I was just skimming through some Korean pop videos and watching some live videos over there
This shit is WAY better than our hollyjew shit right now. Better melodies, better dancing, cuter girls, and they are WAY better live. This is just their pop music too, their classical music is far ahead of ours at this moment.
Did we just become decadent and apathetic? Everything we do is just depressing and shitty. People are literally just killing themselves on opiods for the fuck of it. Our music is absolutely awful, whether it’s pop/classical/metal or whatever. Nobody even performs well anymore which is a reflection of our culture
The fuck is going on, this is weird. It feels like we’re falling apart, unless I am overly pessimistic or something
Do you not see the irony here? Break your addiction first then try and look at bigger problems you moron
Henry Green
>venti she admitted she's only in it for the money from "altright donors"
Nathan Collins
>do you not see the irony here? Uhhhh no
Jaxon Taylor
It’s more than Jews
White apathetically let their culture get dominated by Jews
At some point we can’t just blame the Jews
Nathan Wilson
>kpop Nah you are just a faggot who got yellow fever and fell for the plastic gook meme, judging a culture based on subjective music tastes doesnt amount to shit.
James Hill
Nathan Green
I’m a classical musician
Asia’s classical music has surpassed ours. They are a virtuoso factory over there, and their composers are fantastic
Not surprising their pop has become better than ours either
Mason Wilson
Dude you're so fucking retarded.
>their classical music is far ahead of ours at this moment Are you counting the centuries of classical European culture has produced?
>People are literally just killing themselves on opiods for the fuck of it No, a JEWISH PHARMA company lobbies hard as fuck for doctors to push opioids to patients.
>Our music is absolutely awful Stop listening to the radio and what's trending on jewtube you insufferable brainlet.
>Nobody even performs well anymore which is a reflection of our culture See above.
>The fuck is going on, this is weird. It feels like we’re falling apart, unless I am overly pessimistic or something You're surrounding yourself in shit and wondering why it smells bad.
Christopher Robinson
someone posted a webm of it once and I didn't fucking saved it, had her nice titties too
Jason Nguyen
>American classical music
I needed the laugh
Blake Gonzalez
>Asia’s classical music has surpassed ours. They are a virtuoso factory over there, and their composers are fantastic Like he said, you have yellow fever. Is this your first time on Sup Forums?
Hudson Jones
KPop is controlled by the same MK-Ultra, Illumanti-esque kikes that control American music too. Their symbolism is even more overt in KPop than our music here. Now that American nigger rap music has been bled dry for the past 30 years and is dying out in mainstream appeal, as well as Asia booming and making up an increasingly bigger and bigger portion of the global entertainment market, the kikes have latched on to a new host.
Julian Lewis
Americans dont have culture
Thats why so many of you are obsessed with heritage. Constantly reminding people "My ancestors are German!" so that you feel like you have some culture
Gabriel Evans
What the fuck is that? Is that an amerimutt?weird facial structure
Jaxon Barnes
brittany's fat
Adam James
like what?
Sebastian Myers
brittany venti - mulatto or quadroon
Robert Price
Idk like a nigger or a mexican
Isaiah Phillips
This. The Jews are in Korea. They're using K-pop to try to take over Japan, as well. K-pop was hated in Japan just 5 years ago, but they pushed it on TV so hard, that kids are starting to get into it, and now it's super popular. They're also pushing Korean/Japanese race-mixing.
Samuel Collins
Holy shit you’re a fucking plebian. The type who thinks I’m just “not aware” of the amazing underground music being produced or something, that’s shit too you retarded cocksucker
>are you counting the classical music made from 1600-1950? No dumbfuck I’m talking about right now that’s what the thread is about
>ITS DA JOOS nobody is forcing white people to become addicted to pills. Nobody is forcing it down their throats, they’ve just become apathetic nihilists
>haha you probably listen to the RADIO. Maybe check out bandcamp sometime No it’s all pure garbage, every genre produces nothing but boring shit. People don’t even go to shows anymore because their so boring, except black twitter/SoundCloud rappers
Oliver Jones
What? You think yellow fever is distorting my perception of CLASSICAL MUSIC?
Fucking brainlet. Asians are winning international classical competitions constantly, they don’t even miss a fucking note. It’s unbelievable
Xavier Perry
I’m talking about the west, but America has had some good classical composers
Isaac Hughes
Wow bro sounds real
Sebastian Adams
This. This and diversity. Blacks can't stand us being happy so they do everything in their power to try to make us mad and bring us down. So the result is a empty sterile society where everyone is mad and slowly becoming sociopaths.
Adam Campbell
>you will never be blacked by Brittany
Daniel Sullivan
I am with you though and feel your sentiments that the West has become completely stagnant, while Asia is making leaps forward. The explosion of the Asian economies, KPop and Korean culture and other Asian trends is concerning, but thats our own fault in some way for meddling and mixing ourselves up with inferior third worlders. Sleep with dogs and you get fleas. I do welcome an Asian cultural domination however versus the nigger/shitskin one thats been the norm for the past 15 years, but yeah it is depressing when you think how fall weve fallen that other countries these days are directly rejecting American and Western culture and media. This was impossible to imagine in the 80's and 90's and now here we are.
Jeremiah White
Yes we do cunt, especially rural Americans
England has heritage but it’s bad heritage
Chase Clark
yes we are in a culture gultch.
americans do not learn art history and humanities in schools and this creates bad culture.
we have no one to blame but the education system.
Jack Thompson
Twerking and school shootings dont count as culture
Brayden Wilson
fucking your sister is not culture, Cletus
Jordan Murphy
this is a very interesting image, where did you get this from? I am intrigued by the concept that it conveys
Jordan Peterson
Wow, that graph is pure undiluted bullshit.
Eli Gutierrez
You are right, Satan.
Jason Richardson
School shootings are the last stand of implicit white identity
All memes aside, American is superior to England because the 0.003% of based left and came here
Hunter Foster
>men that look like young boys >gender is blurred. Males are androgynous and feminine looking, and wear make-up >Bright MK-Ultra style neon colors everywhere, from the hair die, to the clothing, to the music videos >Satanic and Illuminati symbolism everywhere, from the same hand gestures we see in American music, to straight up pyramids, pentagrams and demons/angels >KPop stars are treated like literal fucking slaves and paid dirt
This KPop music reeks of a kike psy-op like straight out of a fucking textbook.
Angel Lopez
although i've been reading sexual personae by camile paglia.
William Barnes
>This is what Americans actually believe I pity you user, no culture to call your own, desperately clinging to "We come from posh English people" to keep yourself from dragging a razor across your wrists
Thomas Moore
>Seriously, why does our culture suck so badly now?
because you participate
Oliver Murphy
why do you think this is undiluted bullshit?
Jason Lee
It's no surprise This was always known It was always going to happen The world isn't forever It isn't a bad thing that it's nearly over Evil cunts that accept satanism (political correctness IS literally satanism whether Satan exists or not. The new PC morality is the opposite of what men always knew as morality. They weakly assert that good and evil are philosophy and do just in your mind so you can choose whatever suits you but that's lame as good and evil have the most dramatic physical and other forms of effect on existential reality in the world, consequences not imagination. We are very close to the total end of this world. It's not a bad thing. somdthkng better will replace it. Evil cumys, who accept PC are not going to be in the world Blow us all up today and I'd be happy
Landon Ross
>Seriously, why does our culture suck so badly now?
Our culture is more closely rooted to BTFOing posh English faggotry actually
Nicholas Kelly
how does the heavy burdon of history feel ever time you walk outside and see a medieval church?
Christian Moore
Harsh reality, but this user is right. White people are going to have to get a stronger backbone if they ever truly want to change things.
Anthony Johnson
this only represents the european sphere, in the middle ages arabic and eastern asia were a florishing societies culturily and scientificly. while Victorian age brought alot of missery to latin america and china.
Christian Taylor
>why does our culture suck so badly now?
because as it turns out, the internet is an even strong tool for control than tv ever was
Dylan Johnson
>metal There are exceptions. 'The Stage' by Avenged Sevenfold is great, and it's also pretty redpilled. A breath of fresh air in the pool of shitty, uninspired and mediocre libtard music
Owen Cooper
Besides that historical epochs doesn't actually fit with the forced preconceived frame, this is a gross oversimplification of complex historical trends to fit a simple frame. It is appealing because it offers a simple answer to a very complex issue, the historical development of civilizations.
Jaxon Bell
was hitler the last hope of the west to combat the decadence of liberalism?
Grayson Ross
not true we're going to be healed by technology. the digital revolution is coming to an end and the western world will rise in the coming digital age.
also satan isn't real and is actually Dionysus. both apollo and dionysus must be honored.
the reason you think the end is near is because you have a penis and get the idea of rise, climax, and deflate and associate this with civilization.
Carter Hall
GET sorting out your mind and show compassion to the needy and strongly oppose the evil that's everywhere because that's why you are here -to be refined like silver - the crap gets chucked away and the diver gets made into something beautiful (biblical advice)
Jaxson Diaz
Brayden Russell
>diver Silver
Ayden Powell
Metal itself has become a joke
When I was in high school, THE thing to do was to start a metalcore/death metal/hardcore band and tour your region a bit. We used to have a bunch of amazing metal bands in our area that packed out shows
Nobody even bothers starting metal bands anymore. Gen Z sort of half-heartedly likes metal, but not really
Metal is absolutely dead for now
Jeremiah Allen
surprise western culture is largely roman-greco and judeo-christian and now native american.
Arabic and eastern asia did not event industry nor technology so now they live in the western shadow.
Ryder Sanders
america is in downfall for years already, you're in same position the USSR was just before the downfall you deserve it too rest in fucking pieces, burgerlards
Owen Rodriguez
You have the wrong values. "Beauty" has no standard nor commonly accepted definition. Your people base their purchases on what's trendy and politically correct, not on heritage or any higher value.
>Korea's better
It's literally just your music 10/20 years ago, though.
>Classical music
What? Oh yeah, the fucking komungo is the pinnacle of all traditional instruments /s
Maybe it's more of a modern phenomena, but Jewish contribution didn't seem to be negative in the past.
i dont think that you would save either we are in the same boat you wanted or not
Leo Sanchez
But how to go about unnoticed? Redpill me please
Blake Martinez
Hitler was kind of a moron in some ways desu
He may even be somewhat of a leftist if he were alive today, who knows? I highly doubt the German empire would be much better
Luis Young
Great thread as its k-pop Thursdays on Sup Forums. I don't know why the dissenters in the thread fail to realize the joy of a well controlled commercial product where you need the talent to backup your plastic surgeons work.
You watch MCountdown this morning? Getting ready for Simply K-Pop on Arirang in 14 hours?
It’s not the end of THE world, maybe just our world
Not surprising China is having a Christian emergence while the West has rejected Christ. The Bible says God blesses nations who follow him and curses others who reject him
If I were God, I’d be laughing watching the west spiral into a shitheap
Elijah Cooper
stop posting you illiterate memeflagging retard
Julian Rogers
the challenge of every intellectual is reduce complex issues into simple forms.
also the epochs absolutely fit.
Thomas Ward
And the English came from retarded rock pagans, who cares.
Jonathan Cox
i didn't realize Christianity is on the rise in china. interesting development.
jesus is the ultimate Apollonian sun god figure. any society who worships order and not chaos will do alright if you ask me.
Brandon Jenkins
So many good Jewish classical composers from 1850-1950
It was funny Chopin actually hated Jews because he thought their music was overrated
Jace Stewart
You're literally what the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums, whites and the American society in general.
>dude look there is problem
What problem? I don't see any problem! You're the problem! The jews are the problem! Everybody else is the problem! You're just a shill! You're shared blue! Omhurica fook yeah...!
Go to any triple a meeting and the very first fucking thing they'll tell you is that as long as you can't admit there is a problem you will never fix such problem.
America is decadent as fuck, every song is the same bass beating shit weather there is a nigger (which usually there is) or not. Every artist has to include one of them knuckle dragging animals in there songs at some point or else they're labeled racist or some shit.
Movies are the same shit remake since the fucking seventies but with shit and shittier cgi
Comedians can't open their mouth or they'll get accused of rape cuss of some stupid joke.
Woman want to force themselves as iconic figures and they'll get the supreme court of necessary to do so
Reggeton enough said about that
Muh ass, muh pussy, muh 20 inch cock, muh piles of money.
American culture is fucking cancer as it stands today and hope every country has the common sense to fucking ban it from its territory
Jeremiah James
english is actually sculpted by poets like Shakespeare.
this gives english the ability to describe the inner feelings and soul of mankind better than other languages. respect the word.
Thomas Bailey
>judeo-christian Christianity is practically pagan, worshiping a god who is a trinity. Western culture is only Greco-Roman society art and system of law (and anyway in Greece was born the new testament so religion is already included) Judeo-Christian you can do it
Jose Turner
I don’t believe in the sun god theory but I do believe what the Bible prescribes is the perfect balance for a functional civilization
People don’t realize there’s a lot more in the Bible than the Ten Commandments. All sorts outlines for relationships, picking a wife, being a masculine man, going to work every day ect.
Ian Richardson
>The fuck is going on A shill has been paid to talk pop-music on a politics board, meanwhile the mods are owned by the same shill company so they don't delete thread and ban OP. Also OP posts a mutt with tits to try get beta whites into muttophilia
Caleb Stewart
so.... whats your point?
Michael Ortiz
>somebody says something I don’t like >SHILL SHAREBLUE MUSIC SOLICITATION
by far the worst posters on Sup Forums
Adrian Hill
yes even though i am an atheist i believe that religion should be respected for the human knowledge, poetry and art. works like the bible have been worked on for thousands of years, and i can see the value in it.
just look up apollo and dionysus and i can swear you will see the similarities between jesus and the devil.
Ethan Morris
Lately I have been thinking that the best way to summarize our society is “decadent”
Just the fact we’re even entertaining these moronic political discussions about feminism or BLM is fucking ridiculous
In a non-decadent or poorer nation, this shit doesn’t happen. They just do what works, and anything else is disregarded
Look how Ukraine or Poland is. Normal gender roles and religious people over there. Functional stuff, none of this clown show chaos we have here
Jonathan Roberts
Underage and b8 Now go talk to your brother who's also your father
Andrew Morgan
>by far the worst posters on Sup Forums
Sup Forums used to be a cool board, we used to have real discussions and a nice time, now is filled to the brim with this type of people who want to dismiss everything with the word shill and paid.
The fucking mods should stay banning them instead
Jordan Hall
kpop is a bit more naive and fun. More melodious and visual with groups dancing. Western pop is more rhytmic. it depends what you are into, but both are made to be catchy, and both are for the most part very uninteresting.
Joshua James
That the Judeo-Christian term is wrong (especially the Judeo, if it was not because of the pagan influence on Christians, it was not forbidden to usury). I also recommend looking for those who created the astrolabe (Chinese), algebra (Arabic), current mathematical system (Indians) and the nation that created the most influential military tactical book in history. All of asia
Julian Morales
Yes I’ve been here since 2013
It’s just a consequence of exposure and oldfags leaving instead of sticking around and telling newfags/retards to stfu
Andrew Gomez
You also sound fairly depressed, user.
I know that this isn't an argument against the general state of our art, but it's something you can consume in its place.
I didn't know that. According to the New York Times he was also a 'conservative'. Mind you, I'm not sure what that would've meant at the time.
Adrian Torres
La Creatura
Elijah Gray
yes we are in an age of decadence.
once a culture solves their economic challenges they begin to become emotional and individualistic. this is called romanticism in the arts and once that stage is hit it is immediately followed by decadence.
no civilization in history has been able to avoid this pattern.
Luis Miller
reported for avatar posting kys
Levi Evans
So a weeaboo is a cracker into japs, what's the term for a cracker into gooks?
Noah Moore
J-Pop is objectively better in every way. I used to create music but gave up after hearing J-Pop. I fell to my knees in awe and terror over how well it was produced. Japanese are the only actual humans on earth. We are all beasts compared to them.
Charles Russell
American pop generally feels like an occult ritual. A-tonal backing track with some roasting in a BDSM outfit throwing up Illuminati signs, absolutely no cuteness, catchiness, or anything that’s even happy. Seriously, listen to some pop songs without the vocals, it just sounds creepy
K-pop is cute girls doing some pretty nice dance moves with legitimately good melodies. Even from a classical perspective, some of their vocal melodies and instrumentation is actually pretty nice.
I know k-pop is probably a Korean psy-op though
Thomas Russell
What are you talking about? Their music is literally teenager drama sang by plastical asians, you can easily find good music if you search for it, you just got that thing people call "yellow fever".
Samuel Campbell
yes, but those societies mostly belong to the eastern world.
this thread is about the west and it's current state...
Adrian James
>tfw no big tiddy el goblino gf Why even live
Cameron Diaz
Who are some good j-pop artists?
One of my favorite composers is Ryuichi Sakamoto. I’ve gotten teary eyed listening to 1996 a couple times. It’s so simple and so beautiful
Jaxson Peterson
>Arabic and eastern asia did not event industry nor technology so now they live in the western shadow. You affirmed that the Asians had not created technology or industry, which is a lie. You claimed to live in a Judeo-Christian society denying paganism Before being ignorant it is better not to make affirmations lightly companion
Jason James
>Our music is absolutely awful The US along with the UK and Japan are currently making the best music in the world. The amount of quality underground bands that came out of the 00's in the USA alone is staggering. Try not listening to popular music.