Hey land of the free, do you like my meme?

hey land of the free, do you like my meme?

Its the truth. i dont care about those kids at all. Or ever will.

It's not wrong.

hey we got too many people they're all gonna die eventually anyways

You're trying to be edgy, but that's actually the biggest problem with american society - you're all individuals who don't give a fuck about anyone else.

That's a great way to collapse a civilization.

t. israeli

fuck off my constitution

no i just dont care.
They can die, and I can keep my guns.

So if you take guns away, kids still get shot by criminals obtaining guns illegally, and a bunch of other people have no defence against other armed criminals. Guns can remain operational for a hundred years. You are never going to magically remove them from criminal gangs.

Our biggest problem is people taking and overspending our money.

>please, somebody think about the children!!!
>don't breed goyim
: thinking:

>Oh no my wife’s child could get hurt better ban all guns so we can get gang raped in our sleep by niggers

>UserID has an 88 in it

Honestly, I think it's too late or the US. There are just too many guns out there.

I guess getting shot in the face in school (or wherever actually) is just something americans will have to get used to.


that's a pretty awesome swimsuit

You reposted it again and the logic is still retarded.


As long as there are niggers on this continent, I will keep my guns.

literally who?

It's not right either

it's easy to understand why these children have lost all hope, they bet it all on some rambling old man because they have never known a world without shitposting, and were incapable of seeing this brainrot old man for what he was

friendship with trump ended, gun is new friend now

Guns are used more on self defense though. So by standing on the graves of children and banning guns you lefties would actually kill more children....

Nobody fucking cares

>literally who?

you know - the place where nobody ever shoots children in schools even though there was a war 25 years ago and people still have illegal guns in a lot of places

Why do koreans and middle easterners brag about their 30 aught 6's? It's because they act like niggers


You're country is importing millions of muslims - what the fuck do you know about civilization.

If someone were to give your countrymen the opportunity to give up their lives in Croatia and because legal American citizens I'm pretty sure the majority would take it.

*become, not because.

I see the pussys are coming out of the wood works

>what the fuck do you know about civilization.

...says the american whose country is 250 years old to the Italian whose ancestors INVENTED FUCKING MODERN CIVILIZATION

Civilization should collapse.

No, we usually emigrate to Germany, Canada and Australia.

Don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys

> Italian
what are you doing in Croatia you grease ball faggot? my Dalmatian dad hates you fucks,says you eat cats

what the fuck are you talking about?

There was a 1970's MEME back in the day that went like THIS !!!
Have to DIE every year to satisfy the automobile gods so that there is a traffic free commute to work ??
At the time the number was OVER 100K
Teen/young adults dying in traffic accidents.
CARS didn't get banned, CARS were made safer, air bags, better traction control etc..
But they ALSO got faster.
And children STILL die in traffic accidents.

That’s not the main reason we have guns, guy from a country so irrelevant I can’t identify it. Read the Federalist papers faggot.

tutti mangia gatti yum yum

watching people care from gun violence is like watching a liberal hand a drowning man a picture of air funny at first but then it just becomes so tiresome
>I'm sure by the time this posts some kid in a hut has just been blown up by a dronestrike

Yeah, but cars got safer, airbags, seat belts, traffic got safer, roads got safer, you cant just go and buy a car and drive it without a license.

So how are you going to make a thing that's made to kill people more safe and less likely to kill people?

Your analogy is shit.

You should get your mental health checked. Even though I know you want to sound edgy or whatever, this is not the way to go if you want attention and it will be better in the long run if you go to a psychologist.

Za osobu koja je do pred jednu generaciju morala ratovati jebenim lovackim puskama i prackama jer su bili razoruzani koristis jebeno retardirane argumente.

Zasto ovakvi idioti moraju bas iz hrvatske dolaziti

>Zasto ovakvi idioti moraju bas iz hrvatske dolaziti


>to the Italian

>implying we need to "get used to it"
>implying getting shot at isn't the entire foundation of our country and culture
>implying the people crying about it on TV actually give a shit and aren't just farming virtue points the same way shitposters on Sup Forums farm (You)s

Da, i svejedno smo pobijedili.

Odjebi u ameriku.


If you had social cohesion and trustworthy and competent law enforcement the criminal violence would be neglible enough that neighbors don't have to look each other through gunsights.

Idiote polupismeni, jesi ti citavu osnovnu skolu markirao?

kako smo pobijedili? jesmo li slucajno morali kupovati oruzje na crno? je li to mozda uzrokovalo nebrojene zrtve jer vojska i gradjani nisu bili opremljeni? je li se mozda rat mogao posve izbjeci da je druga strana znala da ce naletiti na jebeni metak?

kako bi bilo da ti odjebes u neku knjiznicu ili natrag u srednju da probas proci logiku barem s 2?

narod.hr ti je tamo ----------------->

>If you had social cohesion and trustworthy and competent law enforcement
>If there were no niggers or jews, and your government was unable to do violence
>If every other country was also like this and didn't pose a threat to you

lemme know when it happens

razina rasprave filozofskog fakulteta

daj reci decku svoje cure da ti malo ogranici sate kada smijes na internet, adrenalin ti uzrokuje valunge, steti za zdravlje

How can this still happen when the people send their thoughts and prayers after every incident like that?

American reaction to Islamic terrorism: we don't need extra security we need to BAN MUSLIMS
American reaction to school shooter: we don't need to ban guns we need EXTRA SECURITY

In the meantime get a gun

>So how are you going to make a thing that's made to kill people more safe and less likely to kill people?

Cars are less likely to kill the operators, but more likely to kill the people on the receiving end
Analogy is accurate
Ever shot a flintlock?


nemam namjeru trošit vrijeme na raspravu sa ustašama

Yeah that's you just restating his point

Fuck you and your kike (((civilization)))

People like guns more than they like Muslims. It’s still a free world over there

American reaction to Islamic terrorism: We need more guns
American reaction to school shooter: We need more guns

Try to follow along Hans it ain't hard

Good meme. Shall not be infringed ;).

da jer su ustase bili poznati po tome sto su naoruzavali narod, a ne razoruzavali, isto kao i partizani.

ti si analfabet, ne poznajes osnovnu povijest, a seres govna. tipicno ljevicarsko nepismeno smece. identican si onim krezubim desnicarima, a jedina razlika je sto imas par zubiju vise i jebeni buttplug u dupetu

nigger both sides do it.
>Left supports abortion, cries when kids get shot
>right pro life doesnt like to support "leeches" or kids of poor people as their are called
its assinine but its what american politics is all about
>but seriously we dont need somali niggers coming to america
>t.mixed kid

>Cars are less likely to kill the operators, but more likely to kill the people on the receiving end

That's not even remotely true.

Most car crashes are vehicles vs vehicles, or vehicles vs wall, and in both those cases everyone involved is safer now than before.

This is also true when it comes to vehicle vs pedestrian. You're less likely to hit someone because the tires are better, the brakes are better, there are warning systems...

I like mine better oh and sage

It is not like the countries where this doesn't happen as often get invaded by daily basis.

I'm also quite sure that neither guns nor Jews are the root of problem as they have been part of our government for over 200 years (first Russian empire and then our own) and we also have significant amount of guns for a developed nation.

He is saying you are greasy sack of faggot dicks and your mother is the town bike cause everyone gets a ride.

>buttplug u dupetu

Ne trenutno, možda kasnije. Kad mi dođu dečko i cura. Nemoj bit ljubomoran.

>Most car crashes
Most gun deaths are suicide

>You're less likely to hit someone because the tires are better, the brakes are better, there are warning systems
Guns have safety mechanisms, chamber indicators, etc.
It only matters when shit goes down, same as cars.
Modern cars travel at much higher speeds than early cars.
analogy was accurate

nikako ljubomoran, tvoje dupe, radi s njim sto hoces

ali nemoj biti jebeni idiot i misliti da zato sto ti volis imat pola metra silikona u guzici da svatko drugi mora imati. odjebi sa svojim neznanstvenim, polupismenim idiotarijam

maybe we should teach those kids how to use guns and give them some

Hey Croat,
I have a Yugoslav guns and ammo collection. Including an AK variant made at the Zastava factory. Feels good man.

didn't the serbs almost take care of you

No, not edgy enough.

>dozens of dead children
>Myriad of dead civilians

Isn't that Serbia...or Russia or literally any other European state

Switzerland has almost the same percentage of gun owners as the USA.
Never heard of a school shooting down there...

Niggers. And other assorted brown people. This is the problem here in America (along with their Jew handlers). They cause the vast majority of crimes.

they did, i'm trying to explain to this idiot that we barely got away, and exactly because we had no guns since they were take away by the Jugoslav National Army...

but it's hard to argue with the "humanities" students... bunch of self righteous entitled cucks and cunts

That's more because NATO and shit exists nowadays and protects all the beta countries from invasion.

>root of problem
not really a problem on my end.
Parents will probably stop sending kids to public schools though, that'll be interesting



The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

I'm still waiting for the day that a kid runs around jamming pencils and pens into people's necks and then we call for the Banning of pencils and pens.

I didn't kill any children. Hundreds of thousands of Americans own guns. We technically possess more guns and ammo than our military

...ti si prvi počeo pričat o silikonima u guzici sam od sebe. Što to znači - sam odluči.

A što se tiče amerike i oružja, i sam vidiš da imaju šizofrene stavove o tome. Ali ako stvarno misliš da je rješene za sve probleme to da su svi naoružani, onda si retardiran i nemamo o čemu pričat.

Da, nitko nije pokorio ameriku do sad jer su svi naoružani, ali cijena toga je da svako malo neki manijak pobije hrpu djece.

No, we started smuggling guns to Croatia fast enough.

they're not my kids. i wouldn't dump my kids off on the government like some kind of cuck.

Want to stop school shootings? Fix the education system, shitty parents, and the culture these cities have. Why wouldn't a kid who feels like he doesn't belong and is getting bullied not go out and kill people? If guns weren't available then they'd use knives or literally anything else. The end results is less death but death nonetheless which isn't a worthwhile outcome when it comes at the cost of one of our basic rights.

These shootings are a people and culture problem. You have the media glorifying the shooters, parents allowing these shit to go on under their fucking noses, and the students who bully the fuck out of the kid until he snaps.

Maybe if the security on the school grounds was armed like they should be this wouldnt be a problem.

o silikonima u dupetu zato jer je to glavna odlika tvoje vrste, zajedno s preuskim trapericama, probusenim dijelom lica i "edgy" ideologijom

Retardiran ti decko majmune nepismeni. Jebe se meni sto ti mislis o moje misljenju, ali si kompletni idiot ako nisi u stanju usporediti statistike nasilnog zlocina po saveznim zemljama u SADu u odnosu na zakonitost nosenja oruzja

jos jedna odlika ljevicarskog nepismenog idiota, matematika i statistika mu je najveci neprijatelj.

I koliko je djece ubijeno, reci mi molim te. Koliko djece je ubijeno za vrijeme rata konju glupi. I hrvatske i srpske. Je li broj za vrijeme samo jednog rata usporediv s time sto se dogadja unatrag 20 godina u ovakvim nasumicnim stvarima?

Ti si idiot, nisi u stanju iscitati osnovne stvari iz jebeno jednostavne tablice samo zato jer su brojevi. Doslovno idiot.

Moraš se malo smirit, nije to zdravo.

Probaj silikon u dupe, zabavno je.

weak b8

Tell you what, when the government gives up their guns, I'll give up mine.

...but who is going to protect you from the muslims then?

>replies anyway

ali stvarno, koliki idiot moras biti

doslovno idiot. nisi u stanju jednu statistiku usporediti, nisi u stanju jedan logican zakljucak izvuci. Ali da te netko pita da seres o napretku socijalno osvjestene inkluzivnosti, vjerojatno ne bi mogao umuknuti.

da budem skroz jasan, ti si idiot. lose obrazovan jer nisi naucen kriticki razmisljati. institucionalno zapostavljen je ne mozes osnovne matematicke radnje niti pojmiti, a kamo li provoditi. odgojno uskracen jer nemas temeljnu pristojnost pospremanja svog dvorista prije nego seres drugima. a povrh svega losa osoba jer licemjerno guras svoje poluinformirano, nepromisljeno, neanalizirano i neusporedivo misljenje drugima u lice s vise zestine nego ti je ocuh gurao kurac u dupe kada si bio mali

daj odi procitaj nesto na ovu temu prije nego pocnes srat, konju glupi

>Muslim blows up hundreds of people for Allah
>Muslim drives a truck into children for Allah
"Why do we have to politicize this disaster? The bodies are still warm. You monsters" the left shouts
>"white" person shoots a few people because he's insane
"BAN ALL GUNS BAN WHITE PEOPLE THIS IS TRUMP'S FAULT SOMEHOW" the left shouts, typically before the bodies are even removed from the scene

lol no the American reaction to Muslims killing people is to stop Muslims entering the USA. Did you forget the whole travel ban thing? I know it was a while ago but try to engage your brain, Chud
