Why does Sup Forums hate poor people?

>be me
>earn a meager 20k a year which allows me to live a decent, if frugal life
>always try to be a decent, kind person
>always pay my bills on time, never took out a loan
>consider myself well-mannered and have a lot of different interests and hobbies
>don't drink and smoke
>be frugal with my money and can actually invest small amounts of it
>drive an old car that might not have every finnicky gadget but gets the job done and is relieable
>always dress well, buy cheap and take care of clothes
>cook for myself and know how to get the most food for the least amount of cash
>generally able to lead a decent life

>people in real life treat me like I am literally not human
>either laugh in my face or make pitiful remarks as if I am a child
>people on Sup Forums consider poor people to be subhuman
>Sup Forums literally wants to gas poor people and tells them to kill themselves
>doesn't even matter if they're decent, they're trash because they don't earn a lot of money
>"stop being poor, if you don' earn 90k with 20 years you're subhuman"
>completely ignores that some people just don't have the connections to get a well-paid job like that
>spits into other people's faces because of that

Why does Sup Forums hate poor people so much? I thought Sup Forums wanted to help us just like Hitler wanted to help the poor Germans, but instead Sup Forums wants to kill all poor white people.

Nobody gives a shit if you're poor as long as you're not trying to bleed my pockets to elevate yourself.

>be you
>earn a meager 20k a year which allows me to live a decent, if frugal life
>lose it all in taxes to migrants

danke merkle

also become an accountant - you only have to study for two years and then you can earn as much as a tradie while working from home

That's shitty but whats it got to do with Sup Forums? Sup Forums's retarded but you only see this from the occassional amerimutt

I think the people who brag about their successful careers and monies here are full of shit, and many people have their priorities all wrong when it comes to material things. You're on the right path, user.

You don't even really see it from Americans. Apart from the rare WASP (who really aren't spending their time on Sup Forums), or uppity rap negroes who forgot where they came from (who again, aren't on Sup Forums).

The only time anybody else doesn't like poor people has nothing to do with them being poor. It's more to do with them trying to pull a parasitic jew move and extract shekels from our bank accounts via legislation.

They look down on you because you are content with earning just a little more than a slave..

jews aren't poor people? sage, delet your whole life

18k netto nährlich

scheiße ich bin arm

Whenever some thread is about jobs, tons of people post about how they work from home and earn 90k, they have masters in engineering and other important STEM fields, they talk about getting job offers in other countries, it just blows my mind.

Meanwhile I'm just a subhuman office slave working for a pittance. Life is depressing.

This is what I assume too.

But I don't know how to fix my situation at this point. I am too stupid for STEM because I am a brainlet when it comes to math.

I deserve to die like the subhuman slave scum I am.

I am not a true German, I am a subhuman.

Wages in tech jobs in the states are hugely inflated due to the areas they are at being costing already 100k to live in.

Same reason why someone in munich earns 10% more on average because he also has to pay 30% more rent.

entspann dich Bernd, hast du mal Bilder von irgendwelchen Sup Forums-meetups gesehen? Stop taking Sup Forums that seriously, it's all banter

Bob Sapp always related

I know that living costs differ, but it's still a substantial difference. And I don't think that every tech job in the US is in Cali.

20k per year is basically minimum wage you gotta step it up learn a trade or some shit

>I am too stupid for STEM because I am a brainlet when it comes to math.

Accounting. Get a diploma, buy a cheap rural home, and become set for a life with 0 office hours.

I'm sure he earns 20k after taxes, so he's well over the German minimum wage

Scheiß Versager.

You can always try to start your own business. You dont even have to have an original inovative idea. The big majority of companies work by simply just providing a cheaper or a better service/product.
For example even construction companies can run very well. Just hire people in low cost areas and then provide service in high cost areas.

The hardest part about such a thing is really giving it enough though and planning it well before simply jumping into it.

ohne arm gäbe es kein reich. Wir können nicht alle Millionäre sein. Durch Menschen wie ihn haben Menschen wie du weniger Konkurrenz auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und du kannst höhere Gehälter rausschlagen, da das Arbeitskraftangebot auf dem Markt nicht groß ist. Er hingegen muss sich auf die Gewerkschaften verlassen, damit sich auf seinem Lohnzettel etwas tut

There is a massive drop off in wages from cali, new york and seattle compared to secundary regions like the mid west. Jobs in the midwest are way more comparable to jobs here, in terms of wage adjusted to cost of living.

to start a contruction company, he needs a Meisterbrief, which is pretty expensive. Also, the market is flooded with cheap construction companies with their Romanian wage slaves

I grew up really poor, lived in nigger infested ghettos as the only white family. Was even homeless for a couple years. I make like 70k now but I still feel poor, it never goes away.

user youre Not alone.
Am watchmaker and earn After taxes 18k aswell. Musst dich halt weiterbilden ffs

warum änderst du nichts an deinem Leben??? Bleib arm und gib alles den fugees, da würde ich lieber draufgehen.

Construction was just a example.
And most still avoid foreign companies due to fear of low quality.and doing low cost work like painting basically eliminates all foreign competition.

>ohne arm gäbe es kein reich
Ich bin nicht dünn, weil manche Menschen dick sind, ich bin nicht klug, weil manche Menschen dumm sind. Weil jemand reich ist, ist nicht jemand anderes arm.

>Durch Menschen wie ihn haben Menschen wie ich weniger Konkurrenz
Durch einen Mangel an Entrepreneuren haben wir zum teil Unterangebote, wobei wir tatsächlich auch Überangebote haben. Es ist klar, dass wir nicht alle Millionär sein können. Warum auch? Nicht jeder kann Finanzberater oder ähnliches sein. Das alle Menschen "gleich" sind, ist ein logischer Fehler.

Unsere Steuergeschenke an arm und reich sind ca. 50/50. Das, was dem Staat jährlich durch Steuerhinterziehung entgeht entspricht ca. dem jährlichen Etat des Sozialstaats, incl. Hartzer und Fugees

What's the purpose of this post?I've seen this before.Maybe I should spend less time here.

Because poor people are scum, more likely to backstab, lie cheat and steal.
Also they have bad habits and mannerisms which disgust me to no end.
Shit taste, shit life, not much experience because of money constraints, awful people.
Plus it shows others that they are lazy and unmotivated, human waste , worthless garbage who can't compete with others, and just surrendered to the sands of time. Sad

Because Sup Forums hates reminders about their own failure and lack of success.

Half of you motherfuckers don't even have a job.

20k after taxes isnt bad actually. Especialy as single. If its long term even better. Like more than 1/4 of the workforce have it worse.

Have to slave for 1,6 k a month netto as fucking tempslave . Not even 20k. Life is suffering.


>low cost

Only the state hires companies for bigger construction sites. Private companies and private people either hire the workers illegally (Schwarzarbeit) or they chose the cheapest one. Visit your local construction site, I will guarantee you they're full of Polacks and Romanians

>Ich bin nicht dünn, weil manche Menschen dick sind, ich bin nicht klug, weil manche Menschen dumm sind. Weil jemand reich ist, ist nicht jemand anderes arm.

es ist schon eine Verteilungsfrage. Wenn man sich die nackten Zahlen des Wirtschaftswachstums der letzten 20 Jahre anschaut und dabei vergleicht, wie sich Gehälter und Vermögensverteilung entwickelt haben, ist ein kausaler Zusammenhang feststellbar. Ich gebe hier jetzt keine Bewertung ab, aber vor der Ära Schröder wurde deutlich stärker nach unten verteilt, als jetzt. Ich rede auch nicht von der Mittelschicht, sondern von den obersten paar Prozent. Auch in Deutschland kam es nie zum trickle-down-effect, trotz Abgeltungssteuer, Erbschaftssteuerreform und den Arbeitszwang durch Hartz4. Ob man das gut oder schlecht findet, hängt ganz davon ab, wo man selber wirtschaftlich steht.

>Durch einen Mangel an Entrepreneuren haben wir zum teil Unterangebote, wobei wir tatsächlich auch Überangebote haben. Es ist klar, dass wir nicht alle Millionär sein können. Warum auch? Nicht jeder kann Finanzberater oder ähnliches sein. Das alle Menschen "gleich" sind, ist ein logischer Fehler.

da kann ich nur zustimmen

I feel you bro. After finishing Uni I worked for a year as a manager in retail. 1,6k - 1,7k netto for wage-slaving. Nike is a shitty company.

Now I earn 1,8k for teaching youths and young adult and help them to find an Ausbildung. The wage is still low, but only working 39h per week from Monday to Friday with a quite easy job is currently worth it. I will search for another job, when I gathered some working experience

No, before taxes


Tfw living in Netherlands and dropped out of university.
Have to wagecuck while not even allowed to make a joke 5 seconds without getting sneered at.
Being 21 years old salary is cut 40% of minimum salary at age 23
I earn 1080 a month working full-time.
Thats 12k a year for fucks sake.

Dont drop out of university kids

>Be richer than McDonald's workers
>Laugh at them
>Go to McDonald's the next day
What is my point? Someone has to be the McDonald's worker, if everyone was rich and no one worked there, you wouldn't eat their fast-food you like so much. So respect poor people because without for example cleaners the world wouldn't be the same. Be happy not everyone is a rich businessman.

>I am too stupid for STEM because I am a brainlet when it comes to math.

But you can always try to learn something related to IT. For example, graphic/web design, setting up Wordpress websites, etc. No high-level math required. Of course, this is not as lucrative as software engineering, but you could earn some money by freelancing.

>tfw family is well off
>tfw I can just sit on my ass all day and not have to worry about my financial situation until they die off and I have to take over the businesses

I'll probably kill myself by then.

Ok thats hard. Look for a better job friend. In industrie you can get like 15-20 euro/h for monkeywork and start from there.