Yes it does, and just like organized sports . . . It is almost like we're brainwashed into this mentality from a young age
Nationalism is bread and circuses for the inpugnent
it's a dog eat dog world.
I totally agree and nationalism creates rascim
> Having pride in the achievements of your ancestors is dumb
Also, all white people are responsible for the racism, slavery and colonisation of their ancestors and should be ashamed and perpetually apologise and pay reparations and gibs
i have met muslims.
I'm certainly not proud of where I was born, of things that other Americans did. and I don't hate people from other countries.
but letting in people from outside of the Hajnal Line is going to destroy this country.
gee, it's almost like untold centuries of breeding (remember that behavioral traits are heritable) instills a sense of comaraderie with people like yourself, and distrust of strangers who want to fuck you over
You dont hate your neighboor unless you are in balkan
I thought commies were against this obsession with individualism that reduces all achievements only to personal calculations. Have you met all the workers of the world?
greeks aren't human
Not a nationalist myself, but I find the Left's constant push for hyper-inclusivity to be just as much, if not a better example of bread and circuses.
It doesn't require brainwashing for birds of a feather to flock together.
More like teaches you to take pride in the work of your people, and to trust the wisdom of your ancestors. You imply this following of historical wisdom is somehow subversive, yet do not offer an alternative in rebuttal. Considering your meme flag, Marxism will likely be said rebuttal, however Marxism has been a historical failure, which would lead the rational individual to follow the logic and wisdom of their ancestors.
>you can't take pride in your nation
>you are responsible for all their past crimes
pick one, dicksniffer
This isn't just nationalism, everyone does this. The people who posted it are literally doing this towards their political enemies by posting it.
>teaches you to be ashamed of shit you haven't done and unqestionably accept people you have no reason to trust
Why is west so adamant in preaching negativity as a virtue?
Gee, it sure makes you think
Can we be friends?
May the rake pass by you
>example admits the other side is invaders
Well what the fuck are you supposed to do then, be invaded or something?
anarchists, communists, Marxists are currently sucking the dick of the 1% of white old rich men, sucking the dick of the rich and powerful companies and sucking the dick of pedowood.
You are currently provably nothing more than the personal footsoldiers of the rich 1% fighting against the people. And its not even done subtle or smart instead its blatantly in your face and you still go along while pretending your are a commy soclialsit or whatever...
Yeah... maybe protect and continue voting for the Hillary Clintons of the world the true 1%. Dumb fuck pretend revolutionist but in actuality just footsoldiers of the bourgeoisie.
How you still can use this flag while doing the exact opposite (as told by your "education"lol) is something I will never understand I just cant IQ that low lol
People who criticize these things always miss the entire point and have no clue on how to tackle it.
I can understand people being opposed to nationalism, as it might be against their personal interests, but certainly slogans like OP's pic is a really weak argument.
First of all it's not being proud of things you haven't done, but rather be grateful for things that were handed to you and being responsible to preserve that gift and improve, or at least maintain it, for your children. Saying "let's wipe this all out and share the remains with everybody until it's gone" is short sighted, selfish and evil.
The second part, hate people you've never met, is idiotic as most nationalists are also anti-interventionists. Which means that all they want is to be left alone with their own devices, don't get involved in other people's shit and most importantly not bringing masses of foreigners into their lands. Therefore the people they hate are the ones they're forced to meet, the rest they don't care about.
A nation is different from a state.
nation - a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.
A nation is like a big extended family. That's why people are nationalists.
Protip: taking pride in one's country does not require shitting on other countries
Nationalism is about taking pride in your nation about as much as racism is about hating the color of of someone's skin
Such oversimplifications appeal to the dim witted
Spot on
Just change ours and theirs and you get multicultural agenda.
>brainwashed into this mentality
Have you seen the television? The push for multiculturalism in our education? The push for globalist agendas everywhere?
The spam threads like OP?
Globalism is brainwashed into people's minds.
Good pic.
proud of what in comparison to what genius
>It is almost like we're brainwashed into this mentality from a young age
except i was brainwashed to hate my own race and ethnicity as a child and flipped around as an adult
get stabbed by a rake you worthless kike
croats are serbs
>Nationalism is bad
Reminder that nationalism is only seen as a bad thing in white countries, and an amazing thing for shitty ones like Mexico and Africa
That's chauvinism though.
i see you every night shitposting here, commiefag. what the fuck gives what is your agenda here
Actually, if it's shit we haven't done, then the blacks were responsible for colonialism and all the slavery in America!
Nationalism is only seen as a bad thing by internationalists, imperialists and globalists. Everyone else sees it as a good thing even if they've been duped into believing nationalism is some kind of a supremacy cult, when it really just advocates for the sovereignty and independence of all ethnicities.
Communism is also hyper nationalist you retarded faggot
>Nationalism is bread and circuses
I agree. It's for white trash lonely and depressed idiots who search for adventure, but who can't get along with what they see as pansy intellectuals, who are usually leftists and with people of different skin colour
nationalism is for pic related
This. Digits confirm
your pic is true but thats not what we're advocating for
we're advocating to take pride in the shit you have done
and have sovereignty over your own property and land
we're not advocating to have we're not advocatin for havin retarded unjust unwarranted unneeded wars
> said the jew has he teaches his kin that they are the chosen one and goyim should never be trusted
are you Ukrainian? I thought Czechs are pretty philosemitic
kek i hope you guys know what these two pics mean
What does kurwa mean?
Are you Schlomo, or are you being sarcastic?
who knows. What does fuck mean?
thx for confirming what I wrote, you white trash rube
Border and cultures exist. Get over it, Some countries are superior to others, otherwise we'd all life in either mud houses or skyscrapers. But I guess denying human nature is a fundamental part of the left.
You, my friend, get a pass on the day of the rake
found the jew.
>nationalism is for pic related
Do you even have T-I-G-E-R-S?
So when can i come stay at your house and eat your food and have a party there at your expense?
let us know where you live
>let's see that "socialism"
What? I love nationalism now. I want to feel that way about my country too!
Funny because I became strongly nationalist only after I met foreigners. Before I didn't care
>Take pride in shit you’ve never done
>Coming from a communist
>le horseshoe
Kill yourself.
>the majority of the rest of the world is not a barbarous waste
I like that term im gonna use that
>thinks we aren't brainwashed to be individualistic, isolated, and vulnerable
>meme flag
>probably uses uber and amazon
>working together and forming teams is against the rules, goyim! Don't you want to be a cool loner?
>communism. Teaches you to take pride in failed ideologies and hate people who aren’t stupid enough to fall for it.
Another shit tier lib meme
Damn dude, this legitimately made me think...
Shitskins create racism.
muh ' left-right ' paradigm
If you expect persuasion tactics to change between ideologies you're a brainlet.
>'Muh centrism
How many times do you have to be tread upon before you bite? You Libertarians are all bark and no bite.
>wisdom of your ancestors
Our ancestors believed some retarded shit. Have you seen medicine in the 1700?
im not a centrist you fuckin retard
>It's a straw man and a tu quoque argument
>Sup Forums gobbles it up uncritically
> look ma I can do it all by myself *dies in a failed revolution*
Sorry, you're wrong.
>what a shocker, someone using a meme flag doesn't get natsoc
Shitskins create racism, racism creates nationalism.
reddit content, faggot
Nationalism doesn’t mean hating a vilifying everyone else.
Is loving your family more than strangers a bad thing? If not why is loving your country more than others?
A flag does not a ring winger make.
Do you have a source for this quote? Having trouble finding it.
Picture is pretty accurate. Just remove words other than "their" and "ours". Yeah, let's stop dividing world in Good and Bad, there's is them and there's is we, and we should protect our own interests, and fuck "them".
because the left doesnt have any family tradition either, so it would make sense not being nationalist
>a leaf saves the day
well, im done skipping timelines for today
we should send every faggot who doesn't think race and culture is important and to worthy preserving to live in zimbabwe to live with the niggers
I don't see anything wrong with this image.
This kind of belief is deeply ingrained in human nature and going against it is denying our very own humanity - a recipe for disaster.
the rake gods smile upon you
And how is that supposed to work without turning the world into a giant repressive police state.
Actually it’s neither, you meme spouting faggot, as it isn’t a straw man because that is quite literally what lefties believe, and you can ask them; nor is it a tu quoque as he never defended nationalism to begin with, just pointed out the hypocrisy in their critique of an ideology so similar in its arbitrariousness to their own.
Meanwhile, because your only point was ‘muh fallacies’ when there were none, you are ironically committing the fallacy fallacy yourself, faggot.
>inb4 muh ad hominem
That would also be wrong. Neck yourself ignoramus
So more free range Mexicans, is it?
When and where? All I learned in public school growing up were evil empires who loved their countries too much and committed genocides.
I understand your point of view but its still stupid.
Your ancestors have passed on the genes that allowed for all of written history. You are taught to take pride in shit you havent done you are taught to take pride in the shit you can achieve.
At least thats how I see it.