Why can't we all just get along?



Maybe when I can't look at the news and see a hideous crime involving a nigger. On any given day you can see horrendous child abuse, murder, dismemberment, shootings etc.

so much fucking this.

Because people don’t always agree

Because white people are subhuman

70 IQ vs 100 IQ.

Because nigs wont stop chimping out

Niggers steal shit

Because I can't send my handicapped daughter to school without some faggot immigrant kid assaulting her for no reason. I was liberal until that happened. Teachers saying how it's cultural. Fuck you. Heil Hitler.


also, pic related

>any form of human


So I can put hickies on her chest like Little Shawn

I thought white people disapproved of bestiality

Peace was never an option you fairy

>Why can't we all just get along?

Because we have a problem called blacks.

People will inevitably be at each other's throats eventually, anywhere and anytime adversity strikes hard enough for anyone to trample over others for their own sake or their significant other's.

This is the future, and it's beautiful

This is fake

they only thing they steal is your women

Problems can be overcome, pol also has a problem with Jewish people, females, communists, democrats, mexicans and redditors- but if you don't get along with anyone but people exactly like you then you will be stuck in this echo chamber/circle jerk forever


This, they force us to occupy the same spaces, knowing it will increase tension.



that's a real shame

i hate niggers and jews because they start shit. If other races left whites alone then there would never be any beef.

Is it really? Shopped or not, is it not an accurate portrayal of what's currently and increasingly going on?

Convert to Islam or Pay Jizya and we can


Jew posting 101

Even if we all converted to the same religion, which believe me, i would for example sincerely love globalized sharia, separation and segregation would be inevitable.

all subhumans (nogs, sandnogs and so on) take kindness and love as a weakness
this is imposiible
they are animals

Unfortunately all will not get along because many people refuse to let go of bitterness, hatred and unforgiveness that has consumed their hearts. That will unfortunately lead to their eternal demise. However there are those of various background who have love for one another though there are few

Segregation of the sexes would be great. But Segregation of the races will leave us all handicapped because all races have their flaws. Whereas a soceity where all races contribute in their own way would be ideal (Bilal giving the Adhan, Salman the Persian planning Seiges etc.) while the degenerates get severe punishment.


We will never get along, ever.
Why don't we just kill all the non-whites? I mean seriously, sure some people would be sad for a few weeks but once it's over and done with and they're all gone there is nothing to be done except conquer the universe.

Because we arent the same and some of us are better.

Too good to be true yet so simple to attain.
I hate this timeline so much.

because the game theory of ethnocentrism says so


Its the kikes. and they are HERE on /pol larping are supremacist Nazis too, even though REAL nazi WEREN'T racist supremacists

this is what all you niggers and non-white cunts say, but the world would be perfect if it was only whites living on it.


fuck off abo
we'll genocide the jews along with the rest of you

Kill all non-whites and then what? Then it'll be factions claiming to be whither than others and it'll be the same all over again. Every race has their place in this world, it's forced mixing what breeds conflict, because conflict among people is inevitable.

I don't understand. I see two nigger hands.

I could say the same but replace niggers and non whites with Kaffir and Ahl e Kitab and replace white with muslims.

There's no basis for both statements.




WW1 and WW2 were pretty much whites on whites anyway

eventually someone comes out on top and destroys everyone else. The only reason it stopped happening is because we have to babysit and coddle starving niggers.

Yeah every race has a place in the world, buried deep in a pit to fertilise the rich soil white farmers will work.

You could say that of course but it wouldn't make any sense because goat fuckers are just the same as niggers. Whites are sending electric cars to mars while you stupid goat fuckers blow each other up in the desert.

What was colonialism?

If you could have just left after world war II and not interfered in our matters we could have sorted ourselves out but America had to be a greedy bitch

It's good to be proud of your race man, but take into account that the ones enslaving you into babysitting starving niggers are also whites, it's them whom should learn their place as servitors of the working class.

Yeah yeah yeah it's everyone elses fault you behave like feral dogs.
They're not enslaving us, we have democracy. If we killed all the niggers in the world that would free up a huge amount of money, land and resources for us.

We have our issues. Major ones. But you can't use being technologically superior as a basis for being the superior race just like saying that the Nazis lost makes whites weak.

The reason for being politically fucked is because our dumbass """""(((leaders)))"""" decided trying to mix western ideologies with Islam was a good idea and let me tell you. That just doesn't work. Its either Islam or Kufr. You can't force them to mix.

nothing in comparison to Muslim expansionism into Europe industrialization. Our colonialism literally raised the quality of life across the entire world, you Muslim however simply take the inventions of other and claim it is as your own like how you did with numerical system or with Byzantine philosophy and knowledge.

I see you have faith in your politic class, hope it doesn't get betrayed ever.

A metaphysical situation disposed to conflict and lack of role models.

>What was colonialism
You literally got a country out of licking colonial master's boots.

because non-whites are subhumans

Yeah right. What was Nehru doing with Lady Mountbatten? And which country chose the britbong to be their Governer General AFTER independence

And yet so many Muslims are Marxist trash

Eventhough colonialism raised the living standard it left the countries hundreds of years behind technologically and even after "independence" countries like the USSR and USA kept invading and funding proxies.

Not exactly an ideal setting for scientific prosperity

>What was Nehru doing with Lady Mountbatten
Cucking Mr Lois


Marxism is shirk. It supposes that man can provide Rizq (Sustenance) where as it is God that decides that.

"Do they distribute the mercy of your Lord? It is We who have apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of this world and have raised some of them above others in degrees [of rank] that they may make use of one another for service. But the mercy of your Lord is better than whatever they accumulate."
[Quran 43:32]

>Its the kikes. and they are HERE on /pol larping are supremacist Nazis too, even though REAL nazi WEREN'T racist supremacists

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Wwhat

That fuck enjoyed it. Sup Forums's fascination with raxemixing testifies to that

It left you more technology advanced than what we found you as. Its fucking retarded that you try and act as if not raising you to same technological as us is somehow a bad thing. Without us you would still be living like you were in middle ages

looking at the crime stats whity and weeb tries to get along but the rest not so much maybe start asking BLM or the democrats what they intent on doing so all the other groups of cunts can reduce the crime stats to whity level? just a suggestion.. you know if you actually solve the problem instead of dancing around it and victim blaming.. you solve it! I know shocking!

You are correct. FPBP.

We did, and were, all throughout the 80's and 90's and early 2000's.

Around 2010 is when things started getting noticable to me. Gays and Trans started increasing in numbers and became more vocal, then Feminism and SJW's became big around 2011-2012, and they kept growing, as did the trans population, gay population, and feminist population, and naturally all of these people have a history of being the bitchiest people who complain the most, and being the worst type of people, yet they get their way of course because that's the only way to shut them up. Blacks also joined in on the bandwagon and started to see more and more "White guilt" being advertised and more people were called racist for smaller things, etc.

It's jewish journalists that caused this big outbreak of hate.

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