What does Sup Forums think of Australian police?
What does Sup Forums think of Australian police?
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Cant aim for shit
Made us to be a laughing stock around the world with the lindt siege
Affirmative action up the arse NSW and Vic seem to be worse affected
"No African gangs"
Don't prevent crimes from happening
If a man calls up for being assaulted by a woman they'll throw the guy into a cell in order to protect the woman
Slow as fuck to respond any crimes unless a woman is involved
Bunch of shit cunts
I’d love to see you do any of that shit that you listed you fucking waste of oxygen. The only legit shitcunts cops are highway. Those cunts CHOSE to have a career solely in handing out traffic infringements, that majority of which are people doing 5-10km over the limit and trying to get to work or drop the kids off at school. Why anyone would choose to do that is beyond me.
Having a cry because two rounds ricochet into a hostage at Lindt is fucking woeful. UnAustralian as fuck.
Didn’t more females graduate recently vs males
whats the colour of a 2 cent piece
copper, copper,
all coppers are cunts, all coppers are cunts
Fuck off idiot, the police in australia are fucking useless corrupt idiots. Fed police are top notch though.
>feds are top notch
What the fuck are you even on about, you confused motherfucker. Don’t even bother replying you fuckwit.
They have a community friendly image that doesn't match their actual interactions with the community. I'd rather they just drop the outreach crap and become a force to be feared. I'd like to see them get given more power to destroy shithead druggies and I'd like to see them culturally shift to the right and adopt a more militaristic approach but neither of those things will happen while we have lefties in HR and PR so we're fucked.
Cry more fag
Queensland Cops
They really know just how to lose their jobs.
They get the prostitutes to gobble their knobs.
Queensland Cops
They plead immunity
They get their scotch for free
Queensland Cops
The system's fair, they hardly ever go to jail,
'Cos coppers in the slot would really cop the lot
'cos other prisoners would just root them!
Yeah a police force full of women, half cast abos and maoris are exactly who you want to have more power.
They'll never destroy the drug dealers because half the police work for them anyway
I'd rather move to America and get shot by the police than stay in a country where the police are a fucking joke
Having lived in the US, spent a lot of time in Mexico, and now living in Australia.
I have found Aussie cops to be way way better than American cops. Comparing them to Mex is a fucking no-brainer.
I don't like seeing speed cameras because my fear is whenever you use the police to collect profit they run the danger of becoming like american police, corrupt tax collectors.
I find Aussie cops to be more professional and the most important aspect being that they seem to be part of their community, while American cops are discouraged from taking part in the community anymore so they're colder, the way the US wants them. I also get the notion they are far better trained, and specific about their recruits. I had a workmate who was turned away only because he was too young and had little life experience. They took him 3 years later and he's doing well for himself.
Just don't let them become like american coppers. American coppers right "now" are as bad as mex coppers in the early 90's. So you can tell exactly where America is heading before long.
They're alright. It's not their fault shit is gay. Most of them are just public bouncers. I'm sure they'd love to lock up some treasonous faggots and be Aussie but the law stops that.
>valid criticism of government in order to protect and improve nation is anti-nation
Man, the boot is like halfway down your neck.
Fuck you
most blokes i know in highway had friends die in accidents earlier in life, think again sunshine
Cops are Tops
They are not “all right”. State cops until the 90s have been and probably still are corrupt as fuck. They were taking protection money from a child brothel in Sydney and did fuck all about child rape in the Catholic Church. They’re also petty and piggish. Saw one start pursuing a robber, then when he was out of sight, let the guy go because he couldn’t be bothered chasing. He turned around and saw me watching the thing, not even judgemental about it, as a 15 year old and his response was to come over and bollock me out over leaning on a statue (which breaks no laws). Power tripping cunts. Also shoved me at Mardi Gras just to assert dominance on the crowd or whatever gay shit they’re up to.
Maybe they should have become driving instructors instead since its obvious their friends couldn't fucking drive
State cop corruption is still in full swing, Queensland cops need a good clean out.
Who said he was referring to the police at Lindt being shit shots?
Remember this cunt?
>Implying sudanese gangs
seriously kys bootlicker
>Going to mardi gras
He should've shoved his nightstick up your ass but you would like that wouldn't you, bloody degenerate.
was out pissed with the boys a couple nights ago, PSOs caught me rocking a piss on the platform. Ended up copping a $317 dollar fine
Idiots, I had a phone stolen when I lived in nsw, I had to track down the culprit myself has he forgot to delink the phone from my Dropbox and I had all the photos and videos with gps data.
I even got name and address of the criminals and everyday I called police to go and get it back and they did nothing for weeks. In the end they finally went round there and didn’t even arrest the cunt.
You are one fuckwit. It's the cunts off their faces on drugs that do the damage killing innocents when driving
>having gone to a large public celebration once as a pre-redpill teenager
Wow shocking
Holy shit hope that's a meme m8...
Not a fan, the NSW police are out of control on the highway, they get about like the gestapo in their patrol cars looking for the slightest infringement.
Sure it is.
Nah true story, they said he was too young to arrest (he was probs about 16). Total Bogan. At least I got it back in the end. Also had a bike stolen in the same town which I retrieved myself when the cunt cycled past me on it.
NSW cops were probably hoping to get a cheap phone and bike for their kids desu
I know the cops read the chans so kindly, if mr policeman you are reading this. SORT YOUR INSTITUTION OUT JEEZE (Cunt)
>too young to arrest
Corrupt pieces of shit. Gang bribed them to destroy evidence when some cunt murdered my uncle.
True if big
Guess you’re not from Melbourne or ever around the city of Casey.
Australian police officer here. You bogans should show us some fucking respect
Why do all Australians have to tell you that they are from Australia? Like nearly every single aussie i have met while bartending is like
>Hey...im from Sidney Australia...do you know it?
Because a lot of cunts think we're poms or kiwis
We would if you prioritised correctly.
this is the hardest I've laughed on here in a year, masterpost
Don't know, but they carry guns so they can't be all bad. Most cops who carry guns need more firearm training though. Once a year is not enough practice.
I once got scammed buying a festival ticket off some bloke near Shepparton (fucking dumb, I know). Found his house with GPS data from a photo and went to the local VIC cops who weren't interested in doing shit. Went round his house but his Facebook talked about doing meth so was too beta to approach.
WA user here. I work with quite a few police - great blokes on a personal level, pretty red pilled when you gain their trust.
Is there any point in right-wing nationalists helping the police to get on their good side?
they must have done something right because there are literally zero criminals on the streets of sydney cbd/inner city (at least that will pose any threat to you). Now don't use this as an excuse to not be safe and have your wits about you, but I've walked those streets at like 1-3am to get home and they are absolutely vacant except for the main streets where tiny 21 year old asian girls feel safe walking around with laptop bags at that hour. I don't know what they did but it worked.
And before you tell me about all the drunken violence they supposedly brought the lock out laws in for, I was out enough in the city before they had those lock out laws to know it was mostly a lie and media smear campaign. Lots of people supported it because they pictured a kings cross and cbd that hasn't existed since the 90's
Zero exceptions.
Come on! Mardi gras is a fun night out, rite of passage even, for Sydney teenagers.
>Cant aim for shit
Remember that fat police woman in Sydney who responded to a snakbar with a knife by shooting and hitting three women bystanders (aged 60-80) but not the target.