What a fine young looking man.
What do you think, Sup Forums?
What a fine young looking man.
What do you think, Sup Forums?
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Which one is he?
Sometimes the maymee’s Wright themselfs
White christian male and trump supporter, not a registered democrat hispanic.
Let's % this out
Inb4 goblin meme
Holy fuuuuck lmfao
holy shit, did we bully him into doing it?
Don’t they put a shirt over people after they handcuff them for some reason?
>la creatura
this :/
kill yourself retard
Looks like Sminem got a child with a amerimutt
Jesus christ la creatura to the max
Perhaps he was a Sup Forumslack and we drove him to the brink?
They took his clothes off in the hospital you fucking idiot
That’s a hospital gown
They probably gave him a bullet proof vest and I dont see any difference between the right and left picture
>el goblino de las americas
Looks like an average american kid, nobody could have seen this coming.
Could you stop posting this fat cunt allt he time
el goblino
japan gets it in one
>monkey ears
>bushy eyebrows
>poop colored eyes
>platypus lips
>snubby nose
>that hair
Literal amerimutt
But Sup Forums said he wasn’t white
kinda cute desu
wait a minute...
>Poop colored eyes
If your poop is that color please go to the doctor.
dios mio....la creatura
kek this will make more whites in america hate spics even more. ICE will be going full on out to remove these le 56% from US
Looks like a Slav
Elliot Rodger was cooler cause at least he died afterwards
I still don’t know if these autists realize how many Portuguese, Spaniards, French, Italians, Greeks and all around Southern Europeans look like that. If a DNA test shows this dude to be at least under 90% European then sure bring out your goblin memes otherwise stop shitting on meds, it’s counterproductive.
Half-elves get the rope too.
Hospital gown faggot. They took his clothes as evidence.
Thanks, user.
At least that dumb whore peach has the decency to stay in shape
u first
By Azura, by azura by azura!
It's the grand champion!
Funny way to spell registered democrat hispanic who hated Trump
Donkey ears
if he were, we would know from the trail of memes
el batto...
>amerimutt is a meme
lmao la cretura is real
You are literally not white, how does that feel? The people you were making fun of all this time weren't shitskins but spaniards italians and greeks who deluded themselves into thinking they totally aren't shitskins.
The eyes give it away, definitely spic blood
They are not the same person.
well nobody seemed to give a shit about him in the real world but i suspect he's gonna be real popular in florida prison
All three you stupid faggot. As said, hospital gown since clothes taken as evidence. You suck as does your shitpost.
100% white and totally no hispanic blood at all.
Holy shit he's a pinhead.
He should have never been let out of a retard cage.
Weaponized autism
He might have evidence on himself (gunpowder residue etc). gown is to prevent contaminating the evidence
looks like this guy who got caught by chris hansen
Eye color is cuban. Don’t know wat the rest is. Either way, dat ain’t white.
Fucking hell now people will keep making fun of us Americans...
You amerimutts are stupidity personified.
Miami area needs a nuke
>holy shit, did we bully him into doing it?
Most likely.
Sup Forums is filled with mentally unstable kids out there so making fun of the little mutt would make him snap one day.
Satan....stop this nonsense
I just wish his score was a little higher and society a little more open to the message, the message is stop being garbage fucking humans before you get taken out like the garbage you are
It's called puberty.
Every ugly American is mixed race guys!
The cops uniforms changed too.. fuks going on??
how many percentages is he at?
who you calling pinhead
Looks like Eddie Redmayne, no?
El abominacion...
Ok teip fag jew
Burgers, it's time to embrace the hue.
If matt dillon had a retarded younger brother, this what he'd look like
His eyes are Olive so he isn't really white.
Probably a dirty Medshit
20 percent max
Now that I think about it. He does look kind of Romanian. Are you sure he is not one of yours. Almost looks like a skinnier Vee.
Meds aren’t white? Making fun? What?
White people are no different than the Taliban when it comes to shooting up schools.
>those freckles
That's some celtic genes. The unfortunate ones at that.
Are there literally people unironically acting as though he were white? What the absolute fuck is wrong with americans.
He isn't just "ugly" because if he were he'd be smimen, he's quite literally a shitskin.
meds are whiter than you mutts
What was his score?