>be me
>few freckles on arm
>super thick, straight, lightish brown hair
>green-ish blue eyes
>sqaureish head
>no super defined cheek bones
>dark pubes
What race am I lads? My grandparents say they heritage from Austria and Hungary but I don't know if that's 100% true, thoughts?
Be me
just another kind of mongrel
Probably Austrian or German because I have similar features and my Ancestry is 99% German and English
You're a Wizard, Harry.
this I think you are also gay
>meme flag
Opinion discarded
better? but you're still gay
Nice projecting, like how you had to hide behind Nazi flag since you're an insecure mutt
>nice projecting
only an HIV riddled faggot would describe himself as "thick" or care about "freckles"
>hide behind Nazi flag
why would I hide my flag, just to show it on the first call out? are you actually retarded?
Wow shit you may actually have autism my guy,
I didn't call myself thick I just said I thick hair, and I only mentioned I had freckles due to possible melanin levels I may have, also
>posting some random retarded infograph about being molested
>few freckles on arm
Tits or gtfo obv!
were you molested? I'm here to help don't go on the defensive user
I'm willing to bet you've got more Scottish than Austrian in you
>posting about molestation when there were no leading subject matters
Why do you gotta project so hard lad, there's always counseling or therapy
Post your arm then you mutt, and if there is even ONE (1) freckle on that shit, you are not white
Did your ass hurt? Tell me, how big was it user and why you enjoyed it?
is the pic Tomie?
My best guess would be that I'm possibly Berberid and Borreby, is that white enough or no?