Friendly reminder that this retard thought Hillary had people killed
Friendly reminder that this retard thought Hillary had people killed
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he's not wrong
She did. Numerous times.
so you think bill ordered the killings? I highly doubt that
OP your right, Seth Rich's murder was just a mugging gone wrong, even though his watch and wallet were not stolen. The fact that he turned over information to Wikileaks doesn't matter. The fact that wikileaks published emails of Jon Podesta saying "we need to make an example out of leakers" also doesnt matter. Nothing to see here, move along!
Duuuuude they faked 6 moon missions
Are you the last retard on earth to think she didn’t?
OP hasnt had the big enchilada yet, everyone laugh.
This is is a slide thread.
You fucking commie scum deserve the rope.
>Implying the whole system isn't corrupt head to toe
Slide thread
lots of people
she's a fucking serial killer, legit
sliding what, the jew shooting in Debbie Shitpussy Schultz's district? Wouldn't wanna distract from the jew shooting.
Friendly reminder that this retard thought Hillary didn't have people killed
Joe's the man, and he'd 360 round house kick you in the uterus, sissy britches. The $eth Rich case is definitely something that is suspicious as fuck. If you look at the details of the case and the surrounding evidence, without partisan politics blinders on, just completely review it all unbiasedly, as well as take into the fact that Wikileaks basically openly stated it was Seth, that spilled the beans to them about the DNC, and still think everything was on the up and up, that he was just shot and left with his phone and wallet, and all other personal belongings intact on his corpse, if you still think there's nothing to that story, then just fuck you, don't talk to me.
>our goy
They did, why havent we gone 400 miles above the earth since?
The moon is 238,900 miles away......
Also the guy who was going to expose the dnc and pit in court papers killed himself and the 2 floridians investigating them.
huh hu hu hu huhuh hu dis guys is a silly man gobinment dindu nuffin
that really phres my nology user
Fuck off shill!
A moron today tried telling me the difference between Melania and Hillary is Melania is with Trump for his money, Hillary deeply loves Bill and forgives his faults. This was a grown man.
If I were to take a guess, it's because there's nothing between 400 and 238,900 miles worth visiting.
How's he wrong you fucktard?
I havent seen convincing evidence that the Clintons kill people. But I have seen enough of Hillary to believe she is insane and capable of just about anything.
nah, probably their handlers like Sidney Blumenthal etc...
All he could afford was a basic gestalt
yeah, but trump orchestrated the vegas shooting. thats hardly comperable.
Well that kind of makes sense.
The problem is that he STILL thinks the moon landings are fake
they are
oh ok, if you say so.
thanks for your understanding
No problem, I'm glad we had this conversation.