How do you feel about poorfags in anime?
How do you feel about poorfags in anime?
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>somebody remembers
I thought that one reaction image was all that remained of this show on Sup Forums
what makes you think isekai is popular genre?
Gives it sense of realism
I wish there were more.
I felt they lived in luxury compared to myself.
It's because they had each other.
AAAAAAAAAA!! Forgot that I put this on-hold in episode 3! Thanks for reminding me user.
they need to be protected
>In japan
Is this really a thing, aside no true poor since Japanese poor a live in a 3x5 room at least.
Thanks for the rec, my man.
A part timer jap job earns the same as a engineer in my third world shithole
Homeless are an hidden inconvenience in asian countries, Japan is no exception.
Shit doesn't cost the same at all.
Was the low budget production values some meta thing?
electronics and imports do, food is cheaper because of less regulations and some services.
Underutilized. Maybe it's just because I was in poverty my whole childhood and teen years, but it'd be nice to see then a bit more. I'm always a sucker for any series that has MC hell out the poorfag kid or orphan or beggar even if that's just lazy writing to show what a great guy the MC is.
Does this devolve in prostitution?
Just stick with the manga.
Japan is good at hiding it's dirt, and that includes the poor and homeless. They also classify all unsolved homicides as suicides (part of the very high suicide rate) and won't attempt to convict any sexual assault unless the evidence is completely ironclad. Anime isn't reality.
I wish there were more
The number one cost is your home and oil.
There is no way you are even a 1/3rd close to japan price if your statement is true.
Fuck electronics.
Didn't watch pic related.
I like seeing poorfags in anime because I can relate to them. Such as needing to wait for a sale at the grocery store to buy food, living in a shitty apartment with cardboard boxes as furniture, having to walk or bike everywhere because no money for the train, wearing hand-me-down clothes, getting books from the library because you can't afford to buy them.
I hate seeing richfags in anime. It isn't fair. Especially rich teenage characters who have wealthy parents who give them everything.
>shitty apartment with cardboard boxes as furniture
We used milk crates we stole from the back of the supermarket, but otherwise sounds like we had similar lives. I agree, I hate seeing rich fags that have everything handed to them, ESPECIALLY when they then proceed to gripe and moan about something inconsequential that is making them unhappy.
Japan has a lot of subsurface issues that aren't really know about/are hushed up really well. Their demographic collapse isn't the only thing driving them off the cliff. Their ganbaru culture and sheer social apathy are gonna do them in before that happens.
The anime is good though.
feel bad for them
even more than for real people
I was in Tokyo the other week and saw a couple of homeless people sleeping in cardboard boxes in a tunnel, so they certainly do exist.
I can safely say it isn't.
We even have homeless people here in Norway, even though it shouldn't really be possible to be homeless here since we're a socialistic rich country.
When you choose drugs over a place to stay, I guess you're pretty screwed.
I work for the Church here in Japan, and you would be surprised at how little the Japanese government cares for their citizens. All our programs are stretched to the maximum and then some and there is still so much unmet need. Probably the worst first world country to be down on your luck in.
>Probably the worst first world country to be down on your luck in.
Worse than America? No wonder everyone is obsessed with slaving away for their corporate overlords at the detriment of their health.
>judging based on studio and not production staff
I can safely say you're an idiot.
Homeless people are simply a part of the reality when it comes to civilization.
Even communist countries couldn't deal with it completely (not having a job was a crime so they forced them to work some way but the housing ended up being the prison down the line since hardcore alcoholics simply wouldn't turn into model citizens overnight), Japan is a jungle where the string eat the week for breakfast in comparison.
Yes, worse than the US. No SNAP or EBT or gibs in Nihon user.
>tfw no poorfag daughterus
>the weak must fear the strong
>low crime, don't need to constantly fear for your life
>can sleep anywhere without being disturbed
>people give charity
>food is expensive sure
>weather isn't extreme
Try being homeless in america and tell me how it works for you. Where's that /trv/ / /jp/ story about user who went to japan to live homeless, ended up traveling on a cheap mamachari and sleeping in parks, eating off handouts and food stolen from shrines? I love that story, so max comfy.
I think an itty bitty japanese povertyapartment looks comfy. I might get an apartment soon, and I'm furnishing it japanese poverty style. Floormats/cushions, boxes instead of furniture. Eggs, rice, miso soup, and vegetables for food. /comfy/ as fuck. I even have a shikibuton (actually cheaper than even the cheapest shit mattress here.) No a/c, probably won't use heat. I'm pretty excited.
I like stories about part-timers or other poorfags in japan. Chobits, Kaiji. (any other recs?) So damned comfy. I want to build a kotatsu.
I saw that homeless jp story on another chan. Super interesting read for sure.
Jap poverty apartments are ok I guess. I suppose I should be happy since at least I'm right next to a forest rather than ass to elbows with other poorfags, so little blessings. Where the hell do you get miso for cheap though? I'd have to take a shuttle to the next city over to find miso that isn't marked up to ten times it's price.
The thing with it is that it's much easier to end up like that in Japan than it is elsewhere.
Also >weather isn't extreme. Weather depends extremely on where you end up, though.
Can you imagine losing your house and being stranded in Aomori?
Not an anime, and there's no translation last I checked, but there's a novel called コンビニ人間. It's about a woman who works in a convenience store and has no higher goal, but she's happy with her simple life.
Chibi Maruko
>poorfags in anime
You mean animators?
We're not talking about some streetwise user here, were talking about ordinary people who suddenly have this thrust onto them, because it can and does happen all too often here. There are entire towns and city blocks that have become encampments for forgotten people.
It makes me depressed/sad.
This image makes me want to kill myself. Thanks for making me remember it exists and there are cute kids doing this in real life somewhere.
Maruko is maximum comfy because it's also showa-era nostalgia.
Consume more escapism and forget the evils of the world.
>real life
It means nothing to me.
The reason that image and ones like it fuck me up so much is because it's within the realm of escapism and preys on my escape/affection for 2d.
Seeing a poor child doing it in real life would probably be easier for me since I can detach from it and have my guard up. I never have it up watching anime.
They deserve it, If they had my work ethic, they would have been born a saoudian prince like me.
>judging based on studio
Is anything I've said wrong? It's a budget show made by Toei.
If you want poorfags then watch some WMT like little princess sara or ie naki ko.
>cute kids
>real life
You poor delusional faggot.
>string eat the week
If they had my work ethic, they'd be medical doctors working long hours.
Yes, because the anime is genuinely good. Just because you like to shit on Toei doesn't make anything you say true.
WMT is depressing.
They are all made by white people and they are usually all coming of age stories.
is that the Wendy's girl in the lower right?
That is anne of green gables you faggot.
>Working class poor
>Balls deep into debt poor
>Will hold hands for ¥300 poor
What's your type?
How is anything I've said not true?
back when weeb games were still good
Because Toei is a good studio.
I knew Sup Forums has gotten worse over time but never could I imagine people suddenly shilling for Toei. Isn't it past your bedtime old man?
>Last good Japanese video game came out in 1994
He is a DBS faggot ignore him.
Ys Origin came out in 2006
Wait. If a rape victim kills a rapist, would that be written off as a suicide?
>DBS faggot
I have never watched Dragonball in my entire life.
Toei is a good studio, if you literally look at it's record you fucking pleb. Maybe educate yourself before you make false accusations.
>Toei is a good studio
Stopped reading there
>Toei is a good studio
> look at it's record
>Toei is a good studio
It's not anymore
What you think of it now is literally irrelevant in terms of it's legacy.
Only if it's unsolved.
>How do you feel about poorfags in anime?
I can relate with the happy poorfags.
Even if I am not poor anymore, I always root for them in fiction works.
I can relate with the unhappy poorfags.
I couldn't date a girl because she was poor and had to take care of her brothers.
I thought a few times about paying her for it, shit.
It never was a good studio either. Christ you people make me sick.
Is that loli bottomless?
She has legs.
Legs aren't clothes
A tub of miso is like $3 and it makes 9000 cups of soup, user. Don't you have a cheap oriental grocery near you? Tofu is demi-cheap but I think eggs are still cheaper.
Snow is actually a good insulator. I've slept outside in -17 Freedom Units. You can live if you have either good gear or enough insulating layers.
Just go to okinawa in winter. Homeless and jobless anyway, why not?
Can you explain further? Employment in japan, is it dificult? I know Saitama couldn't find a job as a salaryman. It seems like most anime don't portray economic or social reality. Other than the nikkei trading sideways I don't know what the economic situation of japan is, but it seems like a more forgiving place.
bunch of bimbos
Yes it was, and is perhaps the most influential studio of all time, along with Madhouse, you fucking retard.
I relate
I like Nozomi in Keijo when she goes into penny pincher mode and tries to convert all her cardboard moving boxes to furniture or try to cancel shopping for groceries because double points day is on the next day.
They should be treated with disdain, just like real life.
Why are Japanese people afraid to ask relatives for money, to the point of driving themselves into homelessness?
I hate seeing rich people in anime because they tend to be fucking unrealistic.
Always make me feel better
>real life
My little user can't be this stupid!
>but influential
>but it was good
Isn't it past your bedtime old man?