Dios mio

Dios mio...

Other urls found in this thread:



>dyed red hair

just his expression looks like he's spent a week getting his shit pushed in by cia niggers

Notice anything? 'Shooter in Florida' Eagles shirt 2 emblem. Lynn Rothschild?? Is this a connection?

>*record scratch* you might be wondering how I got in this situation

la creatura...

¡Por favor perdoname!

bring ur lube boi


Dónde estoy???

beep beep....would you like to buy some shaved ice, gringo?




Americans are named everything from Barracka to Mithaimerdildosonsen, whats your point?

Jesuz De La Cruz I live in spic land and that's the spiccest name I've ever heard.

Nu pol will never be afraid of this




o kurwa my sides.

lmao nice one


>school records show his race as white

El Goblino...


was he /ourguy/?

That picture is FAKE AND GAY

El ogro americano

this shit is legit hilarious but so not factual. Most people don't do the dna test shit and honestly the main people that do are white. Ancestry.com is run by Mormons

>The suspected gunman would also deride Muslims as ‘terrorists and bombers.’” Parodie also told Daily Beast: “I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat.”


El Goblino

el chupacabra

deserves to die for torturing a frog

No, it's the ogro de las Americas

I'm serious if we catch you hurting a frog you better watch your fucking back

The eyebrows alone show he isnt white, and dyed spic hair to look red.

Fakest shit I've ever seen

Kind of looks like David S., german amokrunner.

La creatura de los Americanos...

La luz extinguido...

ahahahahahah fucking ginger spacker cunt



Literally a mutt.


La luz extinguido....

El demonio negro

These are obviously illegals

>this is considered white in muttland

it's not, he's blatant hispanic / mutt

Ay carumba! Dios mio mi amigo.

Is this really how Americans look? Every now and then I see a creature but I’m in Colorado so it’s mostly all white

>what is White Hispanic

you're a kike

>what is hispanic
white hispanic != white

u mad? :^)

>what is a dry puddle

La luz extinguido...

Good fucking god user calm down with the memes

El atrocidad


If you drew on a paper with a white crayon is it still blank?

una abominació

That's actually him though

prove it

Aussies from out of nowhere with a powerful uppercut.

James Holmes style

El Esclavo De La Mossado... Madre de Dios...

>gb and France declare war on Germany
>Germany started the war

Clearly he’s not pol material

La creatura

la creatura...

He is like little babby, watch this:


He will get death sentence right?

He has the record now

>dyed red hair
calling card

White boy adopted by spics , still has white boy tendencies. No surprise

ahahah this is straight up bullshit

he had no friends, if you really think the fact that the shooter was an alt right who complained about muslims and wore trump hats just happened to be friends with a muslim guy and did the shooting because he knew a muslim guy you are literally a fucking retard and don't deserve that smooth brain in your head.

learn how the world works for once

It's Florida so unless his defense attorney is able to effectively argue that he was too mentally ill to understand the implications of his actions then yes.

Depends how Jewish his lawyer is, but I don't fancy his chances

Because he lives in Florida and is older than 16 and 18, he can and likely will be if he is convicted.

>MFW a beautiful white american

Can you spare some percent?

Eagles is the school mascot. Burgundy is the school colors.

He was probably converted.

based, what should be our next target?

>this shit is legit hilarious but so not factual. Most people don't do the dna test shit and honestly the main people that do are white



>im a pussy cuck who is afraid of the libtards being mean to me
man the fuck up and dedicate yourself to the movement you soy

>Is this really how Americans look?
>it’s mostly all white



he was a larper who said sorry to a paki for wearing a hat

>that receding hairline

Its real, but keep damage controlling.

not like it matters. life in prison is a death sentence and is actually cheaper.

it costs like $3mil to execute someone in teh US, just in legal fees and appeals.


He is literally black lives matter so no

>he has no clue how much it costs to keep someone in prison per day