The headquarters and foothold of bully kind on Sup Forums.
Bulli / Bully thread
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Around Finns the ice is thin.
>implying she wouldnt hop on Chads ride on the same day
user please
Why is this a thing and why would someone write this
Just a story of a girl being bullied in school, I guess the impact of it really depends on how you are as a person but personally it hit me really hard.
Can I bully you ?
Death to the anti-bully ranger!
the appeal of this fetish must be the unrealistic, accommodating, submissive responses that you'd never get from 3d women
Ok, sorry
Onee-san you fucking whore
Well, that was uncalled for
What's this bitch's problem?
Jeeze, this bitch will not shut up about her dead mom.
If Megumin were real I would kidnap her and keep her as one of those Yazidi sex slaves and abuse her and force her to give me several kids until I give her back for an execution video.
Or befriend her and give her hope but one day when she fired off a shot to far from the city or help I'll just leave her there and take her staff and hat with me.
Bullies to battle stations! WE WILL BULLY THIS DORK!
You know. For all the hype of bullying I actually can't remember that many memorable cases at all. A short scene with passive aggressive comment/sneer is usually what its all about and rarely is it given more attention. Funny how I recall just one VN I played like a decade ago and even then it was just the specific girl's route quirk.
Guess bad things shouldn't be talked about or someone might get columbined.
Dan is pretty good at bullying scenes
It could be because bullying in Japanese schools is such an immense and far reaching problem that leads to such a high teen suicide rate that making light of it in manga and VNs is a huge social faux pas, especially since your target market for selling these things is those bullied nerds.
I remember this VN she gets her payback on that girl that bullies her the most with MC
vn when
A VN where you play as a girl school shooter and instead of romance options you make a kill list?
So many possibilities yet no one makes us of them. Life is shit.
>chest, chest, head
>not head, chest, chest
Clearly not a US marine.
The lack of training in today's school shooters is appalling, if anything DOOM teaches your kids to be worse shots.
literally me
There's more to this. I know there is. I've read it like two years ago. There's a whole scene between the MC and Yukari bonding and shit, and it ends up with the MC being targeted too. Where is it? Do you have it?
>someone drew my waifu hurt
Where are anti-bully rangers when you need them?
>that pistol
I can't even begin to describe what is wrong with it
where's the rest! I need it!
>not giving people the Trayvon triangle
>not giving people the Chicago nursery rhyme
>not giving people the Zimbabwe shuffle
2 in the chest and one in the head is standard
>he has never seen a Tec 9 before
Killyourself europoor
That's an M16, idiot.
It's gone. I spent like two hours looking for it in archived GuP threads. It's gone, probably forever.
No it's clearly a Israeli made FAMAS
>head, chest, chest
More like chest, chest, chest. Marines don't waste time with fancy headshots, center of mass is what they are trained to do. It's faster and allows for more targets to be eliminated.
>Writing and manhandling a book
A weapon that french fries wouldn't be able to identify.
>What is, an RPG-7?
It's clearly an AK.
of all the thing you could post, why that one?
What's the matter with that picture, user-kun?
Fuck, this one always gets to me.