How's it feel knowing you'll never live in the utopian paradise known as Australia?

How's it feel knowing you'll never live in the utopian paradise known as Australia?

i live in a city of 60k people and everyday i see more and more africans and muslims

Because being so hot that your fat begins to render is sooooo great :)

>utopian paradise
Sure, if you're an emu. I've heard the Aussies are a slave race they keep in the minds with small colonies on the surface to keep up appearances and lure in more Indians and Chinese for the food supply.


This is comfy bait. I can chill in this, mate. It doesn't have any effort or brain power put into it, is absurd, but it is /comfy/.

Feels good I never have to see an abbo.

but maybe i fucking will one day


Saw on facebook that an Abo chick I know is in New York right now. She's fat and slightly white so she should fit in.

50 degrees celcius, roads melting, great whites, box jellyfish, spiders, everything. We have mosqitoes, that's about it. I'd rather live here.

Australia is fuckin shit mate. You're fried

Pussy. Stay where you are. Australia needs men not boys.

I'm from Svalbard, the coldest shithole on earth. I'd die if I tried to live in Australia. Not even joking.

There are 173 different species of venomous spider in this picture.

We cant even own guns, our women are degenerate sluts who walk around in g-strings and topless at bondi, wear slutty clothing in public, fuck niggers, being ovverun by asians and mudshits, politicians are complete fucking retards and everything is expensive as fuck. This isnt a paradise

Touche. I almost died experiencing winter in England.

>Palm Island Abo containment zone

Pick one

Australia is just a shitty version of NZ

How do you know that you know? Because I know and you for sure don't sound like you know.

except that your current farming practices are turning the maybe 30% habitable land into more martian style desert.

i'll be living next to a coal mine soon actually

>lives in a country at the permission of the local niggas

Yeah ok Mr Treaty

Did you ask a Maori if you could fuck that sheep brew?

Too many snakes

is that alaska

lol, theres more aussie born maoris than nz born maoris.
is sydney still run by lebos?

>hey guys how does it feel to not live in the usa's understudy
pretty good, actually great

I hate spiders, so I’ll be fine

That’s just not even close to true. 1 I’m 7 of you sheep fuckers are nigger Maori. 600,000 and rising as more of you mutts chase gibs.

*1 in 7

you mean Gookstralia?
nah, thanks tho

>regularly 40+ degrees; uncomfortable and oppressive heat
>tiny spiders that can kill you
>fuck off huge spiders that spook
>snakes that can kill you
>literal man eating dinosaurs, can't even swim outside of a net in QLD, NT, etc
>not recommended to go on beach at night because of man eating dinosaurs
>the beaches in parts of the country that don't have man eating dinosaurs have like ten thousand people on them
>tiny little jellyfish that can kill you if it touches you
>dead kangaroos all over every single motorway, literally one like every 500m
>literal subhuman gorilla people
>over 90% of the country is just superheated red dirt and tumble weeds
>Asians, Muslims, and libcucks fucking everywhere
>fucking 45% tax if you earn over 185k which isnt hard to do in Aus because wages are retardedly inflated
>utopian paradise
yeah nah m8

>tobacco practically illegal
>Guns banned

yea no thanks

> Started visa application already.

Btw where is that photo...looks nice?

