Eat a dick, faggot. The only fascists in this country are the cucks running around calling everyone else fascist.
Nick de Jesus Cruz is a latino who shot up a school filled with latinos, its not a white problem
can't wait to see you and your tribe in the camps again.
>all because the NRA and rich white Republicans would profit from Americans mass buying weapons
Remington filled for bankruptcy
>arbitrarily decide an amendment is out of date via arbitrarily-chosen standards
>demand to be taken seriously
The times don't change. People don't change.
You're outdated, take your 20th century neoliberalism elsewhere
Hate speech doesn't exist just like hate crimes don't exist. I'll even give you an example.
>I rape and I'll your sister (we are both 56% white)
>I rape and kill a nigger
Is one really worse than the other? No.
I want to cut the middle fingers off of ever single one of these disrespectful autistic fucks. God I hate Commies.
100 million people die under communism,
>Fuck those 100 million people,
God you commies are fucking retarded, under a real communist revolt you rich little college bitches would be the first to go.
>comic sans
Shooting was justified in my opinion
Please do go for it, it will create civil war which will kill all liberals and jews.
You a Nazi op?