Go ahead. Don't b shy.
Ask a communist anything
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Do you admit that the ussr was controlled by Jews
Why are you so dumb?
Why are you so smart?
No. That is a historical inaccuracy and a neo nazi lie.
are you a jew?
I'm not. I have a tested IQ of 134.
See above.
Kill yourself. Come on, do not be shy.
No. i'm hispanic.
Why do you hate human life?
If i surrendered that easily, i would be French.
So Lenin, Marx, and Lev Davidovich Bronstein(Trotsky) were not of Ashkenazi Ethnic origion?
what's your main thing you want to accomplish? equality? state ownership of the means of production? the stateless, classless society that supposedly would form?
what inspires you the most about the ideology?
I love humans. That's why i don't want to see them exploited. Well, not all humans. Not nazis ( sorry, guys)
Fuck off and die
Do you like soylant?
>No. That is a historical inaccuracy and a neo nazi lie.
It is not real communism then.
s h o o
Ahaha. Funny guy. I wasnt ironical, and it would not be a surrender but a great service to mankind. How many nations will you have to ruin before you stop your faggotry ? Now kys. Sage 'd and ignored.
Has real communism been tried yet?
>i don't want to see them exploited
God, commies are just pathetic.
Did you turn gommie because your work provided substandard arsewipe?
>inb4 commies "work"
how would you like to die? rope, helicopter ride, or lead?
No, (bio) female. No, i will not post my tits.
Sure. But they did not make up the brunt of the USSR. Jews are smart. They make contributions to things but by no means pull all the strings.
> Sage 'd and ignored
Your white flag seems to have some blue and red on it.
Your look on a scale of 1 to 10?
Don't lie. Commies are always physically repulsive.
Just the important leadership positions. Not all correct, but most.
None of those sound too appealing!
>no I will not post my tits
then you know the rules. GET OUT
not my problem. pick one you commie faggot.
But I'm related to a Hungarian communist prime minister under the ussr era & he was Jewish. That's not even mentioning the ussr leaders from Moscow who were all Jewish.
Where are you from?
tut tut tut
New Jersey
What made you take the Commie path instead of the Nazi one?
it's worth noting that, even if the people who formed the USSR were Jewish, Jews were treated horribly by the USSR and many fled to the west.
just because (((they))) did it doesn't mean it can't blow up in their faces. see Israel with "A Clean Break". they are not all powerful
I was rated 9.5 / 10 (average) on /soc/. So, that's that...
how can you live with yourself
Have you read the book Gulag Archipelago?
>but by no means pull all the strings
Have you been to therapy yet?
If the Jews are such masterminds, why not admit they are superior?
Do you have any pics that aren't of your little brother?
How many dildos are in your collection?
A piece of loaf with breasts could get a 10/10 on soc
Why are you not afraid of my ancestors coming back to life and exterminating the lot of you?
rince and repeat untill it works..
restart from scratch untill it works..
you gotta admire their tenacity though
pashla nahuy suchka. USSR hated ((commies)). soviets were nationalistic, patriotic, and macho. not some pathetic soybitches
Alright, serious questions now.
How do you justify killing millions of smart and hardworking people for the sake of equality.
Don't you think those priorities are a bit out of wack?
a communist would be able to live with herself only better than she would with anybody. as Kim Jong Il put it during the famine, "socialism works better with fewer people"
It was through
Also what college do you go to?
No, mutt. They were emotionless alien cattle sent to earth to destroy nations.
What little brother are you talking about?
No. Maybe i'll give it a read. Any good passages?
No, you're ancestors are all dead dummie.
What's the huge problems commies have with freedom of asociation and exchange?
I believe deep down you know you are a worthless scum who can't acomplish anything and becomes a commie out of pure fear and resentment of the productive and sucessful people.
You know you can end it sweetie, just die already.
Infernus Infinitum
The alien cattle sent to destroy them are dead.
Because i don't want to kill innocent people.
They are a race of parasites, completely useless without a host to feed off of. There's nothing "superior" about sneakily colluding with your tribe.
Ebola invades the body, turns the immune system against the host and ends up killing over half of the people it infects, is Ebola "superior" to humanity?
Would you agree that for a theoretical "true" communist country to exist properly, every citizen should own a firearm and be trained how to use it properly?
do you realize that nothing is more totalitarian than communism?
do you also realize that after any red terror that succeeds you would be put up against the wall and shot by actual communists who do not find your cartoon horsefuckery cute in the slightest?
when captured during the enforcement of the communist control act (order 66) would you mind if parts of your corpse were "redistributed" to feed the niggers?
Ebola is superior to the person that it kills. Or else they wouldn't be dead, right?
would you stand in solidarity with this comrade?
Is that you? Someone steal your potato?
Communists are not innocent
Sure. Why not?
>teenage jersey commie faggot.
There's literally nothing of interest that you can tell us that we don't already know. It will just be a 100+ post thread of user's showing you evidence of jewish schemes and you scribbling out "y u so jelly?"
its not gonna help you win any fights is why
Harder working and smart people should be able to keep the product of their labor. This is not contradicting communism.
nice id
Why are 99% of Communists so anti-racist (or vice-versa)?
The jig is up larper.
Because we believe in equality
How do you justify killing millions of people (and all the smartest and hardest working people) for equality?
Don't you think this is immoral and/or that your priorities are out of wack?
They can still do mental work
I don't want to kill millions of people.
I guess capitalists are superior to you then, otherwise they wouldn't have all the money right?
>On noes, not non whites. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
I don't speak your irrelevant language, Thomaz.
I'm actually top 10% of income in my state ( New Jersey )
But what if the labor is mental, like researching the best machines, planning the transport of goods, laying out the factories in efficient ways, forming relationships with suppliers etc.
Seems to me if you are the boss of a factory and you did this kind of work, it's unappreciated.
You guys care way more about people who push coal into burners, or people who do the nitty gritty work of putting a few parts together.
what type of communist are you?
A margzizt Lebinisd :DDD
Why are you such a racist bigot to that frenchman? I thought you commies are sooo tolerant
Bants cannot be racist.