I'm at a resort with George Soros. What do?
I'm at a resort with George Soros. What do?
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Should I take one for the team?
You know what to do.
When you have to shoot, shoot dont talk !
Run up and start tickling him
Fucking.... DO IT
Are you sure you aren't his bodyguard?
follow your heart, there is goodness in you
save millions, potentially billions, of live and secure a bright future for humanity
enjoy a mimosa
I just yelled George and he looked, its him. This is an top line resort (my father is wealthy) and I am willing to go down in history as the one who defeated the JEW
You will go down in history op and be a hero or villain to everyone. Your choice.
George Soros is a good man. Please thank him for me.
how much did he pay you to take this pic and post it here
Become legend.
That would be just magical
If you kill him another Jew will just take his place, you need to exterminate the whole tribe. If you REALLY want to I suppose you could but kind of a waste.
If you do it, you’ll go down in history as a hero. Do it, user. Save us.
Surprise me
tell that saggy cunt to put a shirt on and fucking die already
Not sure its him, but he is a lookalike.
He should have massive scars on his chest.
I don't have any weapons, how do I do it?
FYI user you're gonna get investigated by police now for attempted murder and death threats.
Think of the children he is in your country molesting, do it
You have a chance to be bigger than Donald Trump right now if you just pull the trigger faggot.
You're the Thai ladyboy. Give him ur aids
fucking kill him, his son isnt ready
He's going to die in a few years anyways and someone will just replace him
You should still kill him for lulz tho
Become a legend OP
History books will remember your name
He has a son you know.
Cut a fart and crop dust him
Pile-Drive that Heeb
You have 2 choices.
One will keep you posting on /pol
The other will put your name in the history books for all of eternity and make you a hero to billions of people around the world.
Choose wisely.
Imagine if someone from Sup Forums actually killed soros, i dont think id stop laughing for a week and pretty sure cnn would just explode
you would literally saved the world if you murdered this motherfucker.
just go and quickly shove your thumbs in his eye-sockets or something, a trauma like that can kill an old motherfucker like this asshole.
>take a knife from nearby bar
>walk behind
>stab in the heart
Do eet
Did you even bring a weapon?
Could you really hurt a poor old man?
I couldn't.
ask him do the goyim know?
That looks nothing like George Soros. That's a 60 year old guy with his 50 year old wife. These look like barely middle class boomers.
con him. introduce yourself as an enthusiastic philanthropist looking to further the globalist socialist cause. ask for donation. keep and donaet to rightwing party of your choice
digis confirm kil
His son probably wants the old fart to die, so he can inherit all his money.
Only option
You should ask him about investment though. Get some good life advice, and maybe share it with us
just stab the eye, its easy. mushy, and doesnt even need strenght to do it.
stabbing a heart is more difficult than you think.
Doesn't even look like Mr. Soros.
>OP kills completely unrelated stranger
castrate him when he goes to sleep
Nothing personal kiddo
Soros is losing billions. If you want his 'advice' just read The Alchemy of Finance, or his autobiography.
>those underage retards would think a guy of the status of George would be sitting in poor man's resort among of bunch of peasants
I mean I already knew that Sup Forums is full of underage fags but this is a new record of faggotry
Do it user. You are The One
>can't even own a shitty pocket 32.
Not even worth being rich outside of the USA
Don't be coy, you know what to do
>Sup Forums is going to get a random old guy killed because he somewhat resembles george soros
Tell him he is responsible for much of the modern antisemitism. He sold out his fellow jews when he was young and now is causing a literal nudda shoa
it's too late, you're done kid
a) Soros won't go to such a pleb tier resort you fucking moron. He is a billionaire and would have his own private resort.
b) It doesn't look like him
It's a luxury resort in Thailand, man.
the more you talk the faster his security gets there.
They are already looking for you, you epic fuckup.
so when are they going to notify him of this thread?
that'll send a message to random old men everywhere
>be named George
>get gunned down
>you would literally saved the world if you murdered this motherfucker.
Jacob Rothschild donated millions to him before. The real money - the Rothschild inheritors - are the people who are really in control.
If every currency in the world is owed to you, what does that make your wealth? The entire world.
Actually, remake this video, but for George Soros. Make some youtube money
Try talking to him why he's doing what he's doing and who he gets orders from. What about the rothschilds etc. ask him many questions before you cut his throat!
Tell that oven dodger that he still sold out his own people for shiny pieces of metal
kek, stupid goy brainwashed from birth thinks about money like it's a real thing worth pursuing, and assumes the elite share the same catastrophic mental illness. how pathetic.
for instance, do you realize these people all have bottomless "credit cards"? they can buy anything they want whenever they want, regardless of how expensive, and the money to pay for it is created out of thin air at the time of purchase. the rest of us pay for it through the slight inflation of the money supply caused by the money creation, which slightly reduces the purchasing power of our savings.
you stupid fucks make me sick.
What The Fuck
The Eternal Boomer BTFO
Do it and flee to hungary
We need an /x/ teleprojection squad and maybe some drones to confirm this is Soros. Send coordinates, OP
Look at those small shitty rooms in the back.
Do you honestly believe a billionare would stay there and mingle with plebs next to the communal pool?
he's already been detained.
all of his organs will be removed within the next 24 hours.
this is the most horrifically jewish gif i've ever seen
> t. Rural retard
You have no idea what you're talking about.
You know what to do, do the world a favor
Do it user, you will be forever known and have your name heard for generations to come, you will be worshipped. Don't lose your chance to become a true an hero
freemasons said they have credit cards that won't "register". Holy shit it's all true eh?
I'll pay you 0.1 BTC if you do it (Sry dont have more)
> t. Rural retard
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Security told me I have to go to my room or I will be thrown out. I'm going g to do this for all of u. It will be on the news, I hope I'm successful. Wish me luck, the world should be free. See u all on the other side anons
Can you post the original of that?
Are you a hot French spy lady with a cigarette holder working for the globalists about to assassinate OP with a poison needle to the forehead? Or sprinkle radioactive dust into his next meal? Wanna fug? But it cannot be, because you work for the enemy. NO it must NO it cannot NO I am retarded.
Suck his dick and post on Sup Forums
Yes, do it. Make sure you succeed.
it's obvious, and anyone in denial about it is too assblasted from jealousy to let themselves see the truth
oh shit
Godspeed user