Twitter removes all followers from Breaking911 after reporting on second shooter -psyop FAIL

After the psyop gets exposed and a second shooter is confirmed, @Breaking911's account gets suspended for a few hours then comes back with all of its (a few million) followers removed.

Watch this video:

Then go to - all gone


Other urls found in this thread:

They are really fucking up big time. Streissand effect.

wtf? this is legit folks

yeah. Shit is getting crazy and I can't believe people still follow this recycled narrative that the MSM pushes for every false flag shooting.

this is getting more fucked every passing hour.



it was a mossad false flag.



You're literally a mossad shill spamming Q bullshit. It doesn't matter though. YOU FAGGOTS ARE FINISHED.

You're right
Look, an archive and they have over 200k followers


The era of jewish control is over. Death to all jews!


stop schizo posting.

He's doing it on purpose to derail the thread and post disinfo to make journalists be able to write stories on Sup Forums and how it's a shizophrenic hate den.

holy fuck...
OP wasn't actually lying. breaking911 is literally at 69 followers.

So sleepy


This is the killer folks, leaving in a bodybag. RSB video was shoah'd


(((Cruz))) is simply a patsy there to craft a juicy narrative.


Wtf bump


What the fuck did I just watch? My gut tells me she knows more than she is letting on. That laugh sent chills down my spine.



That what fags get for generating fake news. Twitter and Facebook know that if they continue to let fake news trend they will be regulated.

Oh, I thought it was a few million. (I didn't check the archive history)
They break news and are legit, was deleted as soon as they reported on the second shooter.
Doesn't change that twitter removed all of its followers.


>He's doing it on purpose to derail the thread and post disinfo
Fuck off shill, must be your first day shilling since you don't even know what a "thread" is.


who cares? It's literally a twitter account that posts news from other sources. Plus, the owners is a soyboy

Remember that bag they threw in the back of a truck? Inside that bag was the child Soros needs to rape and consume in order to postpone death

>it’s yet another ‘le falseflag psyop’ day on Sup Forums
That’s right Sup Forums, everything is a false flag to take away your freedums.

Some of you need to seek help. Your paranoia is showing.

That's not from today.
All of their followers are gone, less than 100 now.

Watch the video folks. There is legit fuckery afoot.

Yes, and you're paid by israel to come onto this website to tell us we're wrong.




This is the killer folks, leaving in a bodybag. RSB video was shoah'd


(((Cruz))) is simply a patsy there to craft a juicy narrative.


Doesnt mean people didnt die. Glow in thr dark cia niggers took advantage of him after his mom's death. Drugged him, brainwashed him, blamed his classmates on his woes and depression, and helped him carryout his attack.

what does this mean?

>Revolver Ocelot


It means they lied.

Hello my name is Dick.

I guess we'll find out what cray story they are cooking up. Combine this with the girl saying there's two shooters, with the empty gurney video and the history of this country to create false crisis when they need to hijack the narrative to bury other news.

No wonder I didn't see anything from them. They've been slipping up recently and ruining their image of breaking news anyway. "BREAKINF: what was in that box Melania gave the sheboon" isn't fucking breaking news. I'm glad they're fucked.

>simply a patsy

The (((leaf))) says

Same thing they did to Hannity. Suspend, remove all followers, then revive account and claim it was a glitch.

Mossad did this.

She was confused. She was saying Cruz wasn't the shooter. The guy led her to saying there were 2 shooters. He still had it in his mind that Cruz was the shooter. That's why he asked "weren't you afraid"

You forgot to call us boomers for believing Q. Bad goy, pay deducted!

There is a few nukes in LA about to blow. But first watch this

This chick is claiming there were two shooters...she says she was talking to Cruz DURING the shooting in the hallway:

>There is a few nukes in LA about to blow.
really ? source?


two shooters

or a pawn and a patsy

hello MOSSAD

Imagine being a Jew. Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birth thing. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon. And so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.

kys boomer and fuck your cults

>Imagine being a Jew.
i would kill myself desu

>Shooters youtube
Can ya spot it?


>Sisters youtube
>apocalypse video "2014"
>shooting happened 2-14
>"6:12" 18

Twitter is quickly trying to revive the follower numbers to not make it too obvious, but everything has already been ARCHIVED. - ONLY 15 FOLLOWERS AT THIS POINT.

100% removed as all followers had to re-follow.

Followers always slowly reappear after a suspension btw.

I think they do this

1. They fake it to hype people up and to try to get us to believe there is something going on.

2. To hide information from people when there is something going on.

It's a win-win for the left. Hoaxes become conspiracies and legitimate information is buried. Left-wing mods do the same thing by deleting spicy threads.

Its honestly possible since they didnt even get the guy on campus, he could have had help for all we know

I just got their distress 7700 to my phone.

It's an Airbus A319-131, he's at 30,000 going 344 knots. He is about to fly over the North Sea. Might be engine trouble. I would think cruising speed would be faster than that.

That, or they're trolling Sup Forums as a distraction for something else
>Takes nap on that nice grassy knoll
>Streissand effect
Whose that?

jesus christ
now imagine being a rothschild
forced to drink baby blood etc etc

So it's going to crash?

>word salad mumbo jumbo

Seems legit

Cruz was DACA recipient and the "second shooter" theory is actually a psyop so people rally around not deporting him

also this, I definitely think the video of the girl is weird as fuck, but it's not proof of anything. The way she's smiling in it and so forth, just fucking weird

see, he said it's nothing. I almost worried for no reason!

Not necessarily. If there is a large amount of traffic, they may begin their approach further out than normal. The Heathrow tower may want people to slow down over the North Sea.

They were still at cruising altitude though, so they weren't descending, but he was only doing 340 knots. He is coming in right now, over Dulwich Village.

the video is weird, but who was she talking to?

she's talking to a reporter who was interviewing her. Matt Musil from KHOU in Houston. He happened to be in Florida covering the Astros' training camp


his fb

why haven't i read the name of the real killer, sam hyde?


I’m not defending this but I was not unsubscribed from breaking911. I seen this happen before and it takes a day or two but but all the followers show up again. Plus more.

looks like the Twitter (((gremlins))) are out and about

Yeah, I had to re-follow them as well

Yeah because the holocaust and nigger hate threads are fine


Oh Newsweek says its Fake News. Well then, lets pack it in. Let's all be good goys and not pay attention to this fake news. Thanks user for letting us know how to be good goys.

Q is fake news goys!

Q predicted this.

> Q is fake
> Q predicted me calling you out

Oh no! I'm I talking to Mossad themselves right now!?

Quick user - to prove your American. What's 7 inches in Israel?

Q predicted this

77 - beautiful. I'll let the comrads fellow goy.

Depeche Mode...Definitely.

I followed Q until they started worshipping him like a god - fuck that shit. Get your own damn cult.

niggers, 17 people killd in and around the school. fuckin lame ass kids


the 911 twitter account states that you're a liar who is spreading fake news
kill yourself, you goblin

Apparently me and you are the only ones that posses critical thinking. Yay for common core....why did boomers let it get so bad?

It’s called getting rid of fake news and it’s about time these social media sites started doing this

Twitter is disgusting and dishonest.

News reports, for what they are worth, say that Cruz initially got out of the school by blending into the crowd of students leaving, which matches pretty well with her story. She didn't say she heard any shots while or after she saw him, only that she didn't think the shooter could get to where they were that quickly.

Gas yourself faggot

really starting to understand Hitler hating the media on a visceral level at this point