Wtf Sup Forums. Explain this!
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When guys have weak chins they use beards to hide it.
You're welcome.
That's not a beard. That's a second chin.
>nu pol doesn't even recognize the freemason symbol
sad! should've been a frog
That's no moon...
I recognize it, I just don't give a shit.
why is it so common among americans to 'not give a shit'?
Post the clip, what did he say on the interview?
estrogen from BPA, runoff from atrazine, all the medication people take then piss out. generally good QoL
just regular blue collar american USA joe
Yeah, all those civil war soldiers were just giant pussies right, unlike you
anyone remember this little shooting
Holy moly
Who is dat btw?
and don't forget about trayvon's father who's a mason and had 'job well done' written on trayvon's tombstone.
trayvon's death also resulted in the biggest show trial in recent history and gave birth to blm
QRD for an ausfag?
So the old guy's into some LARP, big deal.
Lol I have the same hat I bought at a military surplus store... you conspiratards need help. Go blow Alex Jones brainlets
>A fucking leaf
There are a lot of Masons in Florida for some reason
There are some lodges around here
probably retired folk
Florida is a bizarre place.
Wonder if there's some ancient power slumbering there, making everyone go bonkers or something?
-Be guy in pic
-Never get comped sushi
-Work at Taco Bell
-Buy hat for $5 from good will to cover bald spot.
-Have no idea what the logo on the hat means but glad you had it on for your TV debut.
Masons are liberuls confirmwd!
John Adams tried to warn us
Burgers get in here
because the masons are a dumb social club for fat autists, nobody cares
you're either misinformed or deliberately playing dumb
>Anti-Masonic party
Fucking based!
>why is it so common among americans to 'not give a shit'?
antidepressants and mood stabilizers
Masons are just a meme club amoung 50+ year old white guys
>that hat
Couldn't just rock a pinky ring, is this guy for real
new years eve shitting. Autistic kid staring off into space in the picture allegedly shoots his mom, dad and sister. Brother with glasses and grandfather somehow manage to escape. Dave Farmer freemason man makes the facebook post shortly after, he deletes it later, but I manage to get the screenshot. Maybe Dave Farmer was involved. He looks like he could be!
what numbers!
>*wet smack*
Whats with all the Mason defenders and downplayers on here. Coordinated effort?
Being a Freemason is very common here in the US. They're mostly LARPing boomers trying to feel cool.
oh man I totally forgot about that dude. Really makes you think
>the designated witness
although that picture kinda funny. Reminds me of those baptist or Lutheran churches. Everything all fake and lame
As opposed to Europeans who are ready to start a revolution every time someone runs a bus through a Christmas shopping district?
Get over yourself.
Shows how anti godly our world had become!
It's definitely not a signal
He did not wear that hat on purpose
It was a coincidence that he wore his Freemason hat when appearing on TV as a 'witness' to yet another 'deadly mass shooting'
Yeah. Op you can delete the thread now, nothing to see here
>Trayvon Martin, a lamb to be slaughtered (3+3+3=9- Satan), only the occultists will recognize this signature.
The freemasons did Dunblane in 1996, the inquiry found it out but the gov shut it down
theres alot of freemason lodges here in San bernardino
>when you accidentally wear your company uniform to the school shooting
>...the Trayvon Martin Case may be a Strategy of Tension operation designed as a major psychological warfare mass population diversion; and a secret Masonic-Occult operation to further polarize the races.
>The Strategy of Tension is a tactic that aims to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions. [4]
Funny how you kikes keep insisting this yet I’ve never fucking seen any of this shit in real life ever even mentioned by anyone
When you see someone wearing a mason hat or in a car with a mason bumper sticker you know they're a low level punk bitch.
>300th freemason anniversary
@ 53:26 watch them LARP as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin
and @ 2:25:05 hear them sing 'God save the Queen'
"god" bless ameriga :DDD
Most of of the alligator memes are true, but that story is fake
Floridians are definitely insane though.
It's a combination of living in a swamp, never having seasons (except hurricane season), probably the contaminated ground water, and the large illicit market for legal pharmaceutical drugs (from the masses of old retirees).
Delinquency is also encouraged among peers. This includes carjacking, robbing, whatever. Floridian kids don't care, they're bored as shit, on too many benzos, and living in a hot swamp does something to your blood. The Seminole indians, from before American settlement, are even worse, having lived there longer.
It's possible that Florida was never meant for human civilization.
Nice manson head but why is noby talking about that its this guy that gave interviews on the other shootings aswell. Crisis acting much
We are not so different from each other.
>not being a freemason
come on man...its a great organization!