What was the worst generation in the history of the human race, and why is it the Baby Boomers?
The Boomer Question
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you have no idea how insufferable they are
you can't imagine the layers of cognitive dissonance they have
The biggest crime is they ignored their grandparents and never passed on the lessons from the past and believed whatever the new-jew told them was true
Fucking Puppets
Snowflake generation are worst.
Whiny little cunts.
Silent Generation was worse, and so was the (((Greatest Generation))). Look up who actually passed all the bullshit legislation of the mid-1960s. It was them. Boomers just did nothing to stop it.
Boomers practically invented moral panics.
Wow she really turned out to be a turbocuck. "Conservative" boomers just can't help themselves from being nothing more than RINOs.
Boomers are so deluded.
Can you imagine how many problems would be solved by killing all the boomers?
World war 2 generation, greatest generation to ever live gave birth to the worst generation.
Strong men create good times
good times create weak men
weak men create bad times
As of right now today it's boomers but I think us millennials have potential to be ten times worse.
I comment on some communities for PC games and it's becoming common sight for millennials to demand game companies reduce the role of or completely take out voice communication because they seem it "toxic". I know this is a minor example but I think this mindset will only expand.
>at least we had degeneracy
And how the FUCK did that turn out you insufferable boomer? Feminism was awesome until it all went off the rails somehow? That's your big conclusion after decades of swimming around in their waters?
Old reading thelastpsychiatrist.com
Christina Sommers is based
Millennial are fanatics, it's true
They will be the most hated generation once Boomers die off.
>Look up who actually passed all the bullshit legislation of the mid-1960s. It was them. Boomers just did nothing to stop it.
Look I hate boomers too.but what do you expect 5-10 year olds to do?
Are you chucklefucks not aware that Christina Hoff Sommers is a Jew?
Wow it's like I'm reading Sup Forums's Boomer image macros
>jewish feminist
rebbit pls
Boomers are just a scapegoat
Millennials are called "echo-boomers" for a reason
Gen z will clean it up though
Are those fake? I thought C H Sommers was on our side.
The Last Psychiatrist was so based. What a bummer he got doxxed and quit writing.
Just because she realizes how retarded modern feminism is doesn't make her red pilled.
Day of the Pillow when?
I have never heard millennials get called this and Im guessing its because millennials are nothing like boomers
Do some research, she is a Jewish feminist who attacks low-hanging fruit so she can be a gatekeeper.
They are called 'echo boomers' because they are an echo of the demographic surge that was the baby boom. Nothing to do with their viewpoints, just their ancestry.
The opiate "epidemic" seems to do a great job of removing millennials at least.
pay your fair share and fix this mess cunts
Literally, every problem can be solved by insisting on an honest money supply. When banks get bailed out instead of being allowed to fail, thats a socialist money supply since it devalues all currency in circulation - we are all affected. Now currency has too little purchasing power and boomers were the sole beneficiaries of that fake fiat debt based money system
> your lives aren't like mine was
> so you should rebel!
But, aren't they rebelling by not being like their shitty parents?
Boomers are kike enablers. Try not to rape any kawaii nips off base tonight.
hahahhaa Boomers get blamed for GenX's crimes.
BASED Generation X = best generation
Its ok to divide yourself from a blood sucking leech. If I rack up the biggest debt in history, then pass it on to you, you are well within your rights to divide yourself from that burden that you did not create
Boomers are all proud and shit right now, they just retired and enjoy their money while still being relatively healthy. But money isn't the end of everything, they'll understand it when they're abandonned in a nursing home, beaten by nurse Jamal on a daily basis, and rotting in their own filth.
I hope they enjoy their money, because it will only go down from now on.
Gen X ignored boomers, which is why they were hated.
>the entire generation is bad
yes good goyim... shun everyone older than you.. only your generation matters.. it's your time now, take the power! think only of yourself and what you deserve!
- No fault divorce
- the 1960's
>the whole generation is responsible for the jewish feminist globalist assaults
So by that logic, you're responsible for SJWs, safe spaces, and anti-freespeech riots. It's all on you, your generation is to blame.
>we had sex, drugs and r'n'r
I guess it explains why the world sucks now. While they should have been raising children, they were selling their inheritance for drugs and drooling. Fucking grasshoppers.
Yeah, well there's probably been much worse generations, but you just don't know about them and anyway, if you had been born in 1952 you would have done just the same.
Yeah it's a shame, but I feel like he had said what he wanted to say already. Btw didn't he get doxxed quite a bit before stopping altogether? It was also kind of ironic how he stopped right as gg came along and his last post was about women getting 'trolled' on the internet.
Why do Americans compete in sex and always claim other people have less sex when reality is that each generation has more sex and with more sexual partners and with younger age?
>celebrate every milestone your kid has
>every birthday, ever shit it takes etc
>tell them how special they are
>let them watch Disney movies all day that tell them how special they are.
>send them to schools that force them to learn about self esteem.
>don’t make them work or do chores
>spend 18+ years telling the kid it’s something special, unique, better than the rest
>just kidding XDDDD. Haha
>Get a job you whiny loser
Dear sweeties,
Seems like you guys have a lot of problems nowadays, but at least I and my kind got to destroy the West and have a good old time doing it!
Your Mom
I'm Gen X, I'm responsible for the last good music we had
They were proud of defeating a lion and failed to see snake in their bed.
No one has any obligation to assume someone elses debt. Its not selfish - its common sense. Our national currencies are worthless for buying houses and starting families now.
It's a tossup. Boomers created Millenials, but Millenials, as the product of Boomers' labors, are several degrees worse on their own merits.
Watch Larouche videos on this, he talks about how the war generaton came back and all of the jobs were government linked, so everyone had to have a level of conformity. They were regimented and did what the state coerced them into, but with the Boomers there was a marked difference. Consider that during the war generation, they were still developing industry and creating new towns for their children. With the Boomers, the idea of planning and building for future generations went out of the window, and replaced by self-gratification. For example, many Boomers inherited money and assets, yet Boomers are now proudly boasting that they're spending their kids inheritance. Likewise with housebulding - the pror generations were always expanding and building new towns and suburbs (and even cities); the Boomers shut house building down at the time they all got on the (extremely cheap) housing market. Look at any Anglo country and the house building rate collapsed between 1975 and 1990. Now those Boomers have almost total control of the housing market assets. Not only that but look at the UK for example, we have a meme called NWMBISM (Not In My backyard), where Boomers protest the building of new housing projects near then, so not enough houses are being built. They use exxcuses like environmentalism, yet their house was built on farmland in the 80s.
There was a protest outside of Bristol, where 20,000 new homes were planned, and the locals met with the developers. There wasn't a single person in the room that wasn't retired. They are shutting young people out of the housing market, and it is effecting birth rates.
You have to understand the qunatitive difference between Boomers and everyone else - others may have fucked up and made bad decisions, but Boomers have a predatory and competative attitude towards their own children. They are like wild animals that once the offspring leave the nest, they're direct competators for food.
The problem is boomers have too much power and refuse to hand it to the younger generations, we need to replace them
>it's the boomers' fault we have millennials
Then it's the "greatest generation's fault we got boomers. And it's their parents' fault for raising a generation that didn't know how to raise kids properly. You can't just keep passing the buck. And it's insane to blame an entire generation simply for existing during a time when the enemies of western civilization were willfully doing everything in their power to destabilize it.
No you're not
Threads like these are literally how socialist groups, antifa, etc, recruit.
>World war 2 generation, greatest generation
Enough with this shit. "greatest generation" sold us all to the kikes. I'm glad these pieces of shit saw their kids fuck niggers and being degenerate, I hope they regret fighting for the kikes.
Pic related is the last great generation.
>the 00s didnt have good music
It's our time to fix the mess, are you ready?
good point, so the title goes to the Millenials then.
My grandmother turns 102 this year. She said that I'm the only one she talks to b/c my wife and I remind her of the hardworkers in her generation. She openly admits she didn't know where she went wrong with my dad and uncles.
It's sad that's the best compliment.
And you use the replacements as an example?
Wew lad. You have heard of other bands right?
The 'aughts were the last hurrah for GenX bands.
They won't admit it but the failure was believing the system would take care of their children while they worked not realizing the system was poisoning the minds of their kids
Note the collapse in building new homes just as the Boomers became adults 380,000 to 190,000 per annum. Note that they have never recovered, despite the massive influx of immigrants which Boomers profit from by renting out appartments.
I have sex, drugs and (my own music taste). It just depends how you set up your own life.
Boomers ruined sex with their endless degeneracy.
Now we have Super AIDS
Based France. Heil Petain!
They all thought McCarthy was wrong.
How about there is no greatest generation and humanity will always be flawed. We will never have a utopia because the moment things get good someone/woman will ruin it.
She was an immigrant who escaped a civil war, then to earn his green card my grandfather had to kill Japs in WWII. They knew how hard it was to not depend on governments, but only on each other and what they could control.
She said that concept is lost on Boomers, b/c they were raised to believe America is this little safe zone and the rest of the world is uncivilized and the government would take care of them.
My grandfather knew that was bullshit after 3 years in the Pacific Theater, then 25 years at a factory after that and he gets laid off b/c of the recession in the '70s. He said to never depend on the government b/c there are too many people to take care of.
Inevitably we are going to have some common ground with out enemies. The irony is their liberalism and nihilism is what they hate about Boomers, yet they would be exactly the same given the opportinity. Our issue with Boomers is a moral principle: they rejected the ideas of posterity which they benefitted from, and our civilisation, realistically, might not recover from their greed and self-interest.
Boomers have less of a spine and bitch twice as hard as any millenial. Millenials may be communist psychopaths, but atleast they fucking try to stand for something, instead of wilting in whatever direction the wind is blowing. Look into the eyes of a Gen Z. They're dead inside. And they're going to take their frustration out on all these useless fucks that have handed civilization over to gibmedats.
>That's not the greatest generation, these people the same age are
I’m 31 don’t lump me in with those faggots.
Your grandfather was right.
my parents were depression era or silent generation, they left a socialistic communist country and immigrated to this socialistic nightmare.
Dad hated every second being here and wanted to leave, mom was not having it and had me to anchor the family. They were both loyal liberals, as if their loyalty meant anything beyond votes, because Turd'eau Sr. opened the borders back in the 70s
Boomers are the first generation who was mindwashed by TV for their entire lives. It's hardly a surprise how insufferable they are.
>boomer complains that his son doesn't know how do do a thing
>"when i was his age I knew how to do all this stuff"
>"how did you learn to do it?"
>"well my dad taught me"
>"why didn't you teach your son?"
>"god, it's always the same with you lot, always blaming somebody else!"
Any fucking moron can tell you that SJW's are dumb. That doesn't make them "redpilled"
why do boomers take credit for what their parents did?
so it's not faggots, it's nigger faggots
In the UK the average age of TV viewers for the hideously liberal BBC is 64. It effectively isn't watched by anyone but Boomers. They are willful vassels of jewish propaganda, and 25 years of the internet has not changed them in any way.
I can't stress this enough. My idiot Boomer parents had no care whatsoever about what public school to put me in so I got put in a school filled with niggers and spics and endured the worst harassment both mental and physical in my developmental years that still fucked me over to today. They did not care, ignored warning signs of me coming home bleeding, bruised and crying. I don't think I'll ever have kids as I am too fucked up but if I do at the very least they will never set foot in a public school.
all these old fuckers on Twitter. Why can’t you old fucks just fuck off? They took MySpace, then Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and I’m starting to see them use Snapchat. And you know damn well they’re on here too. Just fuck off, Christ. You’ve literally destroyed what the greatest generation died for. And every time, I mean EVERY FUCKING TIME a website, trend literally anything begins to see you old fucks join in, it goes to shit. Fucking Pokémon go was ruined by the old hags dishing out their credit card info. and pretending to like the game.
They may have been the same age, they sure weren't the same generation. More like the greatest degeneration.
That's why any pagan tradition is dead because it's nothing but ashes and can't be revived anymore. But we still can preserve the fire in the form of traditional Catholic church.
I didn't even get to know my Grand Parents and they won't let me have contact info for my cousins and uncles and aunts it sucks. They are bound and determined to destroy the family. They refuse to tell me my family history. Going to have to go to shitty meme ancestry websites for my own history.
Fucking bitch was one of the anti trump guys right?
When some national magazine or something attacked trump during the election.
Her name appeared as one of the people having funded it. I asked on Sup Forums at the time but as usual if you dont include some black dick pictures you get 0 replies.
It's disgusting how you'll see these old fucks on petty far left sites saying the pettiest shit about Trump and the right then you click on their page and it's nothing but then tweeting petty political stuff every 10 minutes for the entire day and like no retweets or likes or semblance of anyone listening to them. Don't they have grandkids to watch? Is this how they spend the last 10 years of their life being petty on the internet?