Is this chart ever going to get updated...

Is this chart ever going to get updated? Hasn't been touched since 2013 and it could do with adding/removing some series like Gunslinger Girl, Haruhi, and Redline for Rakugo, Kemono Friends, and Uchuu Kyoudai.

Then update it you lazy shit. Do you think stupid anime charts magically update themselves?

They don't?

>adding/removing some series like Gunslinger Girl, Haruhi, and Redline for Rakugo, Kemono Friends, and Uchuu Kyoudai
Terrible bait

>Rakugo, Kemono Friends
Your garbage taste is showing.


>removing shows
just add a new row

Old shows are no longer noteworthy.

The only thing I can get behind removing is painfully obvious things like Princess Mononoke, especially without mention of Spirited Away. Summer Wars is iffy too since there's no mention of Hosoda's other movies like Wolf Children and TGWLTT when SW might be his worst. Honestly if you want to update it but don't want the chart to get bigger you could probably get rid of all the movies - those could be a separate chart by itself.

Why keep shows no one gives a shit about?
When was the last time someone even talked about Gunslinger Girl or Redline? Has there even been a discussion about Haruhi within the last year that isn't just arguing about endless eight and watch order? 5cm/s should probably be replaced by Kimi no na wa since it's more relevant than 5cm is nowadays.

Plus, if the chart gets too big then it doesn't really serve the purpose it was made for.

Because this chart has NOTHING to do with relevance or popularity

The only thing that matters is quality

Can't you just make a new one in the same style?
Looks like the original person behind this made it without seeing the anime, seeing as it was based on review sites and blogs, so you could probably do the same thing. Seek out the consensus opinion about what's masterpieces and add that.

>Seek out the consensus opinion about what's masterpieces
Setting sail for fail

>Seek out the consensus opinion
That will get you Naruto, SAO and SnK, no matter what community you ask.

If people aren't bothering to discuss a series that's tantamount to its low quality. If all the discussions happened years ago and now no one talks about it or the only things said are negative then that shows a lack of quality that this list shouldn't promote.

Add Noukome, Tsugumomo and Prison School.

Of course you have to filter out uncultured opinions and only listen to people who like artistic stuff. Go to the 3x3 threads and look for things that are repeated over and over for example. Or just things that are well recognized masterpieces.

I disagree heavily but I'm not sure there's anything I can do to prove to you otherwise

Perhaps you should watch one of the shows you brought up that no one speaks about and ask yourself if you still believe what you said

Isn't Redline sort of known for having nothing going for it but the animation?
They probably knew there was a difference in quality in the first place since they brought up Haruhi and Redline, and not something known for having higher quality like Princess Tutu or Lain.
Or maybe they haven't seen those anime, and only the most mainstream like Haruhi

I've seen two Gunslinger Girl threads in the last month. People don't talk about Casablanca or Gone with the Wind on a daily basis anymore but that doesn't stop them from being classics.

>Perhaps you should watch one of the shows you brought up that no one speaks about and ask yourself if you still believe what you said
Just because I see a show doesn't mean that people will start talking about it or there will all of a sudden be completely new topics that haven't already been discussed to death.

>all that boring drama and pretentiousness
TTGL, Bakemonogatari, and Haruhi and the only good shows in there, the rest is a chore to go through

Maybe try looking back and adding shows older than 1995 first. The amount of newfaggotry on display is just embarassing.

- Attack on titan
- Azumanga daioh
- Dennou Coil
- Gurren Lagann
- Kino's Journey
- Haruhi Suzumiya
- Evangelion
- Princess Mononoke
- Princess Tutu
- Madoka
- Seirei no Moribito
- Lain
- Steins Gate
- Time of Eve
- Toradora
- Welcome to the NHK
- Wolfs Rain
>Boring or really bland
- Aria
- Eureka Seven (or at least very cringy)
- Fate Zero
- Ghost in the Shell
- Kaiba
- Katanagatari
- Redline
- Utena
- Spice and wolf
- Summer Wars
- Tatami Galaxy
- Escaflowne (bad MC, at least)
- 5 cm (it's pretty memorable but doesn't connect with me)


>remove good things to put in my niche trash

Good thing you aren't in charge of this list.

>newfags actually think this

Allowing this kind of thinking is why Sup Forums has gone down the shitter. I'd bet money OP hasn't watched even ten pre-2000 anime and just watches his shit flavor of the month airing shows while thinking they're gold.

Just replace things that have since been eclipsed by better versions of the same thing.

5cm/s > Kimi no Na Wa
Usagi Drop > Barakamon
Tatami Galaxy > Ping Pong The Animation
Utena > Penguindrum
Aria > Flying Witch
Madoka Magica > Yuuki Yuuna
Samurai Champloo > Samurai Flamenco
Evangelion > Bokurano
Fate/Zero > Re:Zero
FLCL > Flip Flappers

And so on


>Redline and Haruhi good
Sure. Gunslinger Girl is the only good thing OP mentioned.

>- Attack on titan
Stopped reading there.

Please remove gunslinger girl, texhnolyze, shin sekai yori, perfect blue, and aria