Why does Sup Forums hate Yuri?

Why does Sup Forums hate Yuri?

Because /u/

Sup Forums loves yuri.

I don't get that feeling sometimes.

It's too sad that OP's home country isn't on the verge of an economic collapse.

Despite what it may seem, Sup Forums is not a hivemind. I'd say yuri is fairly popular. Maybe pure yuri is not that popular but cute girls with yuri themes definitely is.

I only hate /u/.

I love Prisma Illya

We don't hate yuri, we hate /u/-fags.

I don't hate yuri. I hate /u/.

It's just angry whales who think they own the place after Free and F/Z.

I hate both

How do you feel about genuine Yuri and Yuri-bait?


Nobody ever said anything negative about yuri until the early 2010s which is when the last Sup Forumsnon was killed and replaced by a normalfag masquerading as Sup Forums.

Is this a coincidence or does it mean true Sup Forumsnons don't hate yuri?

Both he and OP know exactly what they mean. Fuck off Sup Forums.

I've actually only been on Sup Forums a little over a year but I don't hate yuri.

Because true yuri (i.e. Lesbian romance stories and not just bait and switch shit or "lesbian undertones") is pretty rare in Anime, and the few that do exist almost never make it past 12 episodes.

I'm legitimately fucking salty that Whispered Words didn't make it past 13 episodes.

Sup Forums loves yuri. The problem is the vocal minority that hates yuri with a passion and have a need to make sure everyone knows how they feel.
So when they see a thread with yuri in it, or if it is about a show that has some yuri undertones in it, they will make as many post as they can about how bad it is.

It didn't.
The yurifags vs antiyurifags is one of the most successful false-flag operation on Sup Forums ever, but it has been over long ago and now the fight is kept alive by people who have actually been burned.
You can't stop it. It's a poision that ruins the threads of every show where two girls go beyond accepting each other.
It's ironic how that old cyanide and happiness comic that was made for /u/ can now be equally applied to yurihaters because they are just as quick (if not faster) with "'identifying" yuri.

I've noticed a sudden outburst of yuri-hating faggots about two years ago. Before that everyone and their mom in Sup Forums were acting like a cute little lesbian girl, hence the famous iconographic picture which I don't have saved. Nobody gave a fuck about /u/ - it was just a porn board, not a boogeyman. Fujos and gays were isolated in their "it's time" threads and were not generally offensive. Unlike Sup Forums's console wars which were there since forever, anti-/u/ war is something new and honestly not entertaining in a slightest.

Le müginö is to blame, honhonhonhonhon.
That, and a bunch of Madoka-yuri-tripfaggers unironically behaving superautistic and making 1000 posts on /ghost/ over three weeks while shitting on each another about who is the elusive akemi-troid-bot.

Are you serious?
Mugino is a laughing stock even on /u/. Madoka threads are living in their own cancerous world. Nobody is taking them seriously, yet people get triggered so much by each yuri-ambigous situation.
I have a feeling it's something in anime industry that changed in last two years.

It's just Sup Forums being filled with more casual watchers and normalfags, that's all there is to it.
Notice how there's also a lot more people shitting on lolis and lolicons too? It's not a coincidence.

So what if Mugino's a laughing stock on /u/? He still came to Sup Forums to annoy everyone, tainting the image of yurifags forever.
Doesn't help that at least one yurifag is also perma-assmad at the cawfee-gweentea bunny threads being full of "my wife sklerotomaxis is so cute" that he shitposts angrily at such threads by dumping pictures from the first chapter to kill the discussion, telling everyone who says he would love to fugg the gurlz to kill themselves even on /ghost/, and to manually spam-downvote porn pics on gel- and danbooru that features the Cocoa and Shino doing it with guys.

Actual autists do annoy everyone. Period.

because it's boring and unfulfilling

> female orgasm

fucking lmao

The fag agenda wants Sup Forums to hate women and this is an acceptable compromise to them.

Just give one of the girls a dick and you solved that problem while keeping a boring guy out.

U wot m8?

What is it you people and admitting to being normalfags? It used to be that people would lurk just so that they wouldn't be seen as normalfags, now every other day there's someone using that as a source of pride. WHY?


2 girls kissing and locking their legs around eachover and moaning while their tongues wrap around each over is one of the most erotic things I've ever seen

those 2 doujins were so hot when is the 3rd one coming?

Reddit and Tumblr cancer coming here.

Sup Forums is one person

Futa is fucking trash though.

It's just a recently forced meme. Nobody ever complains about /y/ or /c/ when ikemen or traps are involved

He's been at it for four years now.

Don't think he's working on another prisma one unfortunately, although he is working on a nanofate one which is almost as good. And while I don't care much for the boats those doujins are also pretty good.

The funny thing is in real life Ghandi was into the loli.

nope don't care about boats
only fap to his miyu and Illya

I don't hate yuri, i just often find it unnecessary.

I assume you do care about nanofate though, right? As they are pretty much the predecessors to Miyu and Illya.

First, let's start by looking at the appeal of yuri. Yuri is all about wanting a girl to fuck another girl. It's certainly not just the fact there's girls on screen being "cute". You can have multiple girls on screen without hoping they would fuck. So it's the idea of a girl fucking another that's the core appeal. Now this is where I probably lose interest. A girl physically cannot fuck another girl. She can make pathetic attempts at it, but ultimately, it's impossible. And everything sexual a girl can do with another girl, it can be done BETTER with a boy. This is also where yaoi excels. A boy can fuck another boy. They have the body parts necessary for that. Even if I personally find yaoi repulsive.

And don't give me that bullshit that you just want to see a girl "love" another girl, not fuck. Because again, you can have that without it being "yuri". Girls can be close and "love" each other without wanting to fuck, but no one considers that yuri. It's the wanting to fuck aspect, and a girl wanting to fuck another is just kind of meaningless.

In conclusion, I dislike yuri because it feels pointless. Now, that isn't to say that I dislike all of yuri, I just find it pointless. If a show comes with a well written yuri romance, I'll watch and like it. But if I'm given the choice between a 10/10 yuri show and an 8/10 normal romance show, I'll pick the latter. There's just more to be had from it. It's not as pointless and doesn't feel as empty.

didn't read lole

can't believe i read that shit

Too much yuri in anime nowadays it's getting boring

Unlike you two, I really didn't read the entire post.
Also, it's just another boring repost.

It's really sad how most threads on Sup Forums are just reposts.

Let me tell you something about yuri.

To begin with, girls as the main audience of yuri love this genre simply because it is cute. It's no more complicated than that. I can not even imagine the scene of a boy watching yuri in real life because that would look so awkward. Some of you really need to get out of your basement to get rid of such unreasonable bias.

Yet yuri doesn't stop at just being cute. the reason why yuri is the most ideal form of love Mankind can possibly offer is because it is both aesthetically and psychologically appealing. Most yuri don't even involve sex - as many of the shallow-minded animals in this thread may think - because sex is nothing but a decoration compared to real love - the love concerning the beauty of the body and soul in a fictional world of enternal peace.

Yuri itself may seem simple, but it is the key to illustrate the ultimate Utopia imaginable, the highest of which human art can bring. The world of utter beauty, the world of freedom, cannot be reached without yuri.
And for sure I have to thank certain Japanese people to have brought a new age of such appreciation to glory.

It is unbelievable some people think that boy-girl can be superior than yuri in any way.
Underage faggots brainwashed by the society fail to understand love without stereotypes. The shallow culture with the name of "Romance" has deprived their souls, making them believe such thing is somehow the truth they should follow, even in animes. Real art, however, is far deeper than Hollywood movies.

Boys can be good, but they're not made for love. Shows like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a good example where you should put boys in.


If you truely love someone, you want him/her to be beautiful, and the world around to be beautiful. But some people understand love only as sex, as a means toward meaningless reproduction.

If an anime girl is to be perfect she has to have good taste, and with that she has to like girls.
Even in reality, biologically speaking females can never be sexually attracted to someone. This will become clearer when you read more books about Psychology.

You think anime girls can love you. You try to waifu them to satisfy your childish wish but you fail to realize there's something deeper in your soul aspiring for the greater truth and beauty. You think somehow your pitiful "manhood" can matter in such case. You dared to say yuri is just a "fetish".
You jackals screamed and so madly attacked yuri, but what have you gained?

Now yuri is dead. Yuri died for your sins.

But there can still be redemption. Do not let your pride blind you. Step by step, try to think about higher beauty, about the things that lie deep in your soul when you watch certain anime. Now matter how ugly or pathetic you might be in your life, you will see something beyond superficial waifuing - beyond that which can only bring you empty joy.

Remember Sup Forums is forever cursed for sinning against Yuri.

All touhous are straight.

So boring. And /u/fags keep screeching like monkeys in every thread with a series that has something they can ship, just like fujos.

First guy, I actually do not read anything over one paragraph in meta threads and if you do, get out of Sup Forums.

>kill the discussion
>hurr Chino is my wife
And nothing of value was lost. I would take any form of shipping better than some spreglord talking about himself.

First time I read this pasta. So beautiful

It doesn't, it just hates yurifags

So you are a fag

retard phonenigger

Chino wife is semi-cute posting is a reaction to trigger the yurifagglet's autism, though.
All new Sup Forumsnons just want to make some wannabe-elitist oldfaggers chimp out like Homer.

retard phonenigger

I guess the interest is low. Let's say 40% of all Sup Forumsnons are grills and that 1 of 40 grills are homosexual. Only 1% Sup Forumsnons would belong the the target audience.

Save your lies, sinner.

So why don't you hate fag posting?



Who are you quoting?

What? My guess makes sense.

Over 90% of Sup Forums are male


Kosuzu seems kinda gay.

The cute girls show with yuri undertones main audience are guys. Only the more drama focused pure yuri shows have girls as the target audiance.

It's just a knee jerk reaction to yuri folk realizing that yuri threads die in less then a few dozen posts unless one where's the metaphorical strap on and LARPS as a sexist guy or yuri/lesbian hater. And blowback from them popping into every single thread that has anything to do with female characters and flooding it with yuri and what not.

That's all.

100% of Sup Forums are little girls.

I partially blame /u/ getting worse over the years. If they banned westernshit on /u/ tumblr wouldn't have realized Sup Forums wasn't all that spooky and start making steven universe and bad cyoa threads. Don't blame /u/, blame tumblr.

YEt only guys watch NTR trap

Nah its jealous fag like Chagen's endless shitposting

nobody watches netsuzou trap

The cover of the book that was posted. I bet you didn't see that answer coming.
The question if it's 60% guys or 90% doesn't matter. If I'm right and 1/40 of the female users were homosexual it would only turn the yuri target group from 1% of all Sup Forumsnons to 0.25%.
Examples for shows like this?

google it fag

*hides pointless post 160558095*

Not really no.
Some women watch the former because women like relationships of anykind + some can live out their soft closet bisexual fantasies.
The latter is true, but it shits the bed hardcore in ratings.

No we don't. And Valkyrie Mermaid was for men, but it did amazingly well with the hardcore lesbian crowd but bombed HUGE with the het "cis" male crowd. Interestingly enough the ep where the heroine was raped by large muscular faceless dark skinned men was the most vocally hated but oddly enough, the most watched and talked about ep.

Most yuri lovers are male here. Who cares about female on Sup Forums.

>Examples for shows like this?

Yuri is fine.

But can we all agree age-gap yuri is absolutely fucking disgusting?

google it homo

Because of falseflaggers. Like everything else happening on Sup Forums in the last 5 years or so.

Some guys watch.There's an weekly thread.

I'm not seeing it. She barely even reacted when Marisa died.

When will this meme die?

Emmanuel Macron, pls.

>you will never be a fluffy shero with twin magical girls lusting after you
>you will never be edgy shero who's little sister is the ultimate cup

Yuri is just another form of romance. In a normal anime, there's absolutely no difference between a yuri romance and a normal romance. The main difference is that the couple can be more physically intimate, even sleep together before they start dating, simply because they're the same sex. That's where difference between yuri and normal romance ends.

But, even if they start at equal footing, there are certain aspects of yuri romance I greatly dislike. One of those is a that in some cases, one of the girls involved is boyish. If a girl is going to act like a boy all the time, then that defeats the entire purpose of it being yuri. And no matter how well done the romance turns out to be, it always feels a bit forced because of that. A recent example of this would be Kobayashi, who was pretty much a man. She even dressed like one. There was no reason for her to be female, but because she was, it felt a bit forced. Especially her reason for not wearing maid outfits herself. It was literally that she was too manly for it.

It can also be kind of annoying when I'm just watch an anime and they suddenly throw in a yuri scene out of nowhere for just comedy relief and forget about it. It's not nice. This type of thing is really prevalent in certain shows like about CGDCT or anything with a large female cast. Point is, I don't hate the concept, I just don't care for it any more than a normal romance.

I'd also add that I passionately HATE yurifags. They're quite literally the most annoying group of faggots on this gay earth. And as I don't have any attachment to yuri, I sometimes find myself wishing yuri didn't exist, just so those faggots also didn't exist.

You mean the cute girls shows with yuri undertones? Tons of those, yuri yuri, prisma illya, gochiusa, Kiniro mosaic and Nanoha just to name a few.

I'm not saying it's only guys that watch cute girls shows, however they are the main target audience, especially here on Sup Forums.

You can't even mention you hate memes without a million of dumb arse kids thinking ohhhh im gonna type lel 8/8 gr8 h8 m8, others replying top kek rekt, i don't even fucking understand what kek or lel is, or why they put top in front of it, what is it suppose to be like the new lulz? i don't know why they say it, like they somehow thing saying it will make me mad, when im just laughing at how pathetic it is, ill give you one example when i attempted to delve into the psyche of one of these people, i replied to someone saying damn, all this lel you mad bullshit is pathetic and old, go learn some decent insults, he replies with u med Lel its k cause I dox u Lel u mad faget? and of course people are like ohh man you rekt him so hard, he actually replies to the guy with tnx m8, someone else says wow you keked the shit out of him, and said hey m8 fuk u to me, the kid replies with dinner at my place guys lel the food is my mums pussy lol guys IMA savage, i just said holy shit, learn to troll, seriously, insulting mums is like the lowest and most unoriginal form of insults, then he replies with this... suck me cock cunt, now i figured it was just some guy posting the most unoriginal shit just to piss me off, but just the fact he said cunt i knew it really was some kid, im aware that yanks tend to say cunt because there its viewed as worse then fuck, someone else replies with me 0, kid 1 and the kid replies again with thx m8 when he was clearly being sarcastic, i reply with well shit, calling me a cunt? now you are just grasping at straws, do the world a favor and take a long walk off a short cliff you pathetic 12 year old yank

>yuri undertones, coffee undertones, etc.

Yeah, that too. Always the same falseflags, same stock responses.

>sex slave

Anime got more popular, and with that, yuri got popular. More people started liking it and that led to a few of them forcing it everywhere. The actions of those few lead to every yurifag being hated equally.