Whats the difference between Orthodox and Protestantism and which one is true Christianity?
Whats the difference between Orthodox and Protestantism and which one is true Christianity?
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Orthodoxy is the true christianity.
The christian bishop in rome got elevated in political power by scheming aristocracy and the roman catholics starter being somewhat heretical doing things like inventing purgatory to extort money and insisting their pocket-bishop was the most important one.
After some time some scat fetisist who happened to be a priest pointed out some of this roman catholic stuff looks a little fishy and he started a movement (or more specific other people started a movement around him while he wrote poetry about his own 'movements')
Now, being that thye were just barbaric germans they had no idea correct christianity already existed in the east, so they made their own thing and botched it all being germans, becoming even more heretical, on the whole, than the western heretics.
Prottys are faggot loving heathens. Don't pick that one.
>which one is the true Christianity?
Being Protestant is the best. TRUE CHRISTIANITY. :^)
>implying your denomination is "orthodox" for more than greeks and slavs
Papists, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).
>Now, being that thye were just barbaric germans they had no idea correct christianity already existed in the east
This sums it up really. Both Catholicism and Protestandism is the consequences of the Germanics failure to understand Christianity. Plus crypto-atheism.
Have some American history, O.P Can't hurt to know more, never can.
Also since I forgot to ask, what are each's beliefs on getting into Heaven. I heard Protestants believe they get in through belief in Christ alone or do both believe this?
"Protestantism" (actually a Catholic-made term for everyone they hate) is Bible-based Christianity. Unlike Catholicism, doctrines are not based on pre-determined conclusions, but on the words of the source for Christianity: the Bible. And the Bible that salvation can only come by faith in Lord Jesus and by no work of man, at all.
Orthodoxism is basically failed Catholicism, though I suspect that some Orthodox in persecuted countries (such as in the Middle East or Egypt) are very Evangical (ie, "Protestant") in their beliefs and practices.
It's much more complex in Orthodoxy. Your whole life is like an arena and you have to suffer to go to Heaven, easy life = hell. It also depends on the individual's life conditions. See this.
Please stop falling for the religion jew
At least look into how all of them are connected and worship demons
Fuck off Leaf
>which one is true Christianity?
true christianit doesn't exist anymore, all the real christians were killed off
everyone else is an imitator
pick one
If only Luther had realized earlier, how different the world would be today.
All of christiqnity is trash because religion>race
>Whats the difference between Orthodox and Protestantism
Heresy is still heresy.
>which one is true Christianity
The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
the word of God vs human traditions
>worshipping a shit skin kike on a stick
Judaism is true christianity
i think you should check the demographics in your own country mr protestant hanz
Just worship Satan, he offers the powers of black magick
(((jesus))) offers you an eternity with the weirdo freaks who never sin
Catholicism is the true Christianity.
Orthodox is a bunch of displaced Byzantines