>The suspected gunman in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, seemed troubled and depressed in recent years and his adoptive mom died just 3 ½ months ago, neighbors, friends and family members said.



Explain yourselves wypipo

Other urls found in this thread:

could you all wait for the investigation to finish before spreading your "truth" around? also, i hate the fact that you are all more concerned with political ideologies than with human lives being lost in this ideological conflict. do you understand that there's no left and right? there's a bunch of masonry behind most of those shootings. it all looks like a ritual to give more power to the elites.

>46 KB JPG
>OP's picture is actually 52 KB
What did OP mean by this?

every single red flag ticked for an emotionally unstable person bullied to the breaking point and still they call for gun control

Holy shit Sup Forumss story is falling apart quick

gun control faggots need to be gassed
gun control led to jew slaughter in ww2

>46 KB JPG

japanese russians confirmed

Goddamn the shills today are trying SO HARD they never learn lmao

The left doesn’t actually care about mental illness surprise surprise they just care about dominance

Just look at him he's not white. 100% hispanic mutt. Also was autistic + dad died + mom died + got fucked by everyone.

He was brought up by spics, among spics, and he looks like a spic. He also has an unusually pointy head, like Burt from Sesame Street.

This image I've posted is cursed. The mods will delete this.


He looks nothing like a spic..

Sup Forums will never accept that mental illness is a problem among whites

i saw that in the NYT, very sly and sickening move on their part

you can tell from his face he's not white anyway, looks mid eastern or Mediterranean

t. spic
That hair looks dyed

You've never actually seen a spic then. He looks probably whiter than you

This isn’t news, we already knew.

Op is an attention whore.


Looks like a slav to me

>crazy person with a gun kills people
why is it so hard to understand, are people stupid?

Shooter was a fucking communist

>seemed troubled and depressed
Gas the SSRI Jews, pharma war now

I've seen them on TV, and at the zoo. He doesn't look Northern European anyway.


Kek, this edgelord was probably posting on Sup Forums

If that's white in america then the mutt meme is 100% real

Looks like a game of thrones character to me
Or bert
How would Sesame Street react if bert went walking down the street firing at everyone?

>picture of face w/ no bandanna
nah, not him
>picture w/ bandanna covering face
thats it!

I hope this isn't real, or we'll all get v@ for frogposting

This is what a white Hispanic kid looks like

faggots will never accept that trannies are mentally ill.

Bert always looks very angry and ready to go berserk, they should make "Muppet Falling Down"

>He doesn't look Northern European anyway.
Yea, he has all of his teeth...

He has light colored hair, eyes and skin. You people are so desperate to make this guy not white its pathetic

That commie is actually this guy he has that hat in other pictures

Literally fake

The British have the best teeth in the world

oh,yea..a real Aryan!

Some of you are all right
Don’t go to Sesame Street tomorrow

Is this the face of the 56% white America?


He looks exactly like a spic. It's South Florida, not Southern California. He's likely Venezuelan or Colombian.

de jesus was his real name you sharjew

Feels Pepe Man

>You have to be tall, blonde and blue eyed to be white now
Holy fuck the level of autism

Is that the oblivion fan?

kek look at those Anglo genes! So white!

What happened at the NSA hours before the Florida shooter? Stay woke my nigga

He was adopted from Cuba.

Nope but you can't be a fucking mexican lol

>Shooter's adopted father died
>Adopted mother dies of pneumonia 3 months ago

>Shooter complained about being picked on while the staff did nothing about it
>Shooter is expelled from this school for disciplinary reasons

>Shooter attends another nearby school
>Shooter is very depressed, stressed, and unhappy in the home he's now living in with his brother

>Shooter moves in with a friend who attended the school
>Shooter legally owned an AR-15, posted about killing animals on Instagram, and discussed target practice, etc... which was known in advanced


Close enough.
South Florida has a lot of Upper Caste hispanics from South America

Praise him he’s here

another weird video connected to the Cruz

All those white people god damn it.

It's always leftists doing these shootings, the ideology matters. As far as I'm concerned it should be legal to drag registered democrats from their homes to execute them.

Opinion discarded


>spic name
>looks like a spic
fuken wypipo

He looks quintessentially Anglo

>upper class caste hispanics

>could you all wait for the investigation to finish before spreading your "truth" around?
What, like with Vegas? We have to shitpost immediately, or these things just get memory holed

>grown man lost his parents
doesn't normally lead them to shoot up their old school, crazy is as crazy does.

Fake and gay

Cuba has the largest contingency of Castizo (white) Hispanics of any Latin country outside of Europe, dumbfuck

Just imagine the headlines.

>It's always leftists doing these shootings, the ideology matters
But this shooter was an antiMuslim Trump supporter that had pictures of christmas trees and dead animals on his instagram.


U fucken yanks are thick! Unfortunately not thick enough to stop a semiautomatic round.

pick one faggot

anyone got this mutts instagram or has it been deleted?

Nice job, lads.

Why are the shooters youtube subscriptions all toy review channels...

Hurr durr hurr
were his. now deleted, maybe some people mirrors.

Fuck off shill

This one is being said is, no posts since 2013 though. And wrong name

No, for fuck's sake I hope people who lose their parents don't normally turn to violence. But I myself was expelled before my senior year due to marijuana (off school grounds even) and it was the most depressing time of my life. Lost a lot of friends, opportunities, and general well-being then. Luckily I had my biological parents alive to help me through it though.

I can imagine a mentally unstable and depressed adopted high schooler who just lost the last of the people who's raised him (and maybe his brother too, as he wasn't happy living with him in the new home and moved into a friend's trailer who attended the school he was expelled from)... I mean this is the definition of "we saw all the signs"

High schoolers think of fucked up things regardless of having to experience even half of what he did... I still can't even try to imagine what him and his brother's lives were like even a month ago.

Picking a day like Valentine's Day too... all of this screams a personal attack on that school and maybe certain types of people. I imagine he ditched the weapon somehow and attempted to flee as a student in terror -- its documented the shooting only lasted about 3-4 minutes and that rooms weren't cleared until at least 20 mins after. Nikolas was arrested away from the scene and, personally, that's the best chance he'd have of trying to get away.

He still might have loyalties to Mexico even if adopted, his Cruz name might still be a factor.

> Still an Hispanic in my eyes even if white.

He is an honourary Hispanic Mexican loyalist.

> And I still think this incident is a psyop anyway.

>be white
>have some autistic faggot on the internet tell you whats white.
go back to your shithole.

Why isn't anyone publishing the hundreds of thousands of anti white comments posted by jews or people with Jewish ties?
Ah right, because NBC, CNN and the NYT do it already on a daily basis, they just present it as fact and those who do not approve as evil white supremacists.

You know you are pathetic. You find joy in hopping on here and belittling a group of neets that just want truth and justice. You really need to examine yourself and decide if your life is even worth living. God I feel sorry for you.

now Trump can deport more beaners thanks to this

spics btfo

This is actually questionable

This. Shitposting is an economy.

Student: There 'Had To Be Two Shooters' Because I Talked With Suspect Shortly After Shots Were Fired..

His facial features are Jewish.

Nikolas Cruz was expelled from the school he shot up yesterday. If for whatever reason she was actually next to the SAME Nick Cruz - then there should have been a lot more alarms going off in her blonde brain.

I am giving her the benefit of the doubt that she actually was just with another kid with that name... there's like 3500 kids or some shit that go there. Otherwise she's trying to get some quick attention and create drama like any other high school girl.

wtf i hate adopted white boys now



shes a jew

It's SoFlo, they're all Jews

>emotionally unstable person bullied to the breaking point
Hope you realise that this shit happens in other countries too

fake IG account

Is his IQ 45? What the fuck is wrong with his face?

Not his channel

>I imagine he ditched the weapon somehow and attempted to flee as a student in terror
That would make sense from the strange interview from that girl

I agree it seems like an elliot rodger type case from his targets, from what I've seen they were popular cheerleader types. very socially awkward guy who really doesn't get it, plus distant/nonexistent family.


>I am giving her the benefit of the doubt that she actually was just with another kid with that name... there's like 3500 kids or some shit that go there.
thats equivalent to some small colleges. you would have no idea if he was reinstated unless the gossip machine was on it.

>Otherwise she's trying to get some quick attention and create drama like any other high school girl.
100%. gotta try to jumpstart that modeling career...