Brit/pol/ - Second Day of Lent Edition

>Ultra-processed foods 'linked to cancer'

>Life expectancy gap between rich and poor widens

>UK Court Hears of Plot To Rape, Dissolve in Acid Children For Pleasure of Unnamed ‘Top Politicians’

>Sweden’s Liberal Church ‘Set to Lose over a Million Members in Next Decade’

>Florida shooting: At least 17 dead in high school attack

Other urls found in this thread:


>In May 1997, a former policeman, Edwin Skeates, was convicted of assault by a jury after taking a fourteen-year-old boy by the scruff of his neck and marching him home to complain that he had been trying to damage his garden fence. He was ordered to pay £250 compensation to the youth. He was acquitted of causing the youth 'post traumatic stress' (but one wonders whether such acquittals would take place today). The youth's injuries amounted to bruising that disappeared within a day.

>The judge, Assistant Recorder Philip Parker, lectured Mr Skeates thus in the name of the law: 'You must curb your temper, control your emotions and behave more reasonably. You must be more tolerant'.

>Seventy-six-year-old retired miner, Ted Newbery sought to defend his beleaguered allotment against repeated attacks by mounting guard over it. One night in 1988, as he slept in a shed on the allotment, Mr Newberry was woken by two men trying to break in. They called out 'if you're in there, we're having you'. Mr Newbery took his shotgun, loaded it, poked it through a hole in the door and fired. The shot hit Mark Revill in the arm. Revill was prosecuted for his offences and pleaded guilty. Mr Newbery was also prosecuted on charges of wounding but was acquitted. One again wonders whether even this would hold up today. However, he then found himself being sued for damages and was ordered to pay Mr Revill £4,000 because the judges ruled that he had used 'greater violence than justified'.

>Mr Justice Rougier, stung by the public contempt for his ruling, wrote to The Times to explain himself: 'Had the defendant tried the less drastic tactics of shouting or turning on a light... it is virtually certain that the two burglars would have run away at once'.

Its always diet that causes cancer now, never work/life stress.
Its ok to work a 60 hour week in a highly stressfull job, just put down the bacon sandwich.

Easier to blame external pressures (working hours/loads quasi-imposed on an individual) than to turn the mirror on an individual's own personal preferences.

Another area where personal responsibility continues to evaporate.

Everything causes cancer. LIve in fear goy!

Also good morning.

Pretty sure it was Emokiddeh that got me banned the other day for "posting off-topic".

Tory cunt

Who else /RodrickSpose/ here?

bump 4 britfrens

So corbyn really is a commie

mogg tbqh

nah its not true because its from the sun


He's an MI6 asset.
They are sending him to tell the diplomat spy we are on to them.

Dumb Moggposters


Fucking based!

Too one is worse, but both pretty accurate. Egalitarianism in action

Thread theme:



>He doesn't know that Brit/pol/ is pro-Israel
See pic related, Brit/pol/'s hero.

>tfw Mogg slouches all day in the House of Commons and has good posture
>tfw I'm 23 and I'm hunched like a motherfucker

Thoughts on the Tony Martin case? I know that one was less clear cut as he killed someone with an illegal firearm, but still makes the blood boil when you look at the background of the burglars.
>Fred Barras, the dead youth, had already been convicted of total of 29 offences by the time of his death at the age of 16, including seven convictions for theft and six for fraud.
>He had been sentenced to two months in a young offenders' institution for assaulting a policeman, theft and being drunk and disorderly. On the night he was killed, Barras had just been released on bail after being accused of stealing garden furniture.
>His elderly grandmother, Mary Dolan, stated: "It's not fair that the farmer has got all the money and he is the one that took Fred away."

Dumb Moggposters

>Assuming Israel’s gender.


Mogg is controlled by cchq to make people think the blue ties have some conservativeness left in them, they will never let him near power

Just as infuriating, if not more so as he lived in a rural area which justifies the possession of firearms to a greater degree as is laid out in the Bill of Rights.

I will be travelling to to Mother Israel Soon to complete my sacred journey

This country is fucked, lads. It would be easier to start your own country and profile every immigrant than fix this shitheap.

I wish bongfrens weren't so blackpilled :(

Our demographics and prospects are worse than yours, what do you expect?

Prospects mabye
But we aren't worse at the moment

They're further down the path demographically, but still have the first and second amendments - things we could only dream of





That's case is one of the primary sources of precedent in self defence, basically you can't show prior planning to use an item for self defence or you'll be prosecuted. It's truly pathetic.

Don't you bloody say it!

no they're not


It doesn't matter whether it's written on a symbolic piece of paper in a museum or stored in textbooks/inside the judges head. They can send 'islamophobic' tweets and upload nazi pug videos to youtube without the thought police coming to take them away.

america is less than 45% white American - Britain is 78% White British

I'm glad you realise it, for some reason most of the codificationtards here don't realise that the paper isn't magic.
At risk of over quoting Hitchens, the British Constitution is like a forest that has taken centuries to grow but can be cut away forever for days. Our laws have evolved naturally through trail and test finding all the times areas of law not originally covered and then covering them as they go in the nature of rule of law. A codified system requires the legislation to fully predict all areas of law before they happen, predict all possible consequences while legislating then demand their judges follow it to the letter regardless of how individual their cases are. This legislative body includes people like Jess Phillips and that Welsh bender who puts pictures of himself in his underwear on grinder. Now yes they do that anyway, but if the legislation fails as it is always likely to do so, case law become relevant and fills in the cavernous gaps.
What the brainlets here fail to realise that the reasons our law is failing is not the system but the electorate as a whole. The same reason would see the legislative body replace codified areas of an American style constitution, another factor that mongs here over look is that amendment is an amendment meaning that the constitution can be amended. The difference in the US is the opposition to progressive policy is far more vocal, entrenched, numerous and represented within the US and so the resistance to changes in its constitution are more readily opposed. However most of the UK didn't bat and eyelid when Mr Blair surrendered to the IRA and abandoned the Ulstermen, who are seen more as an oddity than as a role model to the general electorate.
Our system requires a healthy electorate to function as it has done for hundreds of years, now it's failing the finger is being pointed in the wrong place.

Because we started our decline in whiter ground than the US you retard. Is that really your only qualifying factor for the health of the nation? If you have two planes, one starting to lose fuel and looking shakey in low flight vs a plane 20,000ft above the other but in total free fall, you'd say the latter was better off? Idiot

You're the idiot.

Hi FCMD. How are you today?


I'm away for a week lads should I get an escort to my hotel?

Brief History of Crime

Demographics is literally things like race in your population you fucking moron


what would be more useful to learn spanish or german?

Was your old trip perma-banned?
What did you post you nonce?

And again, America is a different beast to the UK both in population and origin. It's holding alot steadier than the UK and you need to consider it's early population wasn't 100% white and never had been. You've also conveniently ignored FCMDS use of the word prospects to try and salvage your crumbled argument. Faggot

Hi Steerpike. You and he are both right. But I want to have sex. I asked the cleaner but she said no and threatened to report me to the manager.

I think until the 22nd, it was banned for hacking people's IPs

>hacking people's IPs
From your phone you homeless cunt?

I have a home

It's not holding steadier you moron, it's dropping at an accelerated race since the 80's because of rampant spic immigration that is generally endless and hardly enforced.

I was talking about demo's and you thought i was talking about prospects because you have the reading comprehension of a spastic.

>uks demographics and prospects are more fucked
>>no dey not
>yes they are retard
state of you

You have a car.

I have a sloop, I'll get a frigate soon

Fucking KEK at that image

Fucking love that image.

Which one of you made it?

Made what?

The Eddie in the Mersey picture.

>be American
>make joke about getting shot before getting shot

Has there been another shooting?

Not sure. I've only saved a couple but there are loads.

>Our system requires a healthy electorate to function as it has done for hundreds of years
We've only had universal suffrage for 100 years, expanding the franchise was a mistake, fuck the sufragettes (and the chartists to some extent). It's almost as if the vast majority of the population are kneejerk spastics that have no idea what they actually want

Not for the true-born Englishman the bony angular knee of the so-called intellectual, not for him the puffy knee of the criminal classes. The British knee is firm, the British knee is muscular, the British knee is on the march!

This reminds me of somebody.

Steerpike if you get a whore off adult work I'll get one as well.


Our demographics are falling faster.

For the U.S, non-Hispanic White population:

1970: 83%
1980: 80%
1990: 76%
2000: 69%
2010: 64%

Whereas for the United Kingdom, our native population:

1981: 96%
1991: 93%
2001: 87%
2011: 80%

If you factor in how quickly birth rates are falling for each's "good" population, then our decline is only going to accelerate further whereas there are some signs in America that the white decline in birth rate is slowing/upturning. There are far more places in the U.S that are getting 'whiter' than there are in the UK, too. Out of every local authority in this country, only three now have more white children in them (and this includes white migrant children, the results are even worse for native British) now than they did in 2010: Hackney, Newham and some other London borough. All gains of about 1% set against the wider background of ethnic collapse everywhere else across the nation.

Their black population is also reasonably stable as a %. Ours doubles every 10 years or so. There are lots of reasons why America is in a far better state than the UK.


Are you Kevin? He always tried to get me to use prozzies

Nah. Do I come across as autistic enough?

If you can directly influenced the youth, cultural revolution can happen in a couple of decades. 1943 taught our women and children that they didn't have to listen to their fathers and husbands away dying in Europe coming home to their YANKED women which subsequently started the erosion of the foundation of marriage. Once families started to break up, the youth didn't have their traditional bastion of morals and guidance, no family made it easy for the state and television to become the children's guidance. A resentment for the old ways continued to grow, the stuffiness of the family unit the church and the classical education became unattractive due to their reliance on authority, why do things I don't want to do? These children became boomers and bred themselves. The next generations were raised without ever experiencing the old way of things and the high amount of people with a similar mindset for popular progressionism reinforced their minds that they're in the right despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. We are now in the situation when people are angry about the way things are but are unsure why they are the way they are. Most think we haven't progressed enough in the same manner that a man hitting himself in the head to relieve a headache picks up a hammer to see if that'll work, then you have the other side, probably what most describe as the "right wing" who think they the progression is the problem, but they're also products of the broken society so are unorganised, confused and mostly directionless because they have never experienced what they think they yearn for so it's very hard for them to defend their points with nebulous hand waves to the times of the past which is so easily attacked by the "left" as it's the very thing they've been fighting against for decades.

Like the personal responsibility involved in learning to cook and not filling your body with that rubbish?

Your numbers are crap and you cherry pick stats.

American troops didn't have that much of effect in the big pictures, Americanistation started in the 1800s with all their books and intellectuals coming over here

*in the big picture

Is FCMD secretly insane?

You're joking right? Many counties provided numbers in the tens of thousands stationed, they effectively had a foriegn occupation which we accepted. They fucked our women, destroyed our families and impressed upon our youth.

>Americanistation started in the 1800s with all their books and intellectuals coming over here
Not sure that was Americanisation. Pop culture, as a result of the U.S. winning WW2 and the Cold War, is what Americanisation is.

In the 1800, it might even be right to say the U.S. was - Anglicised, British-icanisation, what's the fucking word? There isn't one or I'm dumb as fuck.

My car is Korean
My house is also Korean
My economics is Chicago school.
My alcohol is dregs found by park benches
My idol is Enoch Powell
My tobacco is Fag Ends
My cartoons are Japanesse
My job is a mall cop
My son is mixed race
And i am a tripfag

Why cant britpol realise my drunken ramblings benefit everyone , including neets on an anime image board

Why are the numbers crap?

Why is quoting census data 'cherry picking'? This is the most authoritative roundup of statistics relating to demography that there is - and it understates the issue because of illegal migration.

Just because you do not like what they show doesn't discredit them. Our nation is on a path to become more 'diverse' than America before 2050. This is backed up by the macro-level racial makeup of the country, as it is reflected by the birth rate and immigration levels into the nation. The White British birth % of total has dropped by 4.7% in the last 2 years - it now stands at just 60%. This is beginning to translate into the figures, and people are going to be shocked at just how quickly a demographic collapse can take place.

I see you've ran out of arguments

good morning

Considering the high amount of anonymong support for things such as:
>Japanese nonce cartoons
>Tunnocks Tea Cakes
>What are you having for dinnerposting
It's kind of retarded that they all frequent a politics board.

It's almost as if this place is populated almost entirely by knee jerk spastics that have no idea what they're talking about

I've seen you do at least one of those things.

Wallsend nonce.

Three million U.S troops were stationed in the UK over the course of the war.

That's about as many British men between the ages of 20 and 30 as there were in total, whether fighting abroad or not.

>What are you having for dinnerposting
That was me doing that.