Sup Forums's latest waifu mascot for school shootings!
Introducing School-Chan
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1/10, shit effort.
kek. i dont know how the fuck to draw, i just tried to fill a missing gap.
looks like that tranny bronies "ghost squad"
I can make a shit effort too OP.
If duhbs, Jazmine Dubois is our new school shootin tootin mascot
Looks like it was drawn by either a preteen or an autistic adult.
Sorry to be so harsh user. I am just in a bad mood.
>autistic adult
do you know where you're at?
Sha la la la la you gotta fuck the cat
>autistic adult
Kek you're describing half the people here
Needs to be more japanese
that's too well drawn. SAGE
Can someone please anime this? It hurts my eyes.
How is not being able to draw autism?
Looks like shit tbqh. Should be a brown loli so we know she's a mutt.
>this is the caliber of literal mouth-breather who is trying to false-flag Sup Forums
it's almost insulting, you guys need to pay better or something
>mfw Shadman version soon
What have you broight upon us?!
>quality is beyond unacceptable
>not even anime, more like western cartoon cancer, but worse
>trying to force a school shooting meme so you can write an article about how evil Sup Forums is for your leftist rag
>suppressor for a school shooting
>apparent graduate, and not just a tranny off their psych meds
>bomb vest
-9/11 Didn't happen
fuck you, newfag. you leave. shit like this is what we do.
>doesn't even sage the post
you have to suppress an AR indoors or it'll blow out your fucking eardrums. how else will you hear your classmates scream out in terror?
>INB4 someone claims that white women don't worship black men.
not fooling anybody outlander
>shit like this is what we do
No, we don't draw cancerous abortions like that (((waifu))) you created in OP.
Kill yourself.
>INB4 someone claims that the white race isn't intellectually and physically inferior to black people.
We invented Europe.
No doubt. Kys newfag. All of you.
White women have sex with black men for literally the same reason they have sex with dogs.
Having a bestiality kink is hardly worship.
kys kek based bic vis etc.
Only losers don't understand our Sup Forums lingo.
>Tries to tell himself that women who like black men are as rare as women who have sex with dogs...........
White women choose black men.
We all know this, white babies also make up a minority of babies born in the US now. lol
Stop getting angry about how you can't compete.
looks like Randy Stair is still alive
too many n00bs anymore. the culture has gone to shit. can't make dank memes anymore unless it's about niggers. that shit gets old, even harambe got boring.
you have to go back
Holy shit, that image is so autistic. Not surprised that it was made by some Sup Forums kid.
Looks like an early 2000s flash cartoon.
White women choose black,
>Looks like an early 2000s flash cartoon.
More like the drawing of some person who is either 7 years old, or an adult autistic person like Chris Chan.
The new generations, many babies born as such.
White women choose black, the white race itself is inferior and white woman know it.
You can still get with a white woman, but you have to let her have freedom of choice.
stair wasnt a channer you dumb cunt
So this is how far poltards have fallen.
Who is "stair"? Also if you can't tell that the person that made that image is autistic, then you must be autistic yourself. Not surprised though, since you live on Sup Forums.
I could ALMOST fap to this, that fucking cleavage, unf.
But that face tho, just looks, off...
You remind me of Chris Chan. So does the person who snipped those cartoon characters into his own image which doesn't make any sense and seems to be the strange imagination of an autistic person.
>Randy Stair
>Who is "stair"?
user, I know you're new, but fuck sake
White women choose black, deal with it.
The only time you white guys could stop it is when you made interracial illegal. But since 1967 it has been legal, and you can't force your women to date you anymore.
Now they have a choice, and they choose black. Sorry
I still don't know who that is and I don't care, that's because I am not autistic and I don't live on Sup Forums giving a shit about random autistic personalities and their cartoon made pictures they slapped together in photoshop.
Black men are real men, fucking your women out there and having kids. While you guys live on Sup Forums and the internet crying all day and posting your cartoon pictures.
I don't blame white women for choosing black men, you guys are very pathetic and no woman would ever date you.
>let's force a CIA may may
Still don't get memes ay?
Your life is cool, you save anime pictures and then you make Sup Forums posts and add the anime picture next to your autistic drivel.
We all know you are an ugly loser, stop using anime pictures to try to represent yourself.
You look like this in real life.
Wow they really don't like this thread ay.
Goddam this is one of the worst forced memes since cancerous doge. It's chrischan autism tier. Pls kys
>Wow they really don't like this thread ay.
Who is they.
Also at least you can live vicariously through your anime, poor autist. Keep posting the pics thinking it represents you, sad loser.
Make me remind of 2006-2008 for some reason.
It's up there with moetron.
Randy Stair is this guy. Enjoy.
And according to you, people are losers for not knowing who this loser is? Nice logic there. lol
Behind him is some of that cartoon (looks like Danny Phantom of something) that he likes to make autistic photoshop images of.
Sorry but I am not going to waste my life learning about who this loser is. Sorry that you guys care about that loser so much.
This kid was a 10/10 faggot. He made a youtube memorial before anheroing.
Emotional pussy / 10
kills 2 people. Low tier trash, his score is lower than most homeless. For that level of prep and hype absolutely pathetic.
Pretty sure the faggot was hoping that if he anheroed people would watch his shitty irrelevant danny phantom fanfic
No. People HERE are losers for not being up on the culture around here. If they were up on it and could at least blag it, we wouldn't give a shit.
Don't get me wrong I'm still working on my anatomy skills and such when it comes to drawing. But honestly this is one of the worst pieces of art I've ever seen in my life. This looks like something you would find on Deviantart out of all places. You can't fucking draw OP, please take your 12 year old-tier drawing and choke yourself with it. If you have any form of talent, making art definitely isn't one of them.
He actually browsed Sup Forums a couple times a few years before he started the shooting.
you're dumb for replying
So someone is a loser for now being a loser on Sup Forums and knowing about all of these obscure people and memes?
well who could (((they))) be