Why does America have such shit traffic?
Why does America have such shit traffic?
Notice how they excluded China from the list? Makes you think...
Roads in American cities are intentionally designed to creat more traffic so you will have to use public transport.
Wow I don't know if I've ever seen a thread on Sup Forums about traffic.
>democrat socialist cities
>overrun by illegals and niggers
>attracted to said cities over gibmedats
Really activates your almonds
Underdeveloped public transportation.
t. rural and suburban retard
The car lobby (namely Ford and GM) had a stranglehold on government in the 40s and 50s and convinced successive state and federal governments to invest in roads rather than public transport.
Why are so many new world cities on those lists? You guys had the opportunity to plan your cities with car traffic in mind from the start.
no roundabouts
to many people everyone one of them has a car, fuck carpooling, use public transportation? Do I look like an underprivileged minority?
No, city planners didn't generally expect to need more than 2 lanes going each way when population was a third of what it is now and many of those cities still predate cars being common.
Cities like Atlanta don't have bad traffic because of poor planning. It actually has tons of highways that go anywhere you want, but if you cram six million people anywhere, it's going to be tough to get around.
I can drive to work from the suburbs in atlanta to the city in 30 minutes, or I can take marta and it'll take 2.5 hours. Tough choice.
then why germany doesn't have that problem even though their public transport is shit? or did it get better?
>only 3rd world cities
Not surprised, first world countries have decent infrastructure
Because we let women drive SUVs
Seriously why are women such awful drivers? Is there some kind of scientific explanation for this?
Because America has more car travel than anyone else
Traffic in India and China absolutely trumps Los Angeles traffic. And San Francisco should be higher, the traffic there during peak hours is absolutely insane.
As for the reasons: mass domestic immigration into urban centers, the cash flow of global cities (LA, London, etc.) goes toward venture capital investments and increased concentration of wealth in the hands of tiny minorities as opposed to efficient and expanded public transportation and infrastructure. Car Culture pushed, obviously in large part, by the mega companies in advertisements, but sustained by (sometimes independently organized, sometimes not) conventions, magazines, television shows, movies, etc.
Basically everyone wants the high life and owning cars is part of that. So people working either at top investment/tech firms or people working in abysmal conditions all need or think they need cars. There is no correlate for roads, highways, trains, buses, etc., because there is no perceived benefit to these things like there is for cars.
Roundabouts > Intersections
Holy fuck after watching all the webm of the slants driving this would be an absolute fight for your life
It's getting even worse with the fucking ride-shares. These dumbass lyft/uber drivers, usually a nigger or mexican, are too busy looking at their phones than the road or are driving down the middle of the street at a snail's pace looking for their pickups just so they can double park in the center of the street while a bunch of drunken cunts pile into their clown car. They're all over the place now, like 3 out of every 4 cars has a lyft or uber sticker. It makes you almost miss the highly aggressive and retarded taxi drivers, almost.