals who are Allies/ennemies? what are the power levels ? the god like villains? how will the main character hide all the shit he's done and the upcoming shit he will do ? i think it can go far.

Why didn't he just say she was killed in a monster attack?

Because monsters are not a legit thing until the recent chapters, he would go to prison the minute he says that non-sense.

Thats also what I thought about Kamisami no Iutoori.

Picked u---

He is not in control in the second post , that's what happens when the "virus" take over. it is at 17 chapters i think, give it a shot.

The train shit happened before he killed her.

I'm slightly irritated that Niggastream is so random with chapters, other than that I like it

Too much nihilism for my taste.
Other than that, it has good action.

No witnesses, everybody died on that train even his partner .

Doesn't the protagonist get cucked? I remember him watching from a hidden camera as his love interest gets dicked by a superior male.

other dude

Why do they focus so much on that guy anyway? He's neither final boss nor ally material.

How would you know what he is


Dunno what's the fug is that but your pic reminded me of this good track youtu.be/CvUmL8uaE48

What's there to hide about his point? The general public seems to be in denial still, but the monsters have appeared on TV, the tree guy has been sprouting trees for everyone to see and there are fractured humans appearing in the media. The only thing the main character really has to work around is his dead girlfriend, but somehow I doubt the manga will deal with the consequences.

I think he's shaping up the being the new big monster that has to be killed.

The main character can hide the fact that he is fractured human or not depending on that, other "warriors" might come for his head or not the prize of killing all the fractured humans being to create a life (the main char trying to revive his dead girlfriend).

The people he meets in chapter 21 basically already know about him being a fractured human though (or at least have a reason to strongly suspect that, even if he doesn't outright show his powers in the fight that's about to ensue).

Yeah but not the public , unlike the techno-guy who appeared at the news. so the pepole who knows about him a few .

but then he cucks the guy who cucked him in ch 23

That just makes the girl a slut and none of them cucks

Ntr shit

I only read it because of based Roba-chan.

No shit! She even told the MC that he could fuck her with no strings attached. However, the moron didn't take her up on that offer.

Wait , she fucking said "i want your genes".
i lost it .

His future doesn't look tought.


And MC is like "uh she's so strange"
I mean, what are you waiting for? Your gf is dead, just fill that half-nip with your semen!

The first part of his story made me want to read a romance story where he doesn't become a monster, mans up and fights for the girl, and gets her in the end.

Blame yourself or blame God

The artist is really good at drawing females.

That description fits at least 80% of all (male) manga artists.

Yeah, but he used his mindcontrol-sexslaver tongue to do that.

The other guy was a Chad, who saw the cams, that's why he told her to tell him about her feelings there, and told her to sucking him off, just to hurt stalker-kun.

Nah. I find that a lot of artists can't make faces that look consistently cute/pretty whith good feminine bodies to go along.
Besides I'm talking in relative terms.

Gives me Tokyo Ghoul and Parasyte vibes but it doesn't feel like it'll really go in depth with the overall story. The author just seems to rely on the edge and detailed designs to make this manga work.

However so far it's fun to read so I'll stick with it for now.

I think the author knew that some readers would say that (chapter 2), which makes wonder what he will do so it won't be like parasite and TG.

He'll be the designated homo winner.

He's not the MC more like a secondary villain.
He got cucked.
Raged out.
Got infected and gained the ultimate mind break sex powers.
Raped the girl who cucked him until she fell in love with his his mutant sex powers.
He then went around town and raped several more women until they loved him.
Then followed that guy who cucked him and then returned the favor by raping his love interest and recording her broken and worshiping his new mutant penis.

All in all I'd say good on Rapeman for winning his NTR struggle. I've never seen a man win like he has.

>He then went around town and raped several more women until they loved him.
>Then followed that guy who cucked him and then returned the favor by raping his love interest and recording her broken and worshiping his new mutant penis.
I don't remember these, is this from the raws?

I haven't seen the untranslated chapters but my money's on some or all of those guys dying horribly in the near future.



There's probably are some other people that already figured out the deathmatch

it is from the translated ones , and techno guy looks tough.

>and then returned the favor by raping his love interest
Are they all bad people and not childhood friends?

Bad things shouldn't happen to good people.

>first page

that fucker doesn't look 27 in the slightest

I didn't even know he was 27.
Thought he was a highschooler or something.

Nips don't age until they hit their 50s.

I'm loving it. But why is the sub so slow? I couldn't wait and read the raws.

I'm 26 and still look like a highschooler. It embodiment the manchild he is perfectly.


It's fun, thats more that can be said for a lot of other similar mangas

As long it doesn't take itself very seriously it can be good

Actually, the plural is "mangos".

>Too much nihilism for my taste.

Not even dude. It's not forcing an ideology down your throat, and Jagasaki hates the edgy wood boy and is learning to follow his own desires through his strange crazy circumstances.

It's filled with shock value and violence, but the art, paneling, and easily established characters makes it a fun manga to read.

>He is not in control in the second post

He kinda is