Dark beginning

Long have I read about Sup Forums and pol adn now I think is the time to post...I am a very powerful power broker with strong connections and even more strong friends. By this time tomorrow I will be in control of all...well lets not just say yet.

Seem point is I am looking to recruit some humble goys into my operation. Payment in Monero, of course. I'm assuming someone is gonna call next slide when I ask for that.

Other urls found in this thread:


tits or gtfo


For such a powerful power broker with an American ID, you can't English so good.


>itt: larp


Yes sir, this is my address, waiting on the assignment


>me a high powered power man
>can barely type a sentence without a glaring grammatical error, completely wrong word, or other errors that make it basically unreadable
At least you tried.

>beaner fantasies

>this just in, op 'the faggot' larper's portrait

Welcome PEPE kids. I am well known MAJOR malaysian businessman with operations in Rhode Island. We call it The CIRCUIT. Successful here and you will join.

You'd better not be wasting my time, you got money?


I need you to hack my my competitors front so we can distract them. They are WEE WASH IT in Woonsocket

79 Roland Street

I need you to hack they have website so take them down will give big Monero bounty 1 monero go now PEPE

You're a dry cleaner?

Post throwaway email so I can get on the tasty larpu money train. You can not fuck me in the ass tho

[email protected]

I read the filename as serval image


Also op is a faggoted cock goblin. Just SWAT them or tell some nigger on twitter they have mad stacks in the kitchen cupboard

k-keep me posted

Tomorrow my best son Phillipe will lead the strike team to take out Iokman gang

This is honestly the best larp in a while. Shame that it's on page 3.

>be Malaysian businessman
>move to US to do shady business
>competitor businessman uses laundromat as front for money laundering
>hear about hacker known as Sup Forums
>pay hackers in monero to take down competitor's laundromat website
>send son and his Malaysian gang to beat up competitor

none of this is exiting

It is time for Phillipe to become a MALAY with the true spirit of the water and fight the TABU. I am ready Sup Forums KEK PEPE boys strike team tomorrow I pray, now how I delete this Sup Forums forum I will send monero to who take down website for wee wash it and for who delete this forum comment

Pay me in blockchain or i'll send ur kike ass in a cartridge to mogadishu

My friend, after tomorrow, we will steal the blockchain!

The website is hosted by homestead.com, not some random personal server, so it would be pretty hard to ddos it anyway.

before the war i help my mother business

Listen to a music only version of Kung Foo Fighting

Every body had dinky doodles
Smaller than a poodle's noodle

Just a widdle wang
Not a manly thang

There was Dinky doodle Dong
He did not have a schlong

Every body had Dinky Doodles

Just in case it's not a larp for once. Assuming I can offer you something, how do I contact you further?

This isn't funny. Why am I laughing

The sad truth is often goes down better with humor.

Plus after the Asian Woman's Bill of Rights is ratified every asian boy will have to learn silly little shame songs in school

I'll be your bodyguard. I'll just need 100,000 up front and another 100,000 in 6 months. I'm a definitely a tier above /k/. Let me know.

want one kicker, fill 'er up