Thots running around screaming while streaming dead body for those social media points

>thots running around screaming while streaming dead body for those social media points

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I wish the video was higher quality :(

the cia niggers make them like this on purpose
it "feels" more real when its a bit potato-ish

Thats a fake body. You mean to tell me the shooter came in the room and shot just a single person? Also, it just happens to be a nigger and they call the fucking spic a "white male" so now the niggers get all riled up. This shit is so phony. Fuck yourself CIA NIGGER.


I would be out the window.

Also OP is judging an entire generation on teenage girls that without which there would be no footage. This type of hyperbolic all or nothing mental illness makes pol the shit hole it is.

Fake and Gay. This is a Colorado community college that experienced an epidemic of diabetic shock after the local McDonalds shut down. ffs, google this shit, m8. It's almost a decade old.

Tbh the idea that he came into the room shot the nigger and left the rest of them cracks me up.

Can you really blame the shooter? Kids today are such faggots

This is problematic, i think in 2018 we have had enough of the lame damsel in distress stereotype , more stronk female characters now!

we don't know his real motivations yet, it's possible he had a hit list

why not provide a fucking source

Not plausible and an extremely high kelvin temperature

Sup Forums is done after this

>comes into the classroom
>shoots one person
this doesn't strike you as odd?

lmao, it sounds like a european wrote this

wtf are you autists talking about? so unless he systematically killed every person he came across this was a false flag? retards

that bretty fake

Self absorbed scum.

anyone who believes in "da based gen Z" narrative has never spoken to any of them

Jesus christ im dying laughing right now just imagining a bunch of fuckers passing out all over the place because they couldn't get any fries and coke. Fuck that shit would be so epic

>barely any talking
>unemotional "whoo"
>guy touching his arm in the fakest pain ever
do they laugh just before exiting the room?

>what is spraying bullets through a wall
He just walked through the halls shooting at classrooms

>Through the walls
So now the shooter has x-ray vision and hes just spraying through the walls to kill a single nigger?

You are glowing so bright I had to adjust the gamma on my monitor.

>documenting a crime to the outside world so people have the most information available about it as you can provide

you're just mad you have to come up with more contrivances to say it's fake to feel smart on an anime website now

You can see him grabbing his arm as he enters the frame.
I'm leaning towards seriously bad crisis actors to be honest, and it really does sound like a giggle as they exit the room.
The whole thing reeks. What's going on in the news that they'd try to slide this hard? DACA?


This, the only people the "based Gen Z" will save is the globalists.

Is that a dead nigger?


>Being this much of a complete fucking trying conspiritard fuckhead
The president of the United States could have his brains blown all over a fucking TV monitor and you fucking brainlets would claim a false flag. Every time I see you shits post I 100% dismiss your posts, why? because every time there is even the slightest of a gun happening you come out of the fucking woodwork shouting conspiracy and false flag.
You guys are the ones who drag the quality of this board down with your stupidity, those of us with actual conspiracy theories would very much like it if you fucked up forever

Its called evolution. But since you choose to belive in whatever moslemchristian you disqualify. The Game bitch.


>being this much of a normal faggot
I bet you listen to Snoop Dogg daily while you drive to work for Mr. Nosenstein in your grey subaru.


Not even and you're not fooling anyone you fucking normie

>"no you" the post(TM)

Freedom was a mistake.

>Attempting to keep this stacy shit alive with old reactions images
I'm sageing this shit unlike you, you fucking normie fuck

saging isn't a downboat, go back to the_donald faggot

>those of us with actual conspiracy theories would very much like it if you fucked up forever

No shit brainlet but it allows me to not bump this garbage of a thread with you in it to the top of the board, you should take a trip to /jp/ they'll teach you all about chan culture you fucking normie piece of shit. Posts that contribute nothing should be sage posted and threads that are garbage should be sage'd down. Welcome to how Sup Forums used to work before being infested with normiefags like you


wait a minute, the shooter shoots down the hallway and presumably the windows by the doors of each adjacent room

how the fuck did that person die at that angle if there is no way a bullet could have strayed in that direction?!

>this is clearly fake, please don't take my guns away


oh sweetie, you need to lurk moar before posting.