Will Germans Dominate the World?
Justin Timberlake has really let himself go.
have you been in cryogenic sleep for the past 75 years?
no because if they step out of line we will put them down again
I wish I still had such false hope for a dying cuck breed.
>cuck breed
By germans you mean niggers right?
>bavarians look like shitskins
wow. great observation, huehuehue.
these two mongrels (Tobias Wendl and Sascha Benecken)
Are they considered Germans in Germany?
They are considered Swiss.
That is if you survive your nexf great depression.
Swiss? Why ?
and these phases extremely miscegenated, what is the explanation?
tobias looks like a mexican, and sasha turksh
>Swiss? Why ?
Swarthy look. Degenerate facial expression. Dog-eating pedophile aura.
Definitely Swiss.
and these face extremely miscegenated, what is the explanation?
tobias looks like a mexican, and sasha turksh
>tobias looks like a mexican, and sasha turksh
Oh, so you're on a first name basis with them now?
>The virgin Sup Forums post
>act's like getting diseases and paying welfare your entire life is a good thing
how brainwashed are you?
I'm here for 2 months, and I definitely do not care about the moral rules of alt-kikers, (((trumptards))) and hasbara trolls
You might as well post Pravda talking about the collapse of capitalism in 1933.
American education.
I mightn't.
No, but brown men dominate German pussy.
that's how we spell act's here faggot, like color and colour as well as Zed and Zee
>No, but brown men dominate German pussy.
We learned it from watching YOU.
is that how fucking retarded the commie system made you?
>fucking retarded
>doesn't account for population or niggers
can we get one for 2017?
Implying your “white“ people are any better
>implying coal burners, latins and jews are white
damn those (((teachers))) did a number on you.
There are no white Americans.
tell that to the german POW's who stayed and had children here or the flood of whites from europe since WW2 and now the shitstorm your country is causing as the decider of the EU.