Species dysphoria is a mental illness in which a person reports in a moment of lucidity or reminiscence that they sometimes feel as an animal or have felt like one. In some cases this person will behave in a manner that resembles animal behavior, similar to howling, growling, and crawling. Species dysphoria is connected to autozoophilia: a sexual arousal that depends on acting out or imagining one's self as an animal. I personally think we should start shoveling these people into asylums. Any other thoughts on this?
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I am a far-right seahorsekin am i ok?
Anyone who gives a shit about furries like this is 100% a closeted furry themselves. Seen it a million times. Just accept yourself for who are are OP.
A literal doggy girlfriend.
That's like saying if I have arachnophobia or just hate them I secretly want to fuck spiders. Are you mentally challenged?
Don’t forget nation dysphoria
As a furry insider, I can definitely say they're about as mentally challenged as gay people and take degeneracy in as a positive and try to shame you for not being as degenerate as them. They essentially try to shame you for not being shameful. The most retarded shit.
>dress in fursuit/use furry sites/make it your lifestyle
>fap to pictures
Anthro fetishist.
>Furry on anthro
Yeah cunt
fucked up poofter
I'm a Dragon and I have a kink for cars. Am I OK?
Don't worry. Day of the flame will come soon.
These mental illnesses seem to come in bundles a lot of the time.
I think I went through a phase like that in middleschool, I grew out of it though so not sure what that says about me.
Arachnophobics don't obsess over spiders or post threads about spiders unprompted
Same shit as diehard anti-gay politicians getting caught with young male prostitutes
I'm agree. bdsm is shit.
Furries are pretty awful, scalies however, are patrician
Yes shovel them in, in ash form. Then nuke from orbit to be sure.
Scalies are just objectively better. Even furries acknowledge this
That image works against your point
Fucking white males, what's wrong with them?
more like a kink for super specific gifs
>He isn't aware of blackfurs
>He isn't aware that they're primarily SJW
reminder "otherkin" is already a part of the SJW culture since they are well beyond satire
>White """"people"""
This, desu.
This is acceptable to furries.
My friends sister makes these freaks their costumes at a fortune... She's doing really well.
p.s. She only makes them and other textiles. Not involved in the scene.
Can we have this pic without the strawberry?
Furries make great cannon fodder for political ideologies.
If they can turn it into a fetish, they'll support it.
Otherkins are fags. Although it is true that pony is for sexual.
>tfw someone posts a pic you made
no, diaper furs and cub furs get the rope too
Good job purple smart
Isnt everyone a diaperfag on being executed?
I don't know why this thread is still up but boy am I happy
stop posting degenerate shit
Your gay.
There's nothing wrong with liking the scent and taste of a powerful, sweaty male. You're just admiring his hard work and masculinity
>You're just admiring his hard work and masculinity
Because you gay.
>he doesn't jack off exclusively to furry porn
>the only kind of pornography made by white people and not Jews
Enjoy being a slave to the kikes goy
Similar thing here, my sister has done art commissions and got a little too invested into the fandom and made a fursuit for herself, skip to a few years later she got out before she got too degenerate and sold the costume off (yeah apparently some furfags buy used costumes...fucking disgusting) And she now only does digital art commissions for easy cash instead, her art is decent enough and thankfully she doesn't do really weird shit and it's mostly straight.
what could you possibly have against the samurai?
>Mostly straight
Oh no a yuri feg
Imagine slowly dragging your tongue across those smooth scales. Gently suckling on those toes while he coos at you from above and whispers about what a good boy you are
Inflatable, balloonie wolf furry here.
I voted for Trump and I have a CPL and legally carry a handgun everywhere I go. I also realized we need to take away womens rights (especially voting rights) to start fixing our nation.
I want to fuck this lizard.
That looks great for summer.
>I also realized we need to take away womens rights
what if some one take away your rights to be furry ?
>jacking off
Tell me at least you "recycle".
what an awful thread
I personally wouldn't go out and dress up as some anthro-faggot, but I do indeed like the porn.
Well all I do really is look at furry inflation porn and draw some of it myself. That doesn't have a massive negative impact on nations like women voting has had.
Stop watching porn
Mods are asleep
archives are down
I like ponies. My favorite one is Twilight Sparkle but I also like Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. I'm not a fan of RD or AJ.
You'll never be accepted, but I would appreciate if you all start accelerationism to force the LGBTBBQ2 to accept you and advocate for the right to wear your fursuits in the workplace so normies will wake up to the insanity of the left literally nosediving off the slippery slope.
there are many woman that vote for Trump
I am not even american but cutting down the rights of other is like cut down the tree of freedom
I wonder if gene splicing would solve the furry question or make it even worse?
Furry art is hot as shit and you are just a lying faggot if you say otherwise.
furries are failed humans that know nobody can like them, they are resigned to their learned paraphilia and are a net loss to humanity
does fucking a push toy stop white genocide?
fixed it
thx I was looking for that
>nobody can like them
except they have a lot of friends, get in healthy relationships, and have families and jobs like normal people
unlike most people on Sup Forums
>be me
>like furry things
>don't like degenerate furry lewd art
i feel like this is what people that like conservative political ideas feel when they're lumped in with nazis maybe.
It's always white people who are into this shit.
no, they surround themselves with a support group of animal fucking incels
No one uses the term furry like this, though. You are a furry if you jerk off to furry art. Period.
/trash/ is unironically the best board
Rainbow dash is the worst one, so...
I want to cum inside Equines. That's zoophilia not furfaggotry.
why are furries always gay
what is the correlation
someone explain it to me
We have ascended past degeneracy and into the light.
> implying most furries fuck animals
> implying that 90% of them lead normal lives
> lumping the suitfuckers and animal fuckers in the same group as normie furs
I commission lots of gay art, yet have a biological female wife
Ride dildos too
So its not true
What about...
I think we've trolled the mutts too hard, now they want to fuck animals
>Rainbow dash is the worst one, so...
I 100% agree but at least she has a distinct character unlike AJ. Regardless, I could do anything to spend my life with those four ponies.
>copecels gonna cope
Would you rather if they didn't?
>Rainbow dash is the worst one
Fuck off retard.
It's not gay to like futa furries
>unlike most people on Sup Forums
What's that supposed to mean?
yeah i would rather they not be a burden, not exist
Don't project your failures onto the rest of us