Are there any good translation groups left? Horriblesubs are obviously terrible...

Are there any good translation groups left? Horriblesubs are obviously terrible. Was watching the new Fate today with subs from UTW and they mistranslated simple things like he/she. Should I just learn Japanese?

Other urls found in this thread:

>translation groups
>Horrible Subs
pick one and only one

This better be bait. Look up Asolfs gender, its a "le secret".

I know but it does not matter who Astolfo was in REAL life. Just like Arthur and etc. They are girls in the anime and this is simple mistranslation.

If you weren't retarded and knew Jap you'd know the he/she usage was correct and the same in the novels as well.

>he thinks HS is a sub group

>They are girls in the anime

This is not a boy.

Reminder that (You) are no match for Astolfo

That's not from any Astolfo doujin.

That is absolutely not relevant to my point


Jeanne is calling Astolfo "Kanojo" in that scene though.

Saber is a girl.
Astolfo isn't a girl.

>can't speak japanese
>hmm, these subs are wrong according to my english knowledge.
holy shit wat?

You are retarded. Go watch it, she doesnt say "he".
No? They are all genderbent. Are you telling me that necromancers summon is not a girl either?

I can understand a bit.

It means you can't back up your claims.

This is what happens when you know more than what the fictional character knows and confuse your knowledge and that of the character in play.


Can you stop shitting on UTW, literally the only series they decided to rise from the dead for and you're being a little bitch.

He has a penis


ITT: OP is so desperate to believe he's still straight that he'll deny a boy being a boy

Not being able to view things from other people's persepective is a classic sign of an autism spectrum disorder.

The fuck is wrong with you? Jeanne calls he a girl in anime, she looks like a girl and only the translations call Astolfo a "he". Am I really missing something here? So much that three people posted bait pictures?

astolfo is a girl in everything but name!
search your feelings, you will know it to be true!
Astolfo has one of these things.

Why are you so sure of this? Why does Saber not have a penis then?


Because later in the story Jannu realizes he's a boy and says "all this time I thought he was a girl"

Because that's the Fate canon.


Astolfo is not a girl, he being a girl was not mentioned it any fate related media he was in, and the pronouns they use in the anime are japanese gender neutral ones.

Stop being a fag, and at least accept that there's no proof of his gender anywhere, you can even call him a woman if you want but you can't force anyone to do the same without any reason, people assume he is a man cause various characters in the nasuverse still retain their original gender, genderbending them is not a rule.

Because you can actually see everything in the Fate route of the LN.

>and at least accept that there's no proof of his gender anywhere
The books establishes he's a boy.

>the pronouns they use in the anime are japanese gender neutral ones.
That's wrong. Jeanne refered to him as "kanojo", a female pronoun, because she actually thinks that he's a girl. It going to be a gag a bit later on when she finds out about his dick.

Fair enough about Saber...

I tried to spell it with no spoilers to apocrypha you grand faggot, but yeah, I agree that I forgot to mention that it was without further information about this series in special.

Damn, that was a misunderstanding on my part, my bad, I haven't been listening to the episodes.

Not to mention his master isn't a lesbian, she's a shotacon

>with no spoilers to apocrypha
But you can never truly know how much worse this anime is without first knowing how bad the book was to begin with.

Worse than what?

The book.

Most people that see some type of media aren't actually doing so just to compare it to their different media counterpart.

Wait so I'm confused, who are the "good" guys in this? The nazis or the necromancers with the seibaface?

There are plenty of people who watched The Movie of the Book to see how it compares.

Don't worry, the author could never figure that out either.