No question
No question
Other urls found in this thread:
>when tokes admits he's jewish
>mfw spencer will never join you in the ethnostate brothel and fuck your boipucci till the morning sun
>i-i'm not religious
>i-it d-doesn't matter
>I-I am a-an individual
how the fuck is that guy almost 40?
happy thoughts
>turns into new-right
wtf ?
i'm literally on that part watching the video now
i quit drinking for lent otherwise i would take a glug of wine every time Spence said "no question"
.... Because he's been alive for aprox 39 years.
Plastic surgery and a coddled life (trust fund baby). Never had to work a day in his life.
Is there a new video or is this just the sargon stuff
the kike knows, that if he keeps pandering to the left and cuckservatives, he will end in camps. The new american right is a desperate attempt to get back power over the narrative, and it is failing for them while normalizing the alt right and ethno nationalism further. Spencer did a good job railing that literal nobody jew
>Kike Tokes spends the entire time regurgitating basic bitch rhetoric about "uniting under one flag"
>calls Spencer a cuck
>his entire position can be instantly destroyed by simply looking at voting trends
3% of black guys vote Republican, so you can't say they're all bad, goy! They're sooooo BASED!
With each passing day I gain more respect for Hitler.
You just know it, they always push their bullshit agenda, and it's tedious.
I laughed at the unanimous agreement that Hitler was a fascinating guy. Jews love Hitler, because he understood them.
Oh yeah. Their entire world revolves around him and they all know it.
we just need a course for them, hurr we need civ nat media to make the based black take over.
Well I would say...this..
Spencer is not the best leader but it's very disingenuous when people say he's fat or ugly. He's a handsome guy no homo.
Have you seen his wife’s fat ass. Goddamn I’d be glowing too if I were him.
Dickie is putting this kike in the oven
Tokes sounded like a retard. Practically half of his points were saying Spencer was dumb and he is nonintellectual without actually arguing anything.
Welcome to the entirety of the alt lite.
They have no real case against White Nationalists. They're just pro establishment pawns and shills who counter signal against the left to keep the right wing in check. Just another part of the kosher sandwich that dominates political discourse in America.
Unironically alcoholism stops people from having to deal with problems so they look young because they don’t stress-age or get grimace lines
feels fucking bad man
Gotta keep them good optics user
>literally congratulating yourself on having a good photo
He’s such a fucking faggot sometimes
I really hate spoiled Americans they are soooooooo fucking out of touch
>the virgin angry user post
>the chad self congratulation photo
>the chad cyber wank
>the anonymous virgin Sup Forums post
So the CIA accusations were finally dropped then?
>Richard Spencer is w-
>you will never get to motor boat Dickie Spencer's wife
Why even live?
>dickie Spencer will never motorboat dickie Spencer’s wife
The man is an obvious poofter come on now
He's whiter than you, gook.
this guy is getting worse, we just need more based hispanics who loves muh constitution spencer is evil
He's also gayer and jewier.
Just needs to lift.
>trusting a company that was caught deliberately messing with their results.
Is this a Rayban commercial?
Got any timestamps for me on this?
When does he call him out for being a kike?
He used to be a journalist.
Around 38 minutes.
thanks brah